martes, 29 de septiembre de 2009

Obama has not met policy change promises,
ONU: Cuba llama a Obama a que sea consecuente con su discurso y levante el bloqueo,
Discurso de Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba en la ONU
El nuevo Gobierno de los Estados Unidos permanece sin atender el reclamo abrumador de la comunidad internacional y el bloqueo económico, comercial y financiero contra Cuba permanece intacto, señaló el canciller cubano,,

U.S. Congress could change relations with Cuba
-IPS- Several bills presented at the current session of the U.S. Congress could change economic relations between both countries, basically limited to the import of food by the island, reported the Miami-based El Nuevo Herald. Among the initiatives is the Freedom to Travel to Cuba Act, which will authorize trips by all U.S. citizens and will increase business contacts between U.S. export companies and their importing counterparts in the Caribbean country.

Pittsburgh and the margarita island summit
The final declaration from the G-20 Summit in Pittsburgh on Friday, September 25 seems unreal. Let’s have a look at the main points in its contents
*Reflection by Fidel Castro Ruz,,,

Denuncian en Miami represalias contra Cucú Diamantes por su presentación en Concierto de La Habana
La mano larga de “El Padrino”.
cucu-diamanteEn el mundo sucio de La Mafia italiana la mano larga de “El Padrino” llegaba siempre aún de muy lejos para imponer su voluntad de castigo a quienes violaran sus reglas de sumisión y absoluta obediencia.
Emilio Estefan , ” El Padrino” de la música hispana que desde Miami maneja todos los hilos del entretenimiento y el mundo del espectáculo no se queda atrás en eso de imponer castigos en la distancia a quienes se atreven a quebrar su voluntad. Emilio Estefan, el “Jinetero” Chirino y el Alacrán Alarcón el dueño de la telemisora Cloaca de Miami Mega TV habían dispuesto antes del Concierto por la Paz organizado por el cantante colombiano Juanes, que quien fuera a cantar a La Habana sin el visto bueno de ellos, sería castigado.
La cantante cubana Cucú Diamantes residente en New York que se presentó en la Plaza de la Revolución sin pasar por el filtro de “El Padrino” ya recibió su primer castigo. La junta de Educación de la ciudad de Unión City en el Estado de New Jersey canceló su contrato para actuar el pasado sábado 26 de septiembre, en una fiesta de gala en una escuela superior de esa ciudad en represalia por haber participado en el Concierto de Juanes.
Según un cable de la Prensa Asociada ” la razón de tal medida se debía a que la comunidad cubana de Unión City había amenazado con disturbios y protestas si la cantante Cucú Diamantes actuaba en dicha fiesta, por considerar que su presencia en La Habana, había sido un respaldo político al gobierno cubano”. El mismo pretexto y chantaje de siempre.
Lo que no dice el cable de la AP es que Unión City es el feudo político del Senador Demócrata Bob Menéndez muy ligado a la extrema derecha cubana de Miami de la cual Emilio Estefan- ahora recién estrenado Demócrata de Obama- es uno de sus más prominentes representativos.
-Tomado de El Duende, de Radio Miami y,
Acoustic and Chemical Attacks on the Brazilian Embassy
The Sound and Fury of the Honduran Coup,
US to Open Naval Bases in Panama ( Democracy Now! and AFP)
The US is reportedly set to announce an agreement to open two naval bases in Panama. The deal would mark the first large-scale US military presence in Panama since the closure of US bases there in 1999.
There Is Much to Do: An Interview With Hugo Chavez,

lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2009

Latin leaders urge U.S. to lift Cuba embargo
It wasn't the main story to emerge from the United Nations last week and, as such, it hasn't been widely reported. Yet, the 48-year U.S. embargo of Cuba was very much part of the agenda during the 64th session of the General Assembly that ends Monday. Clearly, the issue of the longest embargo in modern history is not about to go away.,,
Cuban Foreign Minister: US Blockade Remains Intact
(acn) “The US blockade against Cuba remains intact,” denounced on Friday the Cuban Foreign Minister, Bruno Rodriguez, while addressing the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Group of the 77 (G-77), which is comprised of 130 countries.
During his speech at the event, which took place in the context of the 64th ordinary period of sessions of the UN General Assembly in New York, Rodriguez described Washington’s recent measures as limited and insufficient.
“These measures adopted by the Obama Administration are mainly linked to the relations between the Cuban community in the United States and their relatives in Cuba,” the diplomat said.
Prensa Latina reports that the Cuban official announced that next October 28th Cuba will again introduce before the UN General Assembly a draft resolution entitled ‘Necessity to End the Financial, Commercial and Economic Blockade Imposed by the United States against Cuba’, which has been overwhelmingly approved for several consecutive years now.
In this respect, Bruno Rodriguez thanked the G-77 for their support and urged them to continue backing Cuba’s demand for the end of the blockade.
Meanwhile, the Cuban diplomat recalled that the current world crisis further deteriorated the social and economic situation of the peoples of the G-77 and brought hunger, poverty and diseases to millions of people all over the world.
Regarding the challenge of climate change, the Cuban FM stressed that Cuba gives priority to the negotiations prior to the upcoming Conference of Copenhagen and urged the international community to implement more efficient and dynamic measures.
Finally, Bruno Rodriguez urged participants to strengthen South-South cooperation and coordination within the G-77.
U.S. Blockade Affects Cuban Iron and Steel Industry
(ACN-RHC).- The U.S. economic, financial and commercial blockade against Cuba has caused the island’s Iron and Steel Industry losses equivalent to over 38 million US dollars.
A report to be presented by Cuba to the UN General Assembly on October 28th underlines that some 140,000 refrigerators could have been purchased with that money, according to ACN news agency.
The head of International Relations of the Cuban Iron and Steel Ministry (SIME), Irene Rodriguez, told reporters that only in steel exports, the country has lost some 400,000 dollars, due to the use of euros in commercial transactions of products derived from that raw material.
Quoted by ACN news agency the SIME official said: “There’s no possibility of receiving credits from U.S. banks and international financial institutions, being it necessary to use commercial credits with high interests and without periods of grace as customary.”
Rodriguez stressed that imports become more expensive because purchases are made mainly in Europe and Asia, with a more extended commercial cycle and, therefore, with higher interests.
Recently, another SIME executive, Ever Ballar, warned that the transportation of steel has also become increasingly more difficult, because Cuba does not have adequate ships and because the Torricelly Act establishes that vessels arriving in Cuba cannot call at U.S. ports until six months later.
Next October 28, the UN General Assembly will analyze and vote against that criminal policy for the eighteenth time and take action on a resolution project.
Cuba Pins Hopes On New Farms Run for Profit
Program Part of 'New Socialist Model',
Conferencia magistral de Noam Chomsky en la Sala Nezahualcóyotl (México D.F.)
Guerra, drogas y política, elementos del mundo bipolar,
El fascismo tiene su cara en Honduras,
Creación del Banco del Sur contará con $ 20 mil millones
El Banco del Sur representa la alternativa a la globalización neoliberal. “El banco de nosotros para traer nuestras reservas que las usan en el norte para darnos créditos a nosotros mismos”,
Cuba: Compañía Turismo y Salud ( Servimed ) se presenta en el mercado internacional con novedosos tratamientos médicos,
Cancelan contrato de Cucu Diamantes por haber cantado en Cuba,

