martes, 29 de diciembre de 2009
The jails and prisons, and work farms of USAmerica hold behind bars a large
number of political prisoners -- victims of frame ups and other kinds of FBI
dirty tricks. A disproportionate number of them come from the Black, Latino, and
Indigenous communities. The U.S. government claims that the only real political
prisoners are those held in Guantanamo, and a few others in mainland U.S.A.,
held on suspicion of terrorism.
Only people born yesterday would believe such a claim, but there are not a few
such true believers, blinded by nefarious patriotism,racism, Islamophobia, and
old style anti-Communism, now vented mainly against Cuba, Venezuela, and other
countries united in the ALBA alliance.
Five well known Cuban political prisoners are still being held in U.S. jails,
despite Obama's pledge to bring about democratic change in his country.
Below are two poems from Antonio Guerrero Rodríguez, one of The Cuban Five. He
sent them to supporters on December 23, with greetings for a "HAPPY NEW YEAR
2010! Best wishes. !VENCEREMOS!"
For information about the case of the Cuban Five, and their ongoing resistance
and solidarity, check out the website of the National Committee to Free the
Cuban Five at URL --
Also, They Will Return, at >>
And in Canada, URL
Venceremos. We shall overcome!
Felipe Stuart
Managua, Nicaragua
GREETINGS from Antonio Guerrero Rodríguez
December 23, 2009, FDC Miami
Dear friends,
With these two poems, I want to reiterate you that we, the Five, feel profoundly
moved and grateful for the permanent solidarity that you give us, so crucial in
this long battle for justice.
A big explosion frightens
A flock of harmless doves
As blinding smoke it mushrooms
In startled skies above
The screams of sirens scattered
Then saturate the air
While survivors stunned and listless
Burrow everywhere
Deserted streets are ashened --
Still pregnant with fresh fear
Only sanguinated thorns
Remain in gardens near
Dead bodies grace the vista
Souls walk groping in the fore
T'is a Dantesque scene
Of senseless hate and war
Truth is, this all could happen
In any urban space
As children leave from school...
Just pick the time or place
Unmanifest Apocalypse
In springtime comes unfurled
Spawned by wanton beasts whose unchecked greed
Consumed the world
What will we Humans do
Or the poets we endear,
If terrified, our doves abandon us
For other spheres?
( translated by Gregory James Cato )
There will be more poetry
Because the Truth
Is like a giant wave
Or a flying horse...
Because ascending over boundaries
Of time and prison bars,
I can contemplate
How a flower blooms,
Because far away
My solitary pain
Can transform itself
Into a bird, singing a song ...
Because I can still remember
The perfume and color
Of that brief morning
Of my last goodbye
Because to keep alive
More than what God could make
It is important to me
What you and I can make
Because as a whisper,
As a volcano with a voice,
Inspiration within me
Lifts, grows and burns ...
Because without freedom,
I have something better ...
That agitates ideas
From my soul to my heart
Something that in the struggle
Of light and Truth
Anoints me as the real Winner
I have what engenders real harmony
I have Love !
Together with you, we will continue until the final victory, which only will be
reached with the return of us to our Homeland.
Greetings to all our friends, with a big fraternal embrace from the Five.
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010! Best wishes. !VENCEREMOS!
Antonio Guerrero Rodríguez
-December 23, 2009, FDC Miami
domingo, 27 de diciembre de 2009
Climate change is already causing enormous damage and hundreds of millions of poor people are enduring the consequences.
The most advanced research centers have claimed that there is little time to avoid an irreversible catastrophe. James Hansen, from the NASA Goddard Institute, has said that a proportion of 350 parts of carbon dioxide by million is still tolerable; however, the figure today is 390 and growing at a pace of 2 parts by million every year exceeding the levels of 600 thousand years ago. Each one of the past two decades has been the warmest since the first records were taken while carbon dioxide increased 80 parts by million in the past 150 years.
The meltdown of ice in the Artic Sea and of the huge two-kilometer thick icecap covering Greenland; of the South American glaciers feeding its main fresh water sources and the enormous volume covering the Antarctic; of the remaining icecap on the Kilimanjaro, the ice on the Himalayan and the large frozen area of Siberia are visible. Outstanding scientists fear abrupt quantitative changes in these natural phenomena that bring about the change.
Humanity entertained high hopes in the Copenhagen Summit after the Kyoto Protocol signed in 1997 entered into force in 2005. The resounding failure of the Summit gave rise to shameful episodes that call for due clarification.
The United States, with less than 5% of the world population releases 25% of the carbon dioxide. The new US President had promised to cooperate with the international effort to tackle a new problem that afflicts that country as much as the rest of the world. In the meetings leading to the Summit, it became clear that the leaders of that nation and of the wealthiest countries were maneuvering to place the burden of sacrifices on the emergent and poor countries.
A great number of leaders and thousands of representatives of social movements and scientific institutions, determined to fight for the preservation of humanity from the greatest risk in history, converged in Copenhagen on the invitation of the organizers of the Summit. I’d rather avoid reference to details of the brutality of the Danish police force against thousands of protesters and invitees from social and scientific movements who traveled to the Danish capital. I’ll focus on the political features of the Summit.
Actually, chaos prevailed in Copenhagen where incredible things happened. The social movements and scientific institutions were not allowed to attend the debates. There were heads of State and Government who could not even express their views on crucial issues. Obama and the leaders of the wealthiest nations took over the conference, with the complicity of the Danish government. The United Nations agencies were pushed to the background.
Barack Obama, the last to arrive on the day of the Summit for a 12-hours stay, met with two groups of invitees carefully chosen by him and his staff, and in the company of one of them met at the plenary hall with the rest of the high-level delegations. He made his remarks and left right away trough the back door. Except for the small group chosen by him, the other representatives of countries were prevented from taking the floor during that plenary session. The presidents of Bolivia and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela were allowed to speak because the Chairman of the Summit had no choice but to give them the floor in light of the strong pressures of those present.
In an adjacent room, Obama brought together the leaders of the wealthiest nations, some of the most important emerging States and two very poor countries. He then introduced a document, negotiated with two or three of the most important countries, ignored the UN General Assembly, gave a press conference and left like Julius Caesar after one of his victorious wars in Asia Minor that led him to say: “I came, I saw, I conquered.”
Even Gordon Brown, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, had said on October 19: “If we do not reach a deal over the next few months, let us be in no doubt, since once the damage from unchecked emissions growth is done, no retrospective global agreement in some future period can undo that choice. By then it will be irretrievably too late...”
Brown concluded his speech with these dramatic words: “We cannot afford to fail. If we fail now we will pay a heavy price. If we act now, if we act together, if we act with vision and resolve, success at Copenhagen is still within our reach, but, if we falter, the Earth will itself be at risk and, for the planet, there is no Plan B.”
But later he arrogantly said that the United Nations could not be taken hostage by a group of countries like Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua and Tuvalu. At the same time, he accused China, India, Brazil, South Africa and other emerging countries of being lured by the United States into signing a document that throws the Kyoto Protocol in the wastebasket without a binding agreement involving the United States and its wealthy allies.
I find it necessary to recall that the United Nations Organization was born hardly six decades ago, after the last World War, when there were no more than fifty independent countries. Today, after the hateful colonial system ceased to exist thanks to the resolute struggle of the peoples, it has a membership of over 190 independent nations. For many years, even the People’s Republic of China was denied admission to the UN while a puppet regime was its representative in that institution and in the privileged Security Council.
The tenacious support of the growing number of Third World nations would prove indispensable to China’s international recognition and become an extremely significant element for the acceptance of that country’s rights at the UN by the United States and its NATO allies.
It was the Soviet Union that made the greatest contribution to the heroic fight against fascism. More than 25 million of its people perished while the country was terribly devastated. It was from that struggle that it emerged as a superpower with the capacity to partly balance the absolute domination of the US imperial system and the former colonial powers to plunder the Third World countries unrestrictedly. Following the demise of the USSR, the United States extended its political and military power to the East, --up to Russia’s heart-- and enhanced its influence on the rest of Europe. Therefore, what happened in Copenhagen came as no surprise.
I want to insist on how unfair and outrageous were the remarks of the Prime Minister of the UK and the Yankee attempt to impose as the Summit Accord a document that was at no time discussed with the attending countries.
During his press conference of December 21, Cuba’s Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez made a statement that cannot be disproved. I will quote from some of its paragraphs: “I would like to emphasize that no agreement of the Conference of the Parties was reached in Copenhagen, that no decision was made as to binding or nonbinding commitments or pertaining to International Law; that simply did not happen. There was no agreement in Copenhagen.”