Reflections by comrade Fidel

jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2009

Obama on democracy and sovereignty !

end of speech Obama , UN New-York

" ...Now is the time for all of us to do our part. Growth will not be sustained or shared unless all nations embrace their responsibilities. And that means that wealthy nations must open their markets to more goods and extend a hand to those with less, while reforming international institutions to give more nations a greater voice.

And developing nations must root out the corruption that is an obstacle to progress, for opportunity cannot thrive where individuals are oppressed and business have to pay bribes. That is why we support honest police and independent judges, civil society and a vibrant private sector. Our goal is simple: a global economy in which growth is sustained and opportunity is available to all.

Now, the changes that I've spoken about today will not be easy to make, and they will not be realized simply by leaders like us coming together in forums like this, as useful as that may be.

For as in any assembly of members, real change can only come through the people we represent. That is why we must do the hard work to lay the groundwork for progress in our own capitals. That's where we will build the consensus to end conflicts and to harness technology for peaceful purposes, to change the way we use energy and to promote growth that can be sustained and shared.

I believe that the people of the world want this future for their children. And that is why we must champion those principles which ensure that governments reflect the will of the people. These principles cannot be afterthoughts; democracy and human rights are essential to achieving each of the goals that I've discussed today, because governments of the people and by the people are more likely to act in the broader interests of their own people, rather than narrow interests of those in power.

The test of our leadership will not be the degree to which we feed the fears and old hatreds of our people. True leadership will not be measured by the ability to muzzle dissent or to intimidate and harass political opponents at home.

The people of the world want change. They will not long tolerate those who are on the wrong side of history.

This assembly's charter commits each of us -- and I quote -- "to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women." Among those rights is the freedom to speak your mind and worship as you please, the promise of equality of the races, and the opportunity for women and girls to pursue their own potential, the ability of citizens to have a say in how you are governed, and to have confidence in the administration of justice.

For just as no nation should be forced to accept the tyranny of another nation, no individual should be forced to accept the tyranny of their own people.

As -- as an African-American, I will never forget that I would not be here today without the steady pursuit of a more perfect union in my country. That guides my belief that no matter how dark the day may seem, transformative change can be forged by those who choose to side with justice.

And I pledge that America will always stand with those who stand up for their dignity and their rights, for the student who seeks to learn, the voter who demands to be heard, the innocent who longs to be free, the oppressed who yearns to be equal.

Democracy cannot be imposed on any nation from the outside. Each society must search for its own path, and no path is perfect. Each country will pursue a path rooted in the culture of its people and in its past traditions, and I admit that America has, too often, been selective in its promotion of democracy.

But that does not weaken our commitment. It only reinforces it. There are basic principles that are universal. There are certain truths which are self-evident, and the United States of America will never waiver in our efforts to stand up for the right of people everywhere to determine their own destiny.

Sixty-five years ago, a weary Franklin Roosevelt spoke to the American people in his fourth and final inaugural address. After years of war, he sought to sum up the lessons that could be drawn from the terrible suffering, the enormous sacrifice that had taken place. We have learned, he said, to be citizens of the world, members of the human community.

The United Nations was built by men and women like Roosevelt from every corner of the world, from Africa and Asia, Europe to the Americas. These architects of international cooperation had an idealism that was anything but naive. It was rooted in the hard-earned lessons of war, rooted in the wisdom that nations could advance their interests by acting together instead of splitting apart.

Now, it falls to us. Where this institution will be what we make of it, the United Nations does extraordinary good around the world feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, mending place that have been broken. But it also struggles to enforce its will and to live up to the ideals of its founding.

I believe that those imperfections are not a reason to walk away from this institution. They are a calling to redouble our efforts. The United Nations can either with a place where we bicker about outdated grievances or forge common ground, a place where we focus on what drives us apart or what brings us together, a place where we indulge tyranny or a source of moral authority.

In short, the United Nations can be an institution that is disconnected from what matters in the lives of our citizens or it can be an indispensable factor in advancing the interests of the people we serve.

We have reached a pivotal moment. The United States stands ready to begin a new chapter of international cooperation, one that recognizes the rights and responsibilities of all nations. So with confidence in our cause and with a commitment to our values, we call on all nations to join us in building the future that our people so richly deserve !

miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2009


Reflections by Fidel Castro

Bolivarian President Hugo Chavez really made a clever remark when he referred to the “riddle of the two Obamas.”
The serious Obama spoke today. Recently, I recognized two positive features in his behavior: his attempt to make healthcare available to the 47 million Americans who don’t have access to it, and his concern for climate change.
What I said yesterday about the imminent threat to the human species could sound pessimistic but it is not far from reality. The views of many Heads of State on the ignored and neglected issue of climate change are still unknown.
As the representative of the country hosting the United Nations High Level Meeting on the subject, Obama was the first to express his opinion.
What did he say? I’ll refer to the substance of his remarks.