“The Summit was a failure and a deception for the world […] the lack of political will was left in the open…”
“…it was a step backward in the actions of the international community to prevent or mitigate the effects of climate change…”
“…the average world temperature could rise by 5 degrees…”
Right then our Foreign Minister adds other interesting data on the likely consequences of climate change according to the latest scientific research.
“…from the Kyoto Protocol until today the developed countries’ emissions rose by 12.8%... and 55% of that volume corresponds to the United States.”
“The average annual oil consumption is 25 barrels for an American, 11 barrels for a European, less than 2 barrels for a Chinese and less than 1 barrel for a Latin American or Caribbean citizen.”
“Thirty countries, including those of the European Union, are consuming 80% of the fuel produced.”
The fact is that the developed countries signatories of the Kyoto Protocol increased their emissions dramatically. Now, they want to replace the adopted bases of the emissions from 1990 with those of 2005. This means that the United States, which is the main source of emissions, would be reducing its emissions of 25 years ago in only 3%. It is a shameful mockery of the world public opinion.
The Cuban foreign minister, speaking on behalf of a group of ALBA member countries, defended China, India, Brazil, South Africa and other important emerging-economies states. He stressed the concept adopted in Kyoto that “common but differentiated responsibilities mean that the responsibility of the historical accumulators and the developed countries, who are the culprits of this catastrophe, differs from that of the small island states and the South countries, above all the least developed…”
“Responsibility means financing; responsibility means technology transfer on adequate terms. But, at this point, Obama resorts to a game of words and instead of talking of common but differentiated responsibilities, he speaks of ‘common but differentiated responses.’”
“…he then leaves the plenary hall without taking the trouble of listening to anybody; he had neither listened to anybody before taking the floor.”
In a subsequent press conference, before departing from the Danish capital, Obama had said: “There has been a meaningful and unprecedented breakthrough here in Copenhagen. For the first time in history, the largest economies have come to jointly accept responsibilities.”
In his clear and irrefutable presentation, our Foreign Minister said: “What does it mean that ‘the largest economies have come to jointly accept responsibilities’? It means that they are placing a large part of the burden of financing the relief and adaptation of countries, mostly the South countries, to climate change on China, Brazil, India and South Africa. Because it must be said that in Copenhagen we witnessed an assault, a holdup against China, Brazil, India and South Africa, and against every other euphemistically called developing country.”
These were the resounding and undeniable words used by our Foreign Minister to describe what happened in Copenhagen.
I must add that, when at 10:00 a.m. on December 19 our Vicepresident Esteban Lazo and the Cuban Foreign Minister had already left, a belated attempt was made to resurrect the Copenhagen cadaver as a Summit Accord. At that moment, practically every head of State had left and there was hardly any minister around. Again, the denunciation by the remaining members of the delegations from Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua and other countries could defeat the maneuver. That was the end of the inglorious Summit.
Another fact that should not be overlooked is that at the most critical moment of that day, in the wee small hours, the Cuban Foreign Minister, together with the delegations waging the honorable battle, offered UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon their cooperation in the ever harder struggle being fought as well as in future efforts necessary to preserve the life of our species.
The environmental group Wild World Fund has warned that if emissions are not drastically reduced climate change will go unchecked in the next 5 to 10 years.
But there is no need to prove the substance of what is said here that Obama did.
The US President stated on Wednesday, December 23, that people are justified in being disappointed about the outcome of the Summit on Climate Change. In an interview with the CBS television network, the President said that “instead of a total collapse if nothing had been done, which would have been a huge step backward; at least we could remain more or less where we were…”
According to the press dispatch, Obama is the target of most criticism from the countries that nearly unanimously feel that the result of the Summit was disastrous.
Now, the UN is in a quandary since many countries would find it humiliating to ask others to adhere to the arrogant and antidemocratic accord.
To carry on with the battle and to claim in every meeting, particularly in those of Bonn and Mexico, humanity’s right to life, with the morale and the strength that truth provides, is in my opinion the only way to proceed.
Fidel Castro Ruz, December 26, 2009
sábado, 26 de diciembre de 2009
de Jorgito : Los Cinco V.S Gobierno de Estados Unidos. La última palabra la tenemos nosotros
Soy un joven camagüeyano de 16 años de edad, que padezco una Parálisis Cerebral Infantil, pero que no me ha limitado para ser un fiel luchador por la causa de los 5 , en la cual aprovecho los medios que me dio la revolución para integrarme a la sociedad, incluida una computadora la cual me ayuda en los estudios y también a defender las causas justas.
El caso de los 5 siempre ha sido victima del prejuicio y la prevaricación del gobierno de los EE.UU. y su camarilla judicial. Es decir tanto la Sra. Jean Lenard, a la que no se le puede llamar jueza ya que lo menos que hace es impartir justicia, así como el gobierno de los EE.UU. que están siendo cómplices de la mafia y de todos los que quieren que nuestra CUBA vire al capitalismo brutal en el que vivíamos antes del 1959.
Esto no lo digo por puro capricho tenemos los elementos y las pruebas que hablan por sí solo. El sistema legal judicial norteamericano tiene como premisa de obligatorio cumplimiento el precedente judicial, o sea que para juzgar un caso, se debe tener presente los casos similares que hubieran sido juzgados, todo lo que fue violado en el caso de nuestros hermanos. .
Es necesario que el mundo conozca que el caso de los Cinco está lleno de odio político y ensañamiento hacia Cuba socialista, estos ejemplos hablan y nos dan una visión de justicia, que los 5 no conocieron.
1er caso:
Un autentico Agente CIA se trata de Donald W. Keyser quien el 12 de diciembre del 2005 confesó haberse robado 28 documentos clasificados de TOP SECRET, 1976 clasificados de SECRETO y 1655 documentos clasificados de confidencial y los puso al servicio de un gobierno extranjero. Sin embargo el agente CIA por las relaciones que tenía en la CASA BLANCA fue dejado en libertad bajo fianza de 500 000 dólares (en realidad una garantía Hipotecaria) con la única obligación de usar una manilla electrónica de monitoreo.
El 12 de enero de 2008, discretamente Keyser fue condenado a un año y un día de cárcel el pago de una multa de 25 000 dólares y tres años de supervisión carcelaria. Pero no es todo este hombre tenia ya antecedentes de esta misma actividad.
Este caso de autentico y comprobado espionaje, uno de los casos más famosos ocurridos durante la administración Bush. Se trata de un asociado del lobby pro israelí, Lawrence A. Franklin.
Durante años Franklin experto analista del Pentágono asesor de Donald Rumsfeld entregó a dos agentes israelitas de nombre Steve Rosen y Keith Weissman, que operaban bajo la cobertura del American Israel Political Commitee, cantidad incomparable de documentos secretos, solamente fue condenado a doce años de cárcel y posteriormente liberado bajo fianza hasta el juicio de Steve Rosen y Keith Weissman. Los cuales hasta la realización de este articulo se mantenían Bajo Fianza.
Pero con relación al cambio de sede también hay prejuicio:
Existe un caso de un mexicano residente en Miami que cuando se ventilaba el caso del niño Elián se manifestó a favor de Juan Miguel y fue expulsado del trabajo, éste apeló y como en esa ciudad hay tanto odio hacia nuestro proceso revolucionario, le cambiaron la sede del juicio.
La ley judicial norteamericana explica que ante una probabilidad de injusticia hay que cambiar la sede, sin embargo, a los Cinco le pidieron que demostraran que era virtualmente imposible realizar el juicio en Miami. Otra vez me pregunto, por qué a los cinco no se le aplicó este precedente judicial.
Este caso ha estado cargado de trampas y odio, un ejemplo de esto es el cargo tres de Conspiración para cometer Asesinato en Primer Grado. Que quiere decir Asesinato en Primer Grado: un acto con premeditación y alevosía, no es un homicidio cualquiera, no es que alguien mata a una persona por un momento de exabrupto, no, este delito es una cosa que tú planificas, estás implicado o ejecutas personalmente.
Que sucedió verdaderamente y el porqué Gerardo es inocente: primeramente este cargo se crea para satisfacer a los elementos mas connotados de la mafia y la contrarrevolución, o sea para echarles gasolina al fuego.
Se trata del derribo de las avionetas de Hermanos al Rescate quienes violaron nuestro espacio aéreo y nuestra soberanía con el objetivo de provocar un conflicto armado entre Cuba y los Estados Unidos. Quién es el jefe de esta organización no gubernamental nada y nada menos que José Basulto quien en los años 60 ametralló las instalaciones turísticas del litoral de la Habana, es decir un contrarrevolucionario consagrado.
En el supuesto caso de que Gerardo tuviera en sus manos la información del vuelo de las avionetas del 24 de febrero de 1996, a nuestro país para tener esta información no le hacía falta que Gerardo la trasmitiera, ya que los datos de dicho vuelo, su hora de salida, aeropuerto, etc, el propio José Basalto se había encargado de difundirla en todos los medios subversivos de Miami, además la información tampoco era secreta pues por la cercanía entre cuba y EEUU todo avión que salga hacía nuestro espacio aéreo, que pueda pasar cerca, es obligación del controlador aéreo de EEUU, del aeropuerto de que se trate, de comunicar, mediante la llamada oficial correspondiente los datos del vuelo para evitar un accidente y que sea controlado por Cuba, de modo que el controlador aéreo de OPA LOKA se vio obligado a hacer esa llamada, por lo que Gerardo es inocente y este cargo se incorporó para satisfacer a los terroristas y levantarle la moral a la mafia por el golpe que habían recibido en el caso del niño Elián González.
Es importante recalcar que la fiscalía quiso retirar el cargo pues sabía que no podía demostrarlo. Plantearon que a la luz de los elementos presentados era un obstáculo insuperable. Posiblemente Gerardo sea el único hombre de este planeta que está cumpliendo una sanción por un delito del cual el Fiscal dijo no podía acusarlo., esto es sinónimo de Odio, de venganza hacia Cuba en la Era de la Revolución.
Por lo que estamos obligados a ser consecuentes con el tiempo que nos ha tocado vivir enfrentarnos a todo el terrorismo mediático que propagan los grandes medios de comunicación y hago un llamado a todas las personas de buena voluntad del mundo para que luchen por una de las causas mas justas que defiende hoy la humanidad, unamos nuestras fuerzas para lograr que los 5 estén menos tiempos en prisión gritémosle todos a Obama ese nuevo premio Nóbel de la paz: Yes you can free the cuban five.
Tengamos consciencia que los 5 dejaron familias, hijos e hijos por tener aún, para preservar la obra más humana del planeta, para defender los sueños de los niños que como yo si hubiéramos nacidos en cualquier otro país del mundo capitalista que vivimos, no hubiéramos tenido el más elemental de los derechos, el derecho a la Vida.
Jorgito el camagüeyano
Cuba: La última palabra la tenemos nosotros
Querido padre, hoy tengo nuevamente en mis manos tu carta de septiembre, por el décimo aniversario de tu injusto encarcelamiento, en la que nos dices que la última palabra la tenemos nosotros, y he decido hacer algunos apuntes para compartir contigo y con nuestros amigos en el mundo.
El escritor Uruguayo, Eduardo Galiano, describe el mundo que nos ha tocado vivir de la siguiente manera “Caminar es un privilegio y respirar una hazaña en las grandes ciudades del mundo al revés. Quien no está preso de la necesidad, está preso del miedo: unos duermen con la ansiedad de tener las cosas que no tienen, y otros duermen por el pánico de perder las cosas que tienen. El mundo al revés nos entrena para ver al prójimo como una amenaza y no como una promesa, nos reduce a la soledad y nos consuela con drogas químicas y con amigos cibernéticos. Estamos condenados a morirnos de hambre, a morirnos de miedo o a morirnos de aburrimiento, si es que alguna bala perdida no nos abrevia la existencia”.
Esta es la descripción exacta de la sociedad que le ha tocado juzgar tu actuación, ante la necedad de un pueblo de protegerse del terrorismo del que ha sido victima por ya casi medio siglo, una sociedad para la que no somos un bien jurídico a proteger y por ende no podemos esperar justicia, ni procesos legales, estos diez años nos han demostrado que su sistema legal está diseñado para tenerlos eternamente presos. Pero hay algo que han perdido de vista los que tienen el control y es la fuerza del pueblo norteamericano el que poco a poco se dará cuenta del incremento de la injusticia en la sociedad irracional que le ha tocado vivir, se darán cuenta que llenar sus graneros, sentarse en silla de oro y consumir no pueden ser las palabras de orden, hay algo más allá y es el mérito al amor y a la grandeza y ese es el mundo por el que luchamos hoy donde el orden sea otro, donde las oportunidades sean para la mayoría y el fruto que recojamos sea la justicia y la paz.
Hoy cuando los pueblos se despiertan o son despertados por soñadores que hacen de la vida sueños y de los sueños realidades. Aquellos hombres y mujeres que llevan en si el decoro de muchos hombres, aquellos caminantes que siguen un camino toda la vida y aún después de la muerte, sigue su ejemplo dibujado en la Historia, hacen camino al andar, a ellos defensores del mundo de hoy y del mañana. Luchadores incansables por el derecho de soñar, reír, por los derechos de la vida y el bienestar, después de ganar la batalla por el regreso de ustedes Cinco a la patria, tendremos que hacerle un alto a la historia y con letras mayúsculas escribir estos hombres y mujeres del mundo, tienen un lugar especial en la historia universal porque marcaron la diferencia entre la ignorancia y la inteligencia, entre lo irracional y lo racional, entre un hombre vivo y un cadáver, entre lo justo y lo injusto, entre lo cierto y lo incierto, entre el terrorismo y el antiterrorismo que es marcarla entre el bien y el mal, se multiplicaran las Alicias, las Cindys, Los Rodys, porque son la luz y la luz siempre se abre paso en lo oscuro como diría nuestra amiga Arleen, se multiplicarán en el mundo quienes a base de sacrificio y nadando contra corriente han logrado que la verdad de los cinco se conozca en todos los continentes, como bien tu dices y será hoy y no mañana, sabes por qué tengo esa certeza, porque son muchos los mensajes que llegan a mi ordenador lo mismo en Francés, Ingles (, ), Español y hasta en Creole, diciendo que ustedes regresarán, pero lo más importante, diciendo que hacen para lograr que ustedes regresen, este huracán de solidaridad cuando toque la tierra norteamericana será difícil de detener por los más desarrollados medios y monopolios de la información, sabes por qué, porque llevan la fuerza de la razón y de la justicia, que hoy está en la fronteras de Canadá y México y llegará al pueblo norteamericano, al que le pido que busque la verdad en el caso de los Cinco y como pueblo digno y honrado que es, exija justicia en este proceso.
Querido padre, hoy cuando han pasado once años de tu injusto encarcelamiento y de tus hermanos, hasta que llegue el momento en que hagamos el alto en la Historia Universal para escribir un documento que recoja la grandeza de esos hombres y mujeres que luchan por la verdad, quiero en tu nombre, en el mió y en el del pueblo cubano darle las gracias por demostrarnos que se puede luchar por un mundo mejor, donde sus frutos sean la solidaridad, la hermandad, la justicia y la paz, a todos ellos una y mil veces gracias por su empeño y por su amor, que ha sido capaz de engendrar la maravilla de creer sin lugar a dudas que la verdad triunfará.
Tu hijo
Los hijos que ya tienes
-Corresponsal de Rebelde
Jorge Jerez Belisario es un niño discapacitado camagüeyano, quien en el primer año de vida sufrió una parálisis cerebral infantil. Catorce años después, el jovencito se ha impuesto a las limitaciones físico-motoras y a los trastornos del lenguaje, para vencer con voluntad el entuerto de la naturaleza.
Ayudado con una computadora, que le entregó gratuitamente la Revolución, pues él no puede escribir con sus manos, Jorgito multiplica su quehacer y comparte sueños y alegrías con el resto de los niños de su escuela Secundaria Básica. La última de sus iniciativas es el Concurso de Cartas "Los hijos que ya tienes", dedicado a Gerardo Hernández Nordelo, uno de los cinco cubanos, preso en los Estados Unidos.
El nuevo empeño promueve la solidaridad con Gerardo y Adriana, quienes se ven imposibilitados de tener hijos, por las condiciones que el imperio yanqui les ha impuesto.
Jorgito ya disfruta los primeros resultados: "Según información de la Presidencia nacional de la Organización de Pioneros José Martí, sé que en todo el país se trabaja, porque la idea ha impactado en los niños. En Camagüey se han recibido ya más de 200 cartas, y desde el primer día, los niños decidieron escribirle a Gerardo y Adriana."