- He said that he recognizes that the threat on the planet is serious and growing.
- That history will pass judgment on the response to this environmental challenge.
- That there is no nation, big or small, that can avoid the impact of climate change.
- That there is a daily increase of the high tides lashing against the coastlines while more intensive storms and floods are threatening our continents.
- That the security and stability of every nation are in danger.
- That climate has been placed at the top of the international agenda, from China to Brazil, from India to Mexico, Africa and Europe.
- That these can be significant steps if we are all united.
- That we understand the seriousness of the situation and are determined to act on it.
- That we were not there to celebrate any progress.
- That much remains to be done.
- That it will not be an easy job.
- That the most difficult part of the road is ahead of us.
- That this is happening at a time when to many the priority is to revitalize their economies.
- That we all have doubts about the climate challenge.
- That difficulties and doubts are no excuse to act.
- That each of us should do his share so that our economies can grow without endangering the planet.
- That we should turn Copenhagen into a significant step forward in the climate debate.
- That we should not allow for old divisions to jeopardize the united quest for solutions.
- That the developed nations have caused most of the damage and should thus take responsibility for it.
- That we shall not overcome this challenge unless we are united.
- That we know that these nations, particularly the most vulnerable, do not have the same resources to combat climate change.
- That the future is not a choice between economic growth and a clean planet because survival depends on both.
- That it is our responsibility to provide technical and financial assistance to these nations.
- That we are seeking an agreement that would enhance the quality of life of the peoples without disturbing the planet.
- That we know that the future depends on a global commitment.
- But that it is a long and tough road and we have no time to make the journey.

The problem now is that everything he has said contradicts what the United States has been doing for over 150 years, especially from the moment --at the end of World War II-- when it imposed to the world the Bretton Woods accord and became the master of the world economy.
The hundreds of military bases set up in scores of countries in every continent; their aircraft carriers and Navy fleets; their thousands of nuclear weapons; their wars of conquest; their military-industrial complex and their arms trade are incompatible with the survival of our species. Likewise, the consumer societies and the wastage of material resources are incompatible with the idea of economic growth and a clean planet. The unlimited waste of non-renewable natural resources, --especially oil and gas accumulated throughout hundreds of millions of years and depleted in barely two centuries at the current rate of consumption—has been the major cause of climate change. Even if the unfriendly emissions of the industrialized nations were reduced, which would be commendable, it is a reality that 5.2 billion people on planet Earth, that is, three-fourth of the population live in countries that are still in various stages of development and will therefore demand an enormous input of coal, oil, natural gas and other non-renewable resources that, according to the consumption patterns created by the capitalist economies, are incompatible with the objective of saving the human species.
It would not be fair to blame the serious Obama for the abovementioned riddle of what has happened until today, but it would not be fair either to have the other Obama make us believe that humanity could be preserved under the prevailing rules of the world economy.
The President of the United States has conceded that the developed nations have caused most of the damage and should take responsibility for it. It was certainly a brave gesture.
It would also be fair to concede that no other President of the United States would have had the courage to say what he has said.

Fidel Castro Ruz , September 22, 2009
For the naive, everything's better with Obama !
Washington Bans Orthopedics Doctors from Attending Event in Cuba

BAYAMO, Cuba, Sept 22 (acn) Cuban orthopedics expert Rodrigo Alvarez
Cambras confirmed that the U.S. government did not allow doctors from
that country to travel to the island to participate in an international
congress on orthopedics that started yesterday in this eastern city of
Alvarez Cambras, president of the event, told the press that some 30
American specialists had expressed their interest in attending the event
but Washington denied them the permission to travel to Cuba.
The Cuban renowned expert, who is also the director of the Frank
Pais Orthopedics Complex of Havana, said Washington’s stance is another
demonstration that the economic, commercial and financial blockade of
the U.S. against Cuba is still in place.
“I received a letter from them (the U.S. specialists) saying that
they were very sad in their hearts because when they had everything set
up, the American State Department and the Treasury Department banned
them from traveling to Cuba,” the Cuban scientist told the press in the
Meanwhile, some 400 delegates are attending the event, 150 of them
from other countries.
More than 250 works are going to be presented in the congress that
will run until upcoming Saturday. This high number of presentations is a
record for this type of event.
The program includes courses, lectures, workshops and a trade fair
by national and foreign companies dedicated to the production of
orthopedics devices and materials.

State Dept. refuses visa to Ricardo Alarcon

Subject: Alarcon's office
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 18:44:05 -0400

Dear Friends:

President of the Black Caucus of the US Congress, Barbara
Lee, invited President of the Cuban National Assembly, Ricardo Alarcon de
Quesada, to participate at their 39 Legislative Conference in Washington DC on
September 23 - 26.

Yesterday, September 21, Alarcon received an answer from the
State Department stating that they will not authorize his visa

El momento unipolar y la era Obama

Noam Chomsky disertó este lunes sobre esta pregunta en una conferencia magistral en la Sala Nezahualcóyotl, de la Universidad Autónoma de México, que fue transmitida en vivo por TV Unam y 12 televisoras públicas y universitarias que se enlazaron para enviar la señal a Aguascalientes, Hidalgo, Michoacán, Morelos, Puebla, Quintana Roo, San Luis Potosí, Tlaxcala, Yucatán, Durango y Nuevo León, además de por La Jornada on line y Cubadebate. Chomsky fue a la capital mexicana a sumarse a las actividades por el 25 aniversario del diario La Jornada.,

Clinton's Moment of Truth: Speak Clearly or Risk Massacre in Honduras

Reflections by Comrade Fidel


Today I would have liked to speak about the extraordinary “Paz sin Fronteras” (Peace without Borders) Concert held at the José Martí Revolution Square 24 hours ago, but the stubborn reality forces me to write about a danger that threatens not just peace but the survival of our species.

The United Nations Organization, whose task is to safeguard the peace, security and rights of almost 200 states that represent more than 6 thousand 500 million inhabitants on our planet, is about to begin the General Assembly debates next Wednesday, with the participation of heads of states. This time, on Tuesday September 22nd, given the exceptional importance of the subject, it will dedicate a senior-level session on climate change as preparation for the Copenhagen Conference to be held in Denmark between December 7th and 18th of this year......,

El Obama serio

22 Septiembre 2009

El presidente bolivariano Hugo Chávez fue realmente original cuando habló del “enigma de los dos Obamas”.