Y con sano orgullo y emoción, Jorgito enfatiza, "cuando le hagamos llegar todas las cartas a Gerardo, ¡qué feliz se sentirá!, pues él dice que un día malo es cuando recibe menos de seis cartas."
La mamá de Jorgito, Martha Julia Belisario, comparte la alegría del niño, y de Amanda, la hija más pequeña, quien también sigue los pasos del hermano:
"Bueno, imagínese, uno lo siente como ellos; yo a veces le comento a mi esposo la sensación de tener la misma edad de ellos, porque siento las mismas emociones, sufro con ellos, y me alegro cuando buscan en los libros e investigan; porque Jorgito prepara a su hermana Amanda y le enseña, porque ya él termina este año el noveno grado, y ella es la continuidad en la organización de Pioneros."
"Mucho me duele también escuchar las dificultades en la vida de esas cinco familias, algunos que no han podido tener hijos, y los otros porque los tienen aquí, pero están obligados a la separación. Incluso, los propios niños, establecen la comparación entre Ivette, la hija de René González y Amanda, porque son de la misma edad. Mi niña me dice muchas veces: 'hay mamá, como yo le doy cariño a mi papá, las cosas que le hago, y ella no se las puede hacer'. Entonces, es algo emocionante, te das cuenta que tus hijos, aunque pequeños, luchan por una causa justa, y a la vez sufro y siento igual que ellos."
Jorgito, quien mantiene correspondencia con los cinco cubanos presos en los Estados Unidos, recibió recientemente una carta de Gerardo: "Imagínese que yo estaba entrenando ajedrez en la escuela, y mi profesor me había puesto a jugar con otro niño que tenía que competir; pero cuando me dieron la noticia de la carta, terminé el juego. Formé tanta algarabía que el otro niño pensó que un perro me había mordido."
Y así es en la casa con la llegada de la correspondencia, como nos cuenta Martha Julia: “Es verdad, se arma tal alboroto, que los vecinos creen que ha pasado algo, y se asustan. Ahora, con la última carta de Gerardo, la abuela de Jorgito creía incluso que el niño se había caído, por sus limitaciones para caminar, porque la llamó por teléfono, llorando. Todo lo que ellos envían, o lo que los muchachos encuentran, en mi casa es un acontecimiento."
El Concurso de cartas Los hijos que ya tienes, en respuesta al mensaje que Gerardo escribió en el 2001, a Los hijos por tener, también es otro motivo de alegría para la familia de Jorge Jerez Belisario, como confirma su mamá:
"Yo, desde que ellos comenzaron la idea, me sentí parte del proyecto. Lo hallé tan humano y tan necesario para Gerardo y Adriana... porque yo tengo hijos…
"Y leer las cartas que ya se han recibido es increíble: ver lo que ellos trasmiten, los sentimientos…
"Mira, hay algunas que hablan de cuánto han crecido; que si tienen un novio y no se lo han dicho a nadie; que si el vendedor de la esquina les pegunta por Gerardo...
"En fin, esos niños despliegan tanta imaginación, que tal parece que es una relación real de padre a hijo... Cuando esas cartas lleguen a las manos de Gerardo y de Adriana, porque ella también es víctima del imperio, pienso que eso será algo muy grande, algo muy especial para ellos."
El concurso de cartas, promovido por la iniciativa del niño camagüeyano Jorge Jerez Belisario, cierra el próximo cuatro de junio, día del cumpleaños de Gerardo, y se harán públicos los mejores trabajos el día 15 de julio, fecha en que Adriana y Gerardo celebran sus veinte años de casados, aunque separados e imposibilitados de tener hijos.,
...con una mezcla de tristeza y alegría recibo los poemas y décimas de Tony y no encuentro otra forma de agradecerlo que no sea haciendo unas para el. Aunque no sean tan perfectas como las suyas, si llevan el corazón en cada verso, te agradecería mucho que la compartieras con los amigos y si pudieras a través de ellos se las hicieras llegar a su correo para cuando tenga un tiempo las lea pues como pude leer estará hasta el otro año en la prisión donde puede revisar el correo, ya le envié a los cinco algunas , Saludos desde Bayamo, Luis Alberto Araujo Aguilera
A Tony
En cárceles del imperio
Cinco hermanos con bravura,
Luchan contra las locuras
De un gobierno poco serio
Inventan con gran misterio
Leyes para condenarlos
Pero no logran atarlos
Pues de Cuba al Aconcagua
La tierra, el cielo y el agua
Luchan para liberarlos
Con poemas de un Guerrero
Me he imperado en este día
Me entrega su cubanía
Y su verso tan sincero,
Es por eso que yo quiero
Agradecer su atención
Demostrando mi emoción
Leyendo desde su altura
Aprendiendo su cultura
Y su poema tierno y fiero
Tu lucha es mi lucha hermano
y juntos lo lograremos.
Lucharemos, venceremos
Por eso toma mi mano,
Es la mano de un cubano
Que en esta lucha confía
Por que se que ese día
Del regreso llegará
Triunfará la gran verdad
Regresando la alegría
lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2009
The youth is more interested than anyone else in the future.
Until very recently, the discussion revolved around the kind of society we would have. Today, the discussion centers on whether human society will survive.
These are not dramatic phrases. We must get used to the true facts. Hope is the last thing human beings can relinquish. With truthful arguments, men and women of all ages, especially young people, have waged an exemplary battle at the Summit and taught the world a great lesson.
It is important now that Cuba and the world come to know as much as possible of what happened in Copenhagen. The truth can be stronger than the influenced and often misinformed minds of those holding in their hands the destiny of the world.
If anything significant was achieved in the Danish capital, it was that the media coverage allowed the world public to watch the political chaos created there and the humiliating treatment accorded to Heads of States or Governments, ministers and thousands of representatives of social movements and institutions that in hope and expectation traveled to the Summit’s venue in Copenhagen. The brutal repression of peaceful protesters by the police was a reminder of the behavior of the Nazi assault troops that occupied neighboring Denmark on April 1940.
But no one could have thought that on December 18, 2009, the last day of the Summit, this would be suspended by the Danish government –a NATO ally associated with the carnage in Afghanistan-- to offer the conference’s plenary hall to President Obama for a meeting where only he and a selected group of guests, 16 in all, would have the exclusive right to speak.
Obama’s deceitful, demagogic and ambiguous remarks failed to involve a binding commitment and ignored the Kyoto Framework Convention. He then left the room shortly after listening to a few other speakers. Among those invited to take the floor were the highest industrialized nations, several emerging economies and some of the poorest countries in the world. The leaders and representatives of over 170 countries were only allowed to listen.
At the end of the speeches of the 16 chosen, Evo Morales, with the authority of his indigenous Aymara origin and his recent reelection with 65% of the vote as well as the support of two-thirds of the Bolivian House and Senate, requested the floor. The Danish president had no choice but to yield to the insistence of the other delegations. When Evo had concluded his wise and deep observations, the Danish had to give the floor to Hugo Chavez. Both speeches will be registered by history as examples of short and timely remarks. Then, with their mission duly accomplished they both left for their respective countries. But when Obama disappeared, he had yet to fulfill his task in the host country.
From the evening of the 17th and the early morning hours of the 18th, the Prime Minister of Denmark and senior representatives of the United States had been meeting with the Chairman of the European Commission and the leaders of 27 nations to introduce to them --on behalf of Obama-- a draft agreement in whose elaboration none of the other leaders of the rest of the world had taken part. It was an antidemocratic and practically clandestine initiative that disregarded the thousands of representatives of social movements, scientific and religious institutions and other participants in the Summit.
Through the night of the 18th and until 3:00 a.m. of the 19th, when many Heads of States had already departed, the representatives of the countries waited for the resumption of the sessions and the conclusion of the event. Throughout the 18th, Obama held meetings and press conferences, and the same did the European leaders. Then, they left.
Something unexpected happened then: at three in the morning of the 19th, the Prime Minister of Denmark convened a meeting to conclude the Summit. By then, the countries were represented by ministers, officials, ambassadors and technical staff.
However, an amazing battle was waged that morning by a group of representatives of Third World countries challenging the attempt by Obama and the wealthiest on the planet to introduce a document imposed by the United States as one agreed by consensus in the Summit.
The representative of Venezuela, Claudia Salerno, showed with impressive energy her right hand bleeding from strongly slamming on the table to claim her right to take the floor. Her tone of voice and the dignity of her arguments will never be forgotten.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba made a vigorous speech of approximately one thousand words from which I have chosen a few paragraphs to include in this Reflection:
“The document that you, Mister Chairman, repeatedly claimed that did not exist shows up now. […] we have seen drafts circulating surreptitiously and being discussed in secret meetings…”
“…I deeply resent the way you have led this conference.”
“…Cuba considers the text of this apocryphal draft extremely inadequate and inadmissible. The goal of 2 degrees centigrade is unacceptable and it would have incalculable catastrophic consequences…”
“The document that you are unfortunately introducing is not binding in any way with respect to the reduction of the greenhouse effect gas emissions.”
“I am aware of the previous drafts, which also through questionable and clandestine procedures, were negotiated by small groups of people…”
“The document you are introducing now fails to include the already meager and lacking key phrases contained in that draft…”
“…as far as Cuba is concerned, it is incompatible with the universally recognized scientific view sustaining that it is urgent and inescapable to ensure the reduction of at least 45% of the emissions by the year 2020, and of no less than 80% or 90% by 2050.”
“Any argument on the continuation of the negotiations to reach agreement in the future to cut down emissions must inevitably include the concept of the validity of the Kyoto Protocol […] Your paper, Mister Chairman, is a death certificate of the Kyoto Protocol and my delegation cannot accept it.”
“The Cuban delegation would like to emphasize the preeminence of the principle of ‘common by differentiated responsibilities,’ as the core of the future process of negotiations. Your paper does not include a word on that.”
“This draft declaration fails to mention concrete financial commitments and the transfers of technologies to developing countries, which are part of the obligations contracted by the developed countries under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change […] Mister Chairman, by imposing their interests through your document, the developed nations are avoiding any concrete commitment.”
“…What you, Mister Chairman, define as ‘a group of representative leaders’ is to me a gross violation of the principle of sovereign equality consecrated in the United Nations Charter…”
“Mr. Chairman, I formally request that this statement be included in the final report of the works of this regrettable and shameful 15th session of the Conference of the Parties.”
The representatives of the countries had been given only one hour to present their views. This led to complicated, shameful and embarrassing situations.
Then, a lengthy debate ensued where the delegations from the developed countries put a heavy pressure on the rest to make the conference adopt the abovementioned document as the final result of their deliberations.
A small number of countries firmly insisted on the grave omissions and ambiguities of the document promoted by the United States, particularly the absence of a commitment by the developed countries on the reduction of carbon emissions and on the financing that would allow the South countries to adopt alleviating and adjustment measures.
After a long and extremely tense discussion, the position of the ALBA countries and Sudan, as President of the G-77, prevailed that the document was unacceptable to the conference thus it could not be adopted.
In view of the absence of consensus, the Conference could only “take note” of the existence of that document representing the position of a group of about 25 countries.
After that decision was made, --at 10:30 in the morning Denmark’s time-- Bruno, together with other ALBA representatives, had a friendly discussion with the UN Secretary to whom they expressed their willingness to continue struggling alongside the United Nations to prevent the terrible consequences of climate change. Their mission completed, our Foreign Minister and Cuban Vicepresident Esteban Lazo departed to come back home and attend the National Assembly session. A few members of the delegation and the ambassador stayed in Copenhagen to take part in the final procedures.
This afternoon they reported the following:
“…both, those who were involved in the elaboration of the document, and those like the President of the United States who anticipated its adoption by the conference…as they could not disregard the decision to simply ‘take note’ of the alleged ‘Copenhagen Agreement,’ they tried to introduce a procedure allowing the other COP countries that had not been a part of the shady deal to adhere to it, and make it public, the intention being to pretend such an agreement was legal, something that could precondition the results of the negotiations that should carry on.”
“Such belated attempt was again firmly opposed by Cuba, Venezuela and Bolivia. These countries warned that a document which had not been adopted by the Convention could not be considered legal and that there was not a COP document; therefore, no regulations could be established for its alleged adoption…”
“This is how the meeting in Copenhagen is coming to an end, without the adoption of the document surreptitiously worked out in the past few days under the clear ideological guidance of the US Administration…”
Tomorrow our attention will be focused on the National Assembly.
Lazo, Bruno and the other members of the delegation will be arriving at midnight today. On Monday, the Minister of Foreign Affairs will be able to explain in details and with the necessary accuracy the truth of what happened at the Summit.
Fidel Castro Ruz, December 19, 2009
domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2009
La verdad de lo ocurrido en la Cumbre de Copenhague
A los jóvenes interesa más que a nadie el futuro.
Hasta hace muy poco se discutía sobre el tipo de sociedad en que viviríamos. Hoy se discute si la sociedad humana sobrevivirá.
No se trata de frases dramáticas. Hay que acostumbrarse a los hechos reales. Lo último que pueden perder los seres humanos es la esperanza. Con la verdad en la mano, hombres y mujeres de todas las edades, especialmente los jóvenes, han librado en la Cumbre ejemplar batalla, ofreciendo al mundo una gran lección.
Lo principal ahora es que se conozca lo más posible en Cuba y en el mundo lo ocurrido en Copenhague. La verdad posee una fuerza que supera la inteligencia mediatizada y muchas veces desinformada de quienes tienen en sus manos los destinos del mundo.
Si en la capital danesa se logró algo importante, fue que a través de los medios masivos la opinión mundial pudo observar el caos político creado y el trato humillante a Jefes de Estado y Gobierno, Ministros y miles de representantes de movimientos sociales e instituciones, quienes llenos de ilusiones y esperanzas viajaron a la sede de la Cumbre en Copenhague. La brutal represión contra manifestantes pacíficos por parte de la fuerza pública, recordaba la conducta de las tropas de asalto de los nazis que ocuparon la vecina Dinamarca en abril de 1940. Lo que nadie podía imaginar es que, el 18 de diciembre del 2009, último día de la Cumbre, esta sería suspendida por el gobierno danés -aliado de la OTAN y asociado a la carnicería de Afganistán- para entregar la sala principal de la Conferencia al Presidente Obama, donde él y un grupo selecto de invitados, 16 en total, tendrían el derecho exclusivo de hablar. Obama pronunció un discurso engañoso y demagógico, lleno de ambigüedades, que no implicaba compromiso vinculante alguno e ignoraba el Convenio Marco de Kyoto. Se marchó de la sala poco después de escuchar a algunos oradores más. Entre los invitados a usar de la palabra estaban los países más industrializados, varios de las economías emergentes y algunos de los más pobres del planeta. Los líderes y representantes de más de 170, solo tenían derecho a escuchar.
Al finalizar el discurso de los 16 escogidos, Evo Morales, con toda la autoridad de su origen indio aymara, recién electo por el 65% de los votos y el apoyo de las dos terceras partes de la Cámara y el Senado de Bolivia, solicitó la palabra. Al Presidente dinamarqués no le quedó otra alternativa que cedérsela ante la demanda de las demás delegaciones. Cuando Evo concluyó sus sabias y profundas frases, el danés tuvo que cederle la palabra a Hugo Chávez. Ambos pronunciamientos pasarán a la historia como ejemplos de discursos breves y oportunos. Cumplida cabalmente la tarea, los dos partieron hacia sus respectivos países. Pero cuando Obama hizo mutis por el foro, no había cumplido todavía su tarea en el país sede de la Cumbre.
Desde la noche del 17 y la madrugada del 18, el Primer Ministro de Dinamarca y altos representantes de Estados Unidos se reunían con el Presidente de la Comisión Europea y los líderes de 27 países para proponerles en nombre de Obama, un proyecto de acuerdo, en cuya elaboración no participaría ninguno de los restantes líderes del resto del mundo. Era una iniciativa antidemocrática y virtualmente clandestina, que ignoraba a miles de representantes de los movimientos sociales, instituciones científicas, religiosas y demás invitados a la Cumbre.
Durante toda la noche del 18 hasta las tres de la madrugada del 19, cuando ya muchos Jefes de Estado se habían marchado, los representantes de los países estuvieron esperando el reinicio de las sesiones y la clausura del evento. Todo el día 18, Obama sostuvo reuniones y conferencias de prensa. Lo mismo hicieron los líderes de Europa. Después se marcharon.
Ocurrió entonces algo insólito: a las tres de la madrugada del 19, el Primer Ministro de Dinamarca convocó una reunión para la clausura de la Cumbre. Quedaban representando a sus países ministros, funcionarios, embajadores y personal técnico.