Hoy habló el Obama serio. Hace poco reconocí dos aspectos positivos de su conducta: el intento de llevar la salud a 47 millones de norteamericanos que carecen de ella, y su preocupación por el cambio climático......,

lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2009

My biggest emotion ever since ' Free mandela ' concert

Havana to Defend Peace without Borders

1.150.000 Cubans on Plaza de la Revolución

Más de un millón de personas en concierto en La Habana,

Rocking down Havana way,,

Primero el ritmo, luego la política
Más música que consignas en el concierto organizado por Juanes en La Habana,,,,,,,,,

Mientras esto ocurría en la Habana…esto ocurría en Miami...:,

Cuba 'Peace Concert' Draws Multitudes
New York Times - Ismael Francisco
By AP HAVANA (AP) — Hundreds of thousands of Cubans attended an open-air “peace concert” in Havana on Sunday ...
Washington Post Foreign Service Washington Post
Can Juanes rock Havana, Cuba? Si, Señor. Christian Science Monitor
Hundreds of thousands attend Cuba 'peace concert' CNN International - Independent Online
and 959 news articles...

Cinco horas de música por la paz estremecen a Cuba El Universal (México)
Cubanos cantan con Aute en concierto Paz sin fronteras Prensa Latina
Paz sin fronteras en Cuba sacudió al mundo Prensa Latina
Prensa Latina - Prensa Latina
y 2.912 artículos informativos...

Fuerte abrazo para toda la gente de buena voluntad
pablo de belgica

sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2009

Concert Plans in Havana Start Furor in Miami,
Juanes concert latest front in Havana-Miami row,
Alcaldía de Bogotá hará concierto solidario con Cuba simultáneo al de Juanes,
Nuevo Presidente de Asamblea General de la ONU reitera rechazo a bloqueo contra Cuba,

Versión integra de la conferencia de prensa ofrecida por el Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, acerca del Informe sobre el bloqueo,
The great Cuba debate: A case for and against the embargo
Is U.S.-Cuba policy antiquated or can compromise be found?
Tampa Bay Business Journal - by Alexis Muellner Editor
When a local business group decided to organize a debate on the relationship between the United States and Cuba, it knew emotions would be stirred. With connections between Cuba and Tampa Bay deep and historical, the issues surrounding the 50-year-old trade embargo of Cuba resonate sharply here.^2126201,
Alerta antiterrorista en Estados Unidos: ¿Contra la Mafia de Miami?,

viernes, 18 de septiembre de 2009

September 17, 2009

The Untold Story of the Cuban Five

An Insult to Humanity


On March 6, 2009 twelve separate amicus briefs were presented in support of the Cuban Five’s petition for certiorari before the Supreme Court, the largest number of amicus filings ever to have urged Supreme Court to review a criminal conviction.

Eight briefs were submitted by institutions or persons based on the United States: National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers; Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Miami Chapter; National Jury Project; National Lawyers Guild and National Conference of Black Lawyers; William C. Velazquez Institute and Mexican American Political Association; Civil Rights Clinic at Howard University School of Law; Center for International Policy and Council on Hemispheric Affairs; and one amicus brief submitted by Professors Nelson P. Valdés, Guillermo Grenier, Félix Masud-Piloto, José A. Cobas, Lourdes Arguelles, Rubén G. Rumbaut and Louis Pérez, distinguished Cuban-American Scholars, authors of some of the most important books about the Cuban emigration to the US.

The support from around the world was really impressive. It included:

An amicus presented by ten Nobel Laureates: José Ramos-Horta (President of the Republic of East Timor), Wole Soyinka, Adolfo Pérez Esqivel, Nadine Gordimer, Rigoberta Menchú, José Saramago, Zhores Alferov, Darío Fo, Günter Grass and Máiread Corrigan Maguire.

Another brief was submitted by a record number of legislators from every corner of the world, including the entire Senate of Mexico and the National Assembly of Panama, both having discussed and unanimously decided to join. Also by Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland and United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights; dozens of members of the European Parliament from every political group, including three current vice-presidents and two former Presidents and hundreds of lawmakers from Brazil, Belgium, Chile, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, Scotland and the United Kingdom.

This document added similar appeals by other Nobel Laureates, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Harold Pinter, and by the Latin-American Council of Churches, the permanent Conference of Latin-American and Caribbean political parties, the Latin-American Parliament as well as other regional legislative bodies and specific resolutions of support approved by national parliaments from Namibia, Mali, Russia, Mexico, Brazil, Bolivia, Venezuela, Peru, Ireland, Switzerland and Belgium, among many others.

Two separate amicus came from a wide spectrum of lawyers’ organizations and personalities: One was submitted by the Ibero-American Federation of Ombudsman, the Order of Attorneys of Brazil (membership 700 thousands), the Belgium bar associations, the Berlin and other German bars, the International Federation for Human Rights and a number of religious, legal, human rights organizations, law professors, and lawyers from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Panama, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom. Among the personalities signing it were Federico Mayor Zaragoza, former Director-General of UNESCO, and Judge Juan Guzmán Tapia of Chile.

The other amicus was presented by the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, the American Association of Jurists, the Indian Association of Lawyers, Droit Solidarité, the Haldane Society and other legal organizations from Italy, Japan, the Philippines, Portugal and Belgium.

A number of American lawyers volunteered in drafting those papers (as required by law), consulting and coordinating with the many individuals involved and presenting the briefs on time and with due respect to the technical and other parameters that the Court has established. Every individual or institution submitting an amicus brief had to identify himself/herself with specific data, to sign it personally and pay a filing fee. Pursuant to Rule 37.6 of the Court “no counsel for a party has authored this brief, in whole or in part. No person or entity other than amici curiae, or its counsel have made any monetary contribution to the preparation or submission of this brief.” It was a hell of a work for which many people deserve being recognized. All the amicus briefs, along with a complete list of the amici can be found on SCOTUS blog ( and on

We shall never know what the Justices or their clerks thought, if anything, about those documents. Nobody knows if they even glanced over them. The amici didn’t get an answer or a single comment--not even a clerk’s receipt note.

Nobody knows either how the Justices pronounced themselves regarding the petition for certiorari. We only learned that on June 14th the petition of the Cuban Five was thrown out with the other petitions the Court had decided not to hear.

A famous Mexican poet once defined US imperial attitude with the melding of two words: arrogance and ignorance. It appears that the Court, supremely, epitomizes both.

Ricardo Alarcón de Quesada is president of the Cuban National Assembly.

domingo, 13 de septiembre de 2009

Bruselas: Impactante acción a favor delos Cinco

Este 12 de septiembre, 9 personalidades políticas y artistas belgas decidieron pasar cinco horas en una cárcel, simbólicamente construída delante del Palacio de Justicia en Bruselas, en solidaridad con los Cinco Héroes, bajo el lema: “ellos son tan inocentes como nosotros”. Su objetivo era lograr la atención de los medios de comunicación y de esta forma llegar a la opinión pública de Bélgica.

La iniciativa de esa acción fue tomada por el actor y realizador Jonas Geirnaert, junto con los actores como Dirk Tuypens, Joke Devynck y Daan Hugaert. Ese grupo de actores, junto a una quinta actriz, Chris Lomme, decidieron hace un año apadrinar a los Cinco. Todos son de renombre nacional.

A ellos se juntaron en esa acción el diputado del parlamento europeo Bart Staes, la diputada federal Zoé Genot, el diputado flamenco Kurt De Loor y los diputados del parlamento regional de Bruselas capital, Sfia Bouarfa y Céline Delforge. Entre los que completaron las celdas por un tiempo determinado figuran John De Decker del movimiento obrero cristiano y Carlos Calvo de la dirección de los Cubanos inmigrantes en Bélgica.

La cobertura por la prensa fue todo un éxito. Varias cadenas nacionales y regionales de televisión vinieron entrevistar a los prisioneros voluntarios. Lo mismo pasó en diversos programas de radio. La nota de prensa de la agencia nacional de prensa Belga fue retomada por los más importantes periódicos del país, tanto francófonos como neerlandófonos.

El sitio web facilitaba un contacto directo con las personalidades encerradas. Ellos pasaron el tiempo escribiendo a los Cinco y informando al mundo exterior.

Centenares de personas que pasaron por ahi, vieron la acción y fueron informados sobre el caso de los Cinco. Los que lo desearon firmaron la petición dirigida al presidente Obama, exigiendo la libertad inmediata de los Cinco y se podían fotografiar junto a un Obama de tamaño natural y un cartel con el eslogan “Obama, free the five, yes you can”.

Las firmas y las fotos serán enviadas a la Casa Blanca próximamente. A los niños que pasaban por el lugar se les invitó a hacer dibujos para los Cinco.

Después de salir de su encierro temporal, una delegación de los actores y políticos, acompañados por un grupo de más de ochenta personas se dirigieron a la embajada de los EE.UU. con el motivo de entregar una carta al presidente Barack Obama, firmado por ellos, pidiéndole de quitar los cargos a los Cinco y ponerlos en libertad inmediatamente.

No fue posible entregar la carta personalmente visto que la embajada se negó a recibir la delegación. Los presentes se comprometieron con más decisión todavia a seguir luchando hasta que se realizan las palabras de Fidel: “ellos volverán!”

Katrien Demuynck
Comité para la Libertad de los Cinco de Bélgica

y sept 12 en la tele flamenca 5 min en las noticias de las 7pm

Manifestation de soutien aux "Cuban Five" devant l'ambassade US à Bruxelles

12.09.09 - 18:52

Une cinquantaine de personnes ont manifesté samedi devant l'ambassade américaine à Bruxelles pour réclamer la libération des "Cuban Five", cinq prisonniers cubains condamnés pour espionnage et détenus depuis douze ans aux Etats-Unis.

Les manifestants, dont plusieurs personnalités politiques belges, ont voulu remettre une pétition destinée au président américain Barack Obama, mais l'accès au bâtiment leur a été refusé.

Plus tôt dans la journée, neuf d'entre eux s'étaient symboliquement laissé enfermer dans une prison mobile installée devant le Palais de Justice de Bruxelles.

Sfia Bouarfa (PS), Céline Delforge (Ecolo) et Zoé Genot (Ecolo), et du côté néerlandophone, Jonas Geirnaert, Joke Devynck, Dirk Tuypens, Daan Hugaert, Kurt De Loor (sp.a) et Bart Staes (Groen!) ont participé à cette action.,

sábado, 12 de septiembre de 2009

The Untold Story of the Cuban Five

Pryor's Judgment


When the historic unanimous decision was reversed at the urging of George W. Bush's Attorney General (Remember Elian? CounterPunch, August 11, 2009), the same 3-judge panel was to hear the remaining issues other than venue, which had been the one upon which they had expressed their landmark opinion. However, in the meantime, one jurist, the oldest and most liberal, had retired and somebody else was designated to substitute for him. The one chosen for that role was a Bush recess appointee, William H. Pryor, whose nomination, described as “one of the most contentious in recent history”, had provoked uproar in the Senate, which confirmed him over the opposition of 45 Senators. (For a detailed investigation into Pryor's legal career see Jeffrey St. Clair's Pryor Unrestraint, CounterPunch, June 14, 2003.)

Senator Kerry, claimed that the new judge “has been a constant advocate for scaling back constitutionally guaranteed rights” with his “consistent pursuit of extreme and incorrect legal views … as a result our Federal judiciary will have less ability to protect the constitutional rights we hold so dear” (Congressional record, Senate June 14, 2005).

Pryor was criticized by some major newspapers, and was described as a “right wing zealot not fit to judge”. In summing up his pedigree Jeffrey St. Clair writes: “he goes much, much farther than even many of the most extreme ideologues in his party” (“Pryor Unrestraint”, CounterPunch, June 14, 2003).