Fue sin embargo asombrosa la batalla que libraron esa madrugada un grupo de representantes de países del Tercer Mundo, que impugnaban el intento de Obama y los más ricos del planeta de presentar como acuerdo por consenso de la Cumbre el documento impuesto por Estados Unidos.
La representante de Venezuela, Claudia Salerno, con energía impresionante mostró su mano derecha, de la que brotaba sangre, por la fuerza con que golpeó la mesa para ejercer su derecho a usar de la palabra. El tono de su voz y la dignidad de sus argumentos no podrán olvidarse.
El Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, pronunció un enérgico discurso de aproximadamente mil palabras, del cual escojo varios párrafos que deseo incluir en esta Reflexión:
“El documento que usted varias veces afirmó que no existía, señor Presidente, aparece ahora. [...] hemos visto versiones que circulan de manera subrepticia y que se discuten en pequeños conciliábulos secretos…”
“…Lamento profundamente la manera en que usted ha conducido esta conferencia.”
“…Cuba considera extremadamente insuficiente e inadmisible el texto de este proyecto apócrifo. La meta de 2 grados centígrados es inaceptable y tendría consecuencias catastróficas incalculables…”
“El documento que usted, lamentablemente, presenta no tiene compromiso alguno de reducción de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero.”
“Conozco las versiones anteriores que también, a través de procedimientos cuestionables y clandestinos, se estuvieron negociando en corrillos cerrados…”
“El documento que usted presenta ahora, omite, precisamente, las ya magras e insuficientes frases clave que aquella versión contenía…”
“…para Cuba, es incompatible con el criterio científico universalmente reconocido, que considera urgente e insoslayable asegurar niveles de reducción de, al menos, el 45% de las emisiones para el año 2020, y no inferiores al 80% ó 90% de reducción para el 2050.”
“Todo planteamiento acerca de la continuación de las negociaciones para adoptar, en el futuro, acuerdos de reducción de emisiones, debe incluir, inevitablemente, el concepto de la vigencia del Protocolo de Kyoto [...] Su papel, señor Presidente, es el acta de defunción del Protocolo de Kyoto que mi delegación no acepta.”
“La delegación cubana desea hacer énfasis en la preeminencia del principio de ‘responsabilidades comunes, pero diferenciadas’, como concepto central del futuro proceso de negociaciones. Su papel no dice una palabra de eso.”
“Este proyecto de declaración omite compromisos concretos de financiamiento y transferencia de tecnologías hacia los países en desarrollo como parte del cumplimiento de las obligaciones contraídas por los países desarrollados bajo la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático [...] Los países desarrollados, que imponen sus intereses mediante su documento, señor Presidente, evaden cualquier compromiso concreto.”
“…Lo que usted llama, señor Presidente, ‘un grupo de líderes representativos’ es, para mí, una grosera violación del principio de igualdad soberana que consagra la Carta de las Naciones Unidas…”
“Señor Presidente, le solicito formalmente que esta declaración sea recogida en el informe final sobre los trabajos de esta lamentable y bochornosa 15 Conferencia de las Partes.”
Se les había concedido solo una hora a los representantes de los Estados para emitir opiniones, lo cual condujo a situaciones complicadas, vergonzosas y desagradables.
Se produjo entonces un largo debate en el que las delegaciones de los países desarrollados ejercieron fuerte presión para tratar de que la Conferencia adoptara dicho documento como resultado final de sus deliberaciones.
Un reducido número de países insistió con firmeza en las serias omisiones y ambigüedades del documento impulsado por Estados Unidos, en particular en la ausencia de compromiso de los países desarrollados en cuanto a la reducción de emisiones de carbono y al financiamiento para adoptar medidas de mitigación y adaptación de los países del Sur.
Después de larga y extremadamente tensa discusión, prevaleció la posición de los países del ALBA y de Sudán, como Presidente del Grupo de los 77, de que el documento en cuestión era inaceptable para ser adoptado por la Conferencia.
Ante la evidente falta de consenso, la Conferencia se limitó a “tomar nota” de la existencia de ese documento como la posición de un grupo de alrededor de 25 países.
Tras esa decisión adoptada a las 10 y 30 de la mañana, hora de Dinamarca, Bruno -después de discutir junto a otros representantes de la ALBA amistosamente con el Secretario de la ONU y expresarle la disposición a seguir luchando junto a Naciones Unidas para impedir las terribles consecuencias del cambio climático- partió en compañía del Vicepresidente cubano Esteban Lazo hacia nuestro país para asistir a la reunión de la Asamblea Nacional, dando por finalizada su tarea. En Copenhague quedaban algunos miembros de la delegación y el embajador para participar en los trámites finales.
En la tarde de hoy informaron lo siguiente:
“…tanto a los que participaron en la elaboración del documento, como los que -como el Presidente de los EE.UU.- se anticiparon a anunciar su adopción por la Conferencia… como no podían rechazar la decisión de limitarse a ‘tomar nota’ del supuesto ‘Acuerdo de Copenhague’, intentaron proponer un procedimiento para que otros países Partes que no habían estado en esta componenda se sumaran a ella, declarando su adhesión, con lo cual intentaban darle un carácter legal a dicho acuerdo, que de hecho podía prejuzgar el resultado de las negociaciones que deberán continuar.”
“Este intento tardío recibió nuevamente una firme oposición de Cuba, Venezuela y Bolivia, que advirtieron que este documento que la Convención no había hecho suyo no tenía ningún carácter legal, no existía como documento de las Partes y no podía establecerse regla alguna para su supuesta adopción…”
“Es en este estado que terminan las sesiones de Copenhague, sin que se haya adoptado el documento que fuera preparado subrepticiamente durante los últimos días, con una clara conducción ideológica de la administración americana…”
Mañana la atención se centrará en la Asamblea Nacional.
Lazo, Bruno y el resto de la delegación llegarán hoy a media noche. El Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba podrá explicar el lunes, con los detalles y la precisión necesaria, la verdad de lo ocurrido en la Cumbre.
Fidel Castro Ruz, Diciembre 19 de 2009
sábado, 19 de diciembre de 2009
"If the environment were a bank, they would have saved it by now."
The behind-the-scenes formulation of a new document that is to be put forth by the Danish president in an attempt to salvage the negotiations. Chavez and other representatives denounced the document, claiming that it favored rich nations and undermined the transparency and democracy of the summit.
"I've asked to see this text," Chavez said, "but I have not been allowed. 'Top secret!' That's what they say ... This is not a democratic or inclusive text, it is a text that has been thrust upon us from out of the blue, and we will not accept any text other than that which comes from the working group for the Kyoto Protocol and the Convention, which are the legitimate texts that we have been so intensely negotiating for these past two years."
"A ghost moves through Copenhagen," Chavez continued, paraphrasing "the great Karl Marx," - "and this terrible ghost is with us now, silently haunting this chamber. Capitalism. Capitalism is that ghost." In efforts to deepen his critique, Chavez incorporated slogans from the protests outside, such as "Don't Change the Climate, Change the System." Chavez declared that "capitalism is threatening to eradicate life as we know it on this planet," complementing his charge with another protest motto: "If the environment were a bank, they would have saved it by now."
The Venezuelan president also took the opportunity to upbraid Obama: "He received the Nobel Peace Prize practically on the same day that he sent 30,000 soldiers to kill innocents in Afghanistan," and his actions have worked to spread social inequality across the globe. "The rich are destroying our planet," Chavez said. "Perhaps they have plans to fly off to another one."
Chavez far exceeded his three minute time limit.
His speech was similar in content and spirit to that of the Bolivian president, Evo Morales, who said to the press and to the convention that "the cause of climate change is the capitalist system. If we want to solve this problem, we're going to have to do away with the capitalist system." Morales also called for the formation of a "climate justice tribunal to prosecute those countries," which pollute too much. Only that way, he said, would it be possible for a place like Africa to avoid the horrors of "a climate holocaust."
Chavez received a standing ovation from like-minded socialists when he said, “Our revolution seeks to help all people…socialism, the other ghost that is probably wandering around this room, that’s the way to save the planet, capitalism is the road to hell….let’s fight against capitalism and make it obey us.”
viernes, 18 de diciembre de 2009
The news from the Danish capital gives a picture of chaos. After planning a conference with about 40 thousand people in attendance, the hosts find it impossible to honor their promise. Evo, the first of the two presidents of ALBA-member countries to arrive, stated some truths derived from the millennium-old culture of his people.
According to press agencies he said that he had received a mandate from the Bolivian people to oppose any agreement that does not meet the expectations.
He explained that climate change is not the cause but the effect, and that we all have an obligation to defend the rights of Mother Earth vis-à-vis a capitalist development model; to defend the culture of life vis-à-vis the culture of death. He also addressed the climate debt that the rich countries should pay to the poor countries and the return of the atmospheric space taken from the latter.He considered ridiculous the annual figure of 10 billion USD offered until the year 2012 while the yearly needs amount to hundreds of billions. At the same time, he accused the United States of spending trillions to export terrorism to Iraq and Afghanistan and to set up military bases in Latin America.
The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela addressed the Summit on the 16th, at 8:40 a.m. Cuban time. He made a brilliant speech that was much applauded. His phrases were remarkable.He challenged a document proposed to the Summit by the Danish minister chairing the conference.
He said:
“…this text has come out of the blue; we shall not accept any text that has not been produced by the working groups, I mean, the legitimate texts that have been the subject of negotiations for the past two years.”
“There is a group of nations that feel above us in the South, in the Third World…”
“…it’s not a surprise, there is no democracy, we are facing a dictatorship.”
“…I was reading some slogans painted in the streets by the youths… one read: ‘don’t change the climate, change the system,’ and another: “if the climate had been a bank it would have been bailed out.’”
“Obama […] received the Nobel Peace Prize the same day he sent 30 thousand troops to kill innocent people in Afghanistan.”
“I support the view of the representatives of Brazil, Bolivia and China, I only wanted to express my support […] but I was not given the floor…”
“The rich are destroying the planet, could it be they are planning to move to another when this one is destroyed?”
“…there is no doubt that climate change is the most devastating environmental issue of this century.”
“…the United States’ population is barely 300 million; China’s is almost five times that. The United States’ oil consumption exceeds 20 million barrels a day; China’s is hardly 5 or 6 million barrels a day. Thus, the same cannot be asked from the United States and from China.”
“…the reduction of unfriendly gas emissions and the acceptance of a long-term agreement on cooperation […] seem to have failed, for now. Why? […] the irresponsible attitude and the lack of political will of the most powerful nations on Earth.”
“…the gap between the rich and the poor countries has continued to widen despite all of the summits and the unfulfilled promises, and the world continues its destructive march.”
“…the total income of the wealthiest 500 persons in the world is higher than the income of the 416 million poorest persons.”
“Infant mortality amounts to 47 per 1000 live births, but in the rich countries it is only 5/1000.”
“…how much longer can we let millions of children die from curable diseases?”
“Actually, 2.6 billion have no access to health services.”
“The Brazilian author Leornardo Boff has written: ‘The strongest survive on the ashes of the weakest.’”
“Jean Jacob Rousseau said that ‘Between the strong and the weak freedom oppresses.’ That’s why the empire talks of freedom; freedom to oppress, to invade, to kill, to annihilate and to exploit: that’s their freedom. And then Rousseau
added the saving phrase: ‘Only the Law can make us free.’”
“How much longer are we going to tolerate armed conflicts that massacre millions of innocent people so that the powerful can grab the resources of others?“Nearly two centuries back a universal liberator, Simon Bolivar, said: ‘If nature opposes, we shall fight it and force it to obey.’”
“This planet lived for billions of years without us, without human beings; it doesn’t need us to exist, but we can’t live without Earth…”
Evo addressed the conference in the morning of today, Thursday. His speech will also be treasured.He very candidly opened his remarks by saying:
“I wish to say how upset we are over the lack of organization and the delays in this international gathering…”His basic ideas were the following:“When we ask what is it with the hosts, […] we are told it’s the United Nations; when we ask what is it with the United Nations, they say it’s Denmark, so we don’t know who is the disorganizer of this international meeting…”“…I’m amazed because only the effects and not the causes of climate change are being discussed.”“If we fail to identify where the destruction of the environment comes from […] we will never be able to solve this problem…”“…two cultures are antagonizing: the culture of life and the culture of death; the culture of death is capitalism, which the indigenous peoples identify with those who want to live better at the expense of others.”“…exploiting others, plundering their natural resources, assaulting Mother Earth, privatizing basic services…”“…living well is living in solidarity, in equality, in complementation, in reciprocity…”“When it comes to climate change, these two ways of life, these two cultures of life are antagonizing, and if we don’t decide which is the best way of life, we will not be able to solve it, because we have problems with life: luxury and consumerism hurt society, and sometimes in this kind of international meeting we avoid telling the truth.”“…in our way of life being truthful is sacred, and that is not being observed here.”“…in our Constitution it reads ama sua, ama llulla, ama quella, which means don’t steal, don’t lie, don’t be weak.”“…Mother Earth or Nature exist and will exist without the human being, but human beings can’t live without planet Earth, therefore, we have the obligation to defend the right of Mother Earth.”“…I applaud the United Nations because finally this year it has established the International Day of Mother Earth.”“…our mother is sacred, our mother is our life; a mother cannot be rented, cannot be sold or assaulted, a mother must be respected.”“We have profound differences with the Western model, and that is under discussion at this moment.”“We are in Europe now, and you know that many Bolivian families, many Latin American families come to Europe, why do they come here? They come to improve their living conditions. In Bolivia, they could be earning 100 or 200 dollars a month, but that family or that person comes here to care for a European grandmother or grandfather, and he earns 1,000 Euros a month.”“Such are the asymmetries we have from one continent to another, and it is our obligation to discuss the ways to achieve a certain balance, […] cutting down the deep asymmetries between families, between countries and, especially, between continents.”“When […] our brothers and sisters come here to survive or improve their living conditions they are expelled, with those papers known as expatriation documents […] but when a long time ago the European grandfathers arrived in Latin America, they were not expelled. My families, my brothers and sisters are not coming here to own mines, nor are they landowners with thousands of hectares of land. In the past, no passports or visas were needed to get to Abya Yala, that is, to the Americas.”“…if the rights of Mother Earth are not recognized, it will be useless to speak of 10 billions or 100 billions, which is an offense to humanity.”“…the wealthy nations should welcome all the immigrants affected by climate change instead of forcing them to return to their countries as they are doing now…”“…our obligation is to save all of humanity and not half of humanity.”“…the FTAA, Free Trade Area of the Americas, […] is not a Free Trade Area of the Americas, but a free colonization area of the Americas…”Evo suggested the following questions, among others, for a worldwide referendum on climate change:“..Do you agree to restore a harmonious relationship with Nature recognizing the rights of Mother Earth...?”“…Do you agree to change this excessively consumerist and wasting model, that is, the capitalist system...?”“…Do you agree that the developed countries should reduce and reabsorb their greenhouse effect gas emissions…?”“…Do you agree on transferring everything that is currently being spent in wars to create a budget higher than the defense budget to tackle the problem of climate change..?.”
As it is widely known, the UN Agreement on Climate Change was signed in Kyoto in 1997. This instrument bound 38 industrial nations to cut down their greenhouse effect gas emissions to a certain percentage in comparison with those of 1990. The European Union countries committed to an 8% as of 2005, the year when most of the signatories had already ratified it. George W. Bush, then President of the United States, --the largest greenhouse effect gas producer country which is responsible for one-fourth of such emissions—had rejected the agreement since the midst of 2001.The other UN members continued their efforts. The research centers proceeded with their work. It is evident by now that a major catastrophe is threatening our species. Perhaps the worst could be that the blind selfishness of a privileged wealthy minority tries to bring the burden of the necessary sacrifices to weigh heavily on the overwhelming majority of the inhabitants of the planet.
That contradiction can be perceived in Copenhagen where thousands of people are standing firm by their views.The Danish police are resorting to brutal methods to crush resistance; many protesters are being preventively arrested. I spoke over the phone with our Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez, who was at a solidarity rally in Copenhagen with Chavez, Evo, Lazo and other representatives of ALBA. I asked him who those people were that the Danish police suppressed with such hate, twisting their arms and beating their backs repeatedly. He said they were Danish citizens and people from other European nations as well as members of the social movements who were demanding from the Summit a real solution now to deal with climate change. He also told me that debates in the Summit would continue at midnight. It was already night in Copenhagen as I spoke with him. The time difference is six hours.Our comrades have reported from the Danish capital that a worse situation is expected tomorrow, Thursday. At 10 in the morning, the UN Summit will be adjourned for two hours as the Danish Head of Government meets with 20 Heads of Government he has invited to talk “global problems” with Obama. That’s what they have called the meeting whose objective it is to impose an agreement on climate change.Even though all of the official delegations will take part, only “the invitees” will be allowed to offer their views. Of course, neither Chavez nor Evo are counted among those entitled to express their opinions. The idea is to give an opportunity to the Nobel Laureate to read a previously elaborated speech, after the decision has been made in that meeting to postpone the agreement until the end of next year in Mexico City.