Mr. Pryor wrote the opinion for the Court rejecting the other issues presented by the defense in language that at times was closer to a slanderous anti-Cuban vulgar diatribe than to the balanced, sober style of the judiciary (even some well-known terrorists, rightly described as such by the previous panel, were now transmuted into patriotic freedom fighters). Interestingly the accusation of “spying” was so clumsily fabricated and the Miami trial included other wrongs so obvious that even Pryor had to agree with the other two judges in vacating the sentences of three of the defendants. (Spies Without Espionage, CounterPunch August 28-30, 2009).

This time the panel was divided on a very crucial point: Count 3, conspiracy to commit murder. One of the judges, J. Birch, while concurring with Pryor’s opinion recognized that “this issue presents a very close case” and reiterated “that the motion for change of venue should have been granted” adding that “the defendants were subjected to such a degree of harm based upon demonstrated pervasive community prejudice that their convictions should have been reversed” (US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit N. 01-17176, DC Docket No. 98- 00721 CR-JAL, Page 83).

Judge Phillys Kravitch, in an impressive 15-page dissent, demonstrated the terrible injustice committed by her colleagues against Gerardo Hernández.

She pointed out:

“A country cannot lawfully shoot down aircraft in international airspace, in contrast to a country shooting down foreign aircraft within its own territory when the pilots of those aircrafts are repeatedly warned to respect territorial boundaries, have dropped objects over the territory, and when the objective of the flights is to destabilize the country’s political system. Thus, the question of whether the Government provided sufficient evidence to support Hernández’s conviction turns on whether it presented sufficient evidence to prove that he entered into an agreement to shoot down the planes in international, as opposed to Cuban airspace” (Idem Pages 94-95) and in this regard “the Government cannot point to any evidence” (Idem Page 98).

But beyond the issue of the location of the incident “the Government failed to provide sufficient evidence that Hernández entered into an agreement to shoot down the planes at all. None of the intercepted communications the Government provided at trial show an agreement to shoot down the planes. At best, the evidence shows an agreement to 'confront' BTTR planes. But a 'confrontation' does not necessarily means a shoot down.”

To prove her point she referred to testimonies and videotapes presented at trial: “This evidence demonstrates the obvious: there are many ways a country could “confront” foreign aircraft. But the Government presented no evidence that when Hernandez agreed to help “confront” BTTR that he agreed confrontation would be a shoot down. To conclude that the evidence does show this goes beyond mere inferences to the realm of speculation … Because so much evidence points towards a “confrontation” other than a shoot down, I cannot say that a reasonable jury – given all the evidence – could conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that Hernandez agreed to a shoot down.” (Idem Pages 96-97)

It was so obvious that the Government itself had recognized the point in an “unprecedented” emergency petition to that very Court of Appeals: to demonstrate Gerardo’s invented guilt on such a fabricated crime constituted an “insurmountable obstacle” for the prosecution.

Such would have been the case with “a reasonable jury” in any other venue. But not in Miami, where the intimidated jurors where surrounded at the courtroom by a bunch of individuals who proclaimed their terrorist exploits and were able to kidnap Elian Gonzalez, always with total impunity, and joined the Government in demanding the worst punishment for Gerardo. That could have been understood by any reasonable jurist. But not by a “right wing zealot not fit to judge.”

Somebody at the White House was happy. His appointee served him well. Gerardo got his two life sentences confirmed with the reluctant and paradoxical vote of a judge, Birtch, who insisted that all of the Five “convictions should have been reversed” and a dignified lady who maintained her dissenting voice: “the Government presented no evidence” to sustain its accusation.

After Pryor’s shame judgement, the Five appealed to the en banc Court. This time they were not contesting an unanimous and well founded decision – as the Government did in 2005 – but one clearly unfair and prejudicial that had sharply divided the panel on Count Three, with Kravitch rejecting it with impeccable consistency and Birtch – after recognizing her arguments, but ignoring the presumption of innocence and his own “reasonable doubts” – strangely decided to join Pryor’s pro-Government stance and neocon logic.

But this time the Court of Appeals confirmed the disputable conclusions of the panel. The Atlanta judges even forgot that it was to them that the same Government had made an “emergency petition” admitting that it had failed to prove Gerardo’s guilt.

Ricardo Alarcón de Quesada is president of the Cuban National Assembly.

viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2009

Fidel :

With a Clear Conscience

I would not have wished to utter any harsh criticism against any of the companies that manufacture medical equipment, whose profits do not derive from the production of weapons to kill, but from the combat of diseases, suffering and death. That is why I have always treated all of them with respect, and I liked to exchange with them about their scientific advances....,

Actions in Support of the Five in Belgium and Luxembourg
HAVANA (acn) Five Belgian artists will spend five hours locked up in symbolic cells, set up in the heart of Brussels next September 12, 2009, the day marking 11 years of imprisonment of the Cuban Five.
The action of protest will take place in a centrally located plaza across the Justice Palace of the Belgian capital. It can be followed live on the group’s website
Under the slogan “Meet the Cuban Five,” the five Belgium artists,who have been collaborating with the Free the Five Committee in their country for a year, are looking to encourage other personalities and passers-by to symbolically feel the same punishment the Cuban Five have gone through, says the announcement posted in the Committee’s website.
Gerardo Hernandez, Rene Gonzalez, Antonio Guerrero, Ramon Labañino and Fernando Gonzalez, known as the Cuban Five, have been serving outrageous sentences in US jails for monitoring Florida-based anti-Cuba extremist groups to prevent terrorist attacks against Cuba.
According to the website, three deputies, Zoé Genot (ECOLO), Sfia Bouarfa (PS) and Céline Delforge (ECOLO), have decided to join the initiative already.
In addition, after the action, participants are planning to go to the U.S embassy in Brussels to demand the immediate release of the Cuban Five and to condemn the economic, commercial and financial blockade of the United States against Cuba, reported the Cuban Foreign Affairs Ministry on its website.
On related news, in Luxembourg, the Free the Five Committee set an appointment with American diplomats in that country to deliver a letter addressed to President Barack Obama in which they demand the immediate release of the five Cuban anti-terrorist fighters.
The letter was signed by 285 people who support the cause and highlights the suffering of hundreds of Cuban families who have been victims of criminal activities planned and conducted by Miami-based anti-Cuba groups.
Ricardo Alarcón de Quesada
Los cinco boricuas liberados por el Presidente Carter prueban que ¡SÍ SE PUEDE!
( Arresto de los patriotas puertorriqueños, el 1 de marzo de 1954. Bajo presión internacional, el Presidente Jimmy Carter en 1979, les concedió la amnistía después de haber estado 25 años en prisión. Andrés Fiqueroa Cordero había fallecido en antes del indulto presidencial. )
Hace hoy exactamente 30 años, el 10 de septiembre de 1979, el Presidente Carter dispuso la libertad incondicional de los Cinco patriotas nacionalistas puertorriqueños que sufrían entonces largos años de prisión por su lucha abnegada por la independencia de su Patria.
Oscar Collazo, Lolita Lebrón, Rafael Cancel Miranda, Irving Flores y Andrés Figueroa Cordero, cinco héroes que sintetizaron los derechos e ideales de su pueblo fueron liberados por la amplia solidaridad que su causa generó en todo el mundo y condujo a la Casa Blanca a adoptar finalmente esa decisión.
Gerardo Hernández Nordelo, Ramón Labañino Salazar, Antonio Guerrero Rodríguez, Fernando González Llort y René González Sehewerert pronto cumplirán once años de injusta y cruel prisión por luchar contra el terrorismo y por defender el derecho de su pueblo a vivir en paz.
Al rendir homenaje a los Cinco héroes boricuas en el aniversario del día en que se les hizo justicia debemos reclamar la libertad de Carlos Alberto Torres, Oscar López Rivera y Avelino González Claudio, los tres patriotas de la isla hermana prisioneros en cárceles federales.
En vísperas del 12 de septiembre, a once años del inicio de la infamia perpetrada contra nuestros Cinco héroes, alcemos nuestras voces para demandar también la inmediata liberación de Gerardo, Ramón, Antonio, Fernando y René.
¡Sí se puede!
La solidaridad puede alcanzarlo. Lo prueba la Historia.
Entrevista a la abogada Ana Pérez Nordelo, miembro de “Juristas por la Paz y los DDHH”
“El caso de los Cinco demuestra que el Gobierno estadounidense puede hablar de justicia y, al tiempo, violar impunemente la ley”,

Contrastes a ambos lados de la Florida
En Miami develan el desastre social, salud incluida. En Cuba, los trasplantes tienen calidad y son gratis —apenas un ejemplo,
Moderate Dissident Group Convenes Congress,
Un grupo de la oposición moderada, que aspira a convertirse en el futuro en "mayoría política" en Cuba, convocó este jueves a un congreso para el año próximo, en el cual prevé la participación de entre 150 o 200 delegados de todo el país.,
Entrevista sobre Centroamérica con Peter Marchetti, especialista en economía agraria con poblaciones golpeadas y marginadas
“Aquí la democracia se asienta en el genocidio”
-Marcelo Colussi - Argenpress
Peter Marchetti, 64 años, estadounidense de origen y centroamericano por adopción (hace 30 años que vive en la región, y ahora es ciudadano nicaragüense) fue sacerdote jesuita hasta hace dos años. Dejó de serlo, pero no dejó sus convicciones revolucionarias, sus esperanzas en un mundo de mayor justicia. Eso fue lo que lo hizo llegar a Centroamérica hace ya tres décadas y trabajar siempre, como especialista en economía agraria, con poblaciones golpeadas y marginadas.,
Guatemala declara el estado de alarma por el hambre
462 personas han muerto por inanición y 54.000 familias están en peligro
El presidente de Guatemala, Álvaro Colom, decretó el estado de emergencia en el país centroamericano para hacer frente a la severa crisis alimenticia que sufren más de 54.000 familias pobres de este país y que, desde enero, se ha cobrado la vida de 462 personas. En un mensaje emitido por la cadena nacional de radio y televisión, Colom enfatizó que la medida de excepción permitirá agilizar los trámites para acceder a los recursos de la cooperación internacional y para realizar las transferencias necesarias en el presupuesto estatal para atender la emergencia.,
Honduras: Narcotráfico e imperio convergen
-Ricardo Arturo Salgado,
Oliver Stone o David Pujadas: ¿Quién es el periodista?
-Thierry Deronne - Vive TV -,
El cineasta Oliver Stone acaba de estrenar en Venecia su nuevo documental. Esta paciente investigación de campo sobre las revoluciones latinoamericanas lo condujo a conocer y a entrevistar a numerosos jefes de Estado “véase el trailer de South of the border”( )

La conciencia tranquila
No habría deseado criticar duramente a una de las empresas dedicadas a la
producción de equipos médicos que no obtienen sus ganancias fabricando armas
para matar, sino combatiendo enfermedades, sufrimientos y muertes. Por ello,
siempre las he tratado a todas con respeto, y me gustaba intercambiar con ellas
sobre sus avances científicos.
Algo distinto es pensar con amargura en países que no disponen de esos equipos
y, más triste todavía, que un pueblo del Tercer Mundo vea obstaculizado sus
esfuerzos por la estúpida medida que un país rico y poderoso le impone al que
los fabrica: la suspensión de la entrega de los repuestos para su uso.

jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2009

Crecen las voces en el mundo por la libertad de los Cinco cubanos antiterroristas
El próximo sábado, cuando se cumplan 11 años del injusto encarcelamiento en EE.UU. de los Cinco, igual cantidad de artistas y de diputados belgas pasarán cinco horas encerrados en celdas simbólicas en Bruselas
EL próximo sábado, cuando se cumplan 11 años del injusto encarcelamiento en EE.UU. de cinco antiterroristas cubanos, igual cantidad de artistas y de diputados belgas pasarán cinco horas encerrados en celdas simbólicas en Bruselas.
La acción de protesta tendrá lugar en una céntrica plaza frente al Palacio de Justicia de la capital de Bélgica, y podrá ser seguida en vivo a través del sitio web, informa el portal de la Cancillería de Cuba.
Los participantes se dirigirán posteriormente a la embajada de EE.UU. en Bruselas, y exigirán allí la inmediata liberación de los prisioneros y condenarán el bloqueo que Washington impone a la Isla.
Este miércoles la Asociación de Amistad Seychelles-Cuba reiteró su apoyo a la causa por la liberación de Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino, Fernando González, Antonio Guerrero y René González, y ratificó su apoyo a la campaña internacional por su excarcelación, en un comunicado emitido en Victoria, capital de ese Estado.
Durante la jornada, la Coordinadora Nicaragüense de Solidaridad con Cuba también demandó de organismos internacionales y gobiernos sumarse al clamor mundial por la liberación de los Cinco, refirió PL.

Press Conference Announces FOIA Lawsuit by the National Committee
Seeks to uncover more information about journalists who were covertly paid by the government before and during the trial of the Cuban Five
At a press conference this morning, the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five announced that the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund filed a lawsuit on its behalf today in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia against the Broadcasting Board of Directors (BBG) because it has "unlawfully failed to disclose specific U.S. government-paid contracts with journalists" who published materials that were negative to Cuba and prejudicial to the case of the Cuban Five.
The legal complaint states: "The public is entitled to know to what extent the U.S. government covertly paid journalists who wrote stories related to the case [of the Cuban 5] ... that were likely to reach and influence both the jury pool and the seated jury while the U.S. simultaneously carried out these prosecutions."
The National Committee to Free the Cuban Five, under the Freedom of Information Act, submitted a request on Jan. 23, 2009 to the BBG seeking public disclosure of the BBG's funding of journalists including specifically identified contracts between the BBG and these journalists. The government is unlawfully refusing to produce these documents.
In 2006, a FOIA request filed by the Miami Herald newspaper disclosed for the first time the information that key South Florida journalists (pictured above) had been paid by the government. The FOIA request filed by the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five has learned that some of those journalists were being paid before and during the trial of the Cuban Five, and has resulted in the disclosure of additional journalists who were on the government payroll. This lawsuit seeks to further amplify the information we have, and to further expose the role of the government in what amounts to jury tampering, biasing not only the jury pool but even the actual seated jury in a trial in which the jury was not sequestered, and subjected daily to a barrage of negative media coverage of the Five.
Today's press conference was attended by journalists from the Miami Herald, the Associated Press, ABC-TV, WBAI-Pacifica, Radio Havana Cuba, and Roundtable (Cuba).
NOTE TO PRESS: Interviews can be arranged upon request with Mara Verheyden-Hilliard or Gloria La Riva. Please email or call 408-823-3391 (Steve Patt) with your requests.
! The lawsuit, Press conf. audio (mp3), Press conf. transcript, Miami Herald 2006 on,

Foro Interactivo Internacional por Los Cinco y contra el terrorismo
La Federación Estudiantil Universitaria (FEU) y la Federación de Estudiantes de la Enseñanza Media (FEEM) de Cuba, convocan al Foro Interactivo: «Jóvenes contra el terrorismo», este viernes 11, entre las 10:00 am y las 12:00 m. (hora de Cuba) por la siguiente dirección electrónica

Philips confirma la denuncia de Fidel,

Cuban post offices OK'd for Internet access
HAVANA — Cuba has authorized public Internet access at post offices across the country, though it has yet to apply what would be a landmark loosening of cyberspace rules in a nation where information is strictly controlled.
A decree posted on the Web site of the government's official gazette this week authorizes Empresa Correos de Cuba to "provide access to public Internet to all naturalized persons."
Many post offices already offer public computers, but they are linked to a national intranet — an extremely limited list of Cuba-only Web sites.
Cubans there can send and receive international e-mail, but direct access to the rest of the Web is blocked, limits far stricter than those imposed even in China or Saudi Arabia.
Internet supervisors at two Havana post offices said Wednesday that while authorities are preparing to apply the law and have even installed new, faster PCs in some locations, they did not know when the new rules will go into effect.
A spokesperson for the Cuban government was not immediately available for comment.
Even use of the national intranet is costly for locals: $1.62 per hour in a country where state workers are paid about $20 a month. It's not clear if full Internet access would cost more.
Few Cubans are able to pay the roughly $6.50 that an hour of Internet time costs at hotels meant for foreign tourists.
More common — but still rare — are those with access to Internet-enabled computers owned by government officials, academics, Communist Party leaders and foreigners who work on the island. Even there, the government often blocks sites it considers hostile — especially those of Cuban bloggers who criticize the communist system.
Sitting on a curb across from a post office amid the gracefully decaying colonial buildings of Havana's historic district, Fidel Danilo Gomez said he expected to wait two hours for chance to use a computer linked to the intranet.
"We Cubans are crazy for waiting. If there's no line in Cuba it's because the place is closed," said the 21-year-old university student majoring in French.
But he said the idea of logging into the real Internet was appealing: "If I am going to wait for hours, checking a Hotmail or Yahoo account sounds better than using a Cuban account that's good for nothing."
Gomez said that though expensive, Cuba's internal Web is simple and runs quickly, helping to limit the time users have to be connected. The full Internet would run slowly and be even more costly, he said.
"It is very expensive even now, and most people can't afford it," said salsa singer Alexi Perez, who was chomping on an unlit cigar as he waited near Gomez to crowd inside the dimly lit post office and e-mail a friend in Croatia.
Perez said he'd love to surf the Internet for information about music, but isn't sure how to do that.
"All I know how to do is sit down, write my letter and leave," he said. "And I'm a very slow typist."
Another potential problem is bandwidth. Cuban officials say they limit Internet access largely because the U.S. embargo forces them to rely on expensive satellite link to the Web rather than tapping into nearby American fiber-optic lines.
The government of Venezuela says it is nearing completion of a fiber-optic link that will greatly increase Cuba's Cyberspace capabilities. And the U.S. government recently relaxed restrictions on telecommunications cooperation with the island.

Farming in Cuba & Climate Change,
AGRICULTURA-CUBA: Ciencia y surco frente al cambio climático,
Obama Administration Codifies US-Cuba Moves: How about Third Cousins?,
Nuestra América se arma contra el Imperio
-Carlos Rivera Lugo,
Un grupo en Facebook llama directamente a un Golpe de Estado en Venezuela para el 5 de junio de 2010,

lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2009