The social movements will not be allowed to attend. After that show, the “Summit” will resume its works in the plenary hall until its inglorious closing.Since television has carried the images, the world has seen the fascist methods used against the people in Copenhagen. The protesters, most of them young people, have won the solidarity of the peoples.Despite the maneuvers and deception of the leaders of the empire, their moment of truth is drawing closer. Their own allies are losing confidence in them. In Mexico, the same as in Copenhagen or elsewhere in the world, they will be met by the growing resistance of the peoples that have not renounced the hope to survive.
Fidel Castro Ruz, December 17, 2009
by jcheva in Issues, December 17, 2009
UNICEF confirms that Cuba is the only country in Latin America and the Caribbean that child malnutrition has been eliminated.
The existence in the developing world 146 million children under five underweight, contrasts with the reality of Cuban infants, recognized worldwide for being outside the social evil. These alarming figures emerged in a recent report by the United Nations Fund for Children (UNICEF), entitled Progress for Children, A Report Card on Nutrition, released at UN headquarters. According to the document, the percentage of underweight children are 28 percent in Sub-Saharan Africa, 17 in Middle East and North Africa, 15 in East Asia and the Pacific and seven in Latin America and the Caribbean. The complete table of Central and Eastern Europe, with five percent, and other developing countries, with 27 percent. Cuba has no such problems, is the only country in Latin America and the Caribbean that has eliminated severe child malnutrition, thanks to government efforts to improve the diet of the people, especially those most vulnerable. The harsh realities of the world show that 852 million people suffer from hunger and that 53 million live in Latin America. Only in Mexico there are five million 200 thousand people malnourished and in Haiti, three million 800 thousand, while across the globe die of hunger every year more than five million children. According to United Nations estimates, it would be very costly to achieve basic health and nutrition for all people in the Third World. Suffice to meet this target of 13 billion dollars a year additional to what is intended now, a figure that has never been achieved and that is meager when compared with the trillion spent each year on commercial advertising, over 400 thousand million in narcotic drugs or even eight billion spent on cosmetics in the United States. To the delight of Cuba, the United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has also acknowledged that it is the nation with more progress in Latin America in the fight against malnutrition. The Cuban state guarantees basic food basket that allows the nutrition of its population? “At least at basic levels-through the distribution of regulated products. Similarly, adjustments are made cheap in other markets and local services to improve the nutrition of the Cuban people and to mitigate the food shortage. Especially keeps a constant watch on the livelihoods of children, and adolescents. Thus, attention to nutrition begins with the promotion of better nutrition and natural way of human kind. From the earliest days of age the incalculable benefits of breastfeeding justify all the efforts made in Cuba for health and development of their children.
This has enabled it to raise the percentage of newborns who remain until the fourth month of life, exclusive breastfeeding and even continue to consume milk, supplemented with other foods until six months old. Currently, 99 percent of newborns maternity leavers with exclusive breastfeeding than the proposed goal, which is 95 percent, according to official data, which indicates that all provinces to meet this target. Despite the difficult economic conditions traversed by the Island, ensuring food and nutrition of infants through daily delivery of a liter of fluid milk to all children from zero to seven years old. Adding to this the delivery of other foods, eg jams, juices and meats, which, depending on the available funds in the country, distributed equally across the ages smaller children. Until the age of 13 prioritizes the subsidized distribution of complementary products such as soy yogurt and natural disaster situations protects children by providing free food staples. The child-care centers incorporated into the (nursery) and primary schools are FULL TIME regime also benefit from the continuing effort to improve their diets in terms of dietary components and milk protein. With the support of agricultural production-even in conditions of severe drought, and increased food imports is reached nutrient intake above the standards set by FAO. In Cuba, this indicator is not adding fictitious average food consumption of the rich and the hungry. Additionally, the social consumption includes the school lunch that is distributed free to hundreds of thousands of students and education workers, special supplies of food to children through age 15 and people over 60 in the eastern provinces. On that list are provided for pregnant women, nursing mothers, elderly and disabled, food supplementation for children with low weight and size and food supply to municipalities of Pinar del Rio, Havana and Isla de la Juventud. These institutions were hit by hurricanes last year, while the provinces of Holguin, Las Tunas and Camaguey five municipalities are currently experiencing drought. In this effort works the World Food Program (WFP), which contributes to improving the nutritional status of vulnerable populations in the eastern region, where more profit of 631 thousand people. WFP cooperation with Cuba dating back to 1963 when the agency provided immediate assistance to victims of Hurricane Flora. To date, the country has accomplished in five development projects and 14 emergency operations. Recently, Cuba went from being a recipient to donor. The issue of malnutrition looms large in the UN campaign in 2015 to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, adopted at the Summit of Heads of State and Government held in 2000 and which have among their goals to eliminate extreme poverty and hunger by that date. But the Cubans say that these goals do not take away anyone’s dream, the UN itself puts the country at the forefront of compliance with such challenges in human development. Not without shortcomings, difficulties and limitations of a serious economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States more than four decades, Cuba does not show desperate nor alarming rates of child malnutrition. None of the 146 million children under five underweight living in the world today is Cuban.
jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2009
Obama no tiene excusas para no liberar a los Cinco
Ricardo Alarcón de Quesada, presidente del Parlamento, afirmó lo anterior ante los diputados de la Comisión de Relaciones Exteriores de la Asamblea Nacional
El presidente norteamericano Barack Obama no tiene ninguna excusa para cumplir con su deber de liberar a los cinco antiterroristas cubanos, manifestó el presidente del Parlamento, Ricardo Alarcón de Quesada, quien intervino en los debates sobre el caso en la Comisión de Relaciones Internacionales.En declaraciones a la prensa, Alarcón manifestó que según «cierta demagogia norteamericana», el presidente de ese país no puede tocar un caso mientras esté entre los tribunales, por lo que, una vez culminada la resentencia de Ramón Labañino, Fernando González y Antonio Guerrero, Obama «no tiene nada que esperar», pues ya se agotaron los pasos legales de estos tres casos, mientras que respecto a René González y Gerardo Hernández, «el asunto está cerrado desde el verano pasado», recordó.Lo más interesante en el proceso de resentencia fue que a través de la Fiscal, el gobierno de Estados Unidos ha repetido abierta y públicamente que consideraba necesario poner las sentencias más bajas a Ramón, Fernando y Antonio porque Washington estaba sintiendo la presión de la solidaridad internacional. Eso nos está indicando el camino a seguir, comentó Alarcón.A partir de ahora se trata de una lucha política. Hay que multiplicar la explicación y la divulgación, crear las bases para que la gente exprese su solidaridad, algo que ha ido creciendo. Es necesario intensificar la solidaridad pues el gobierno de EE.UU. ya ha reconocido que se ve obligado a acomodarse a la presión internacionalEl día que seamos capaces de multiplicar más intensamente esa solidaridad y llevemos a un mayor número de estadounidenses el conocimiento sobre el caso, llegaremos a la victoria, concluyó.
La hora de la verdad
( El líder de la Revolución Cubana afirma que es evidente ya la gran catástrofe que amenaza nuestra especie. Cuestiona los métodos brutales con que la fuerza pública danesa aplasta la resistencia y advierte que para los jefes del imperio, a pesar de sus maniobras y sus cínicas mentiras, está llegando la hora de la verdad. Sus propios aliados creen cada vez menos en ellos. En Copenhague y en cualquier otro país del mundo, encontrarán la resistencia creciente de los pueblos que no han perdido la esperanza de sobrevivir, dice Fidel)
Las noticias que llegan de la capital danesa reflejan caos. Los anfitriones, después de concebir un evento en el que participarían alrededor de 40 mil personas, no tienen forma de cumplir su palabra. Evo, que fue el primero de los dos Presidentes del ALBA en llegar, expresó profundas verdades que emanan de la cultura milenaria de su raza.Aseguró, según las agencias de noticias, que tenía un mandato del pueblo boliviano de bloquear cualquier acuerdo si el texto final no satisface las alternativas. Explicó que el cambio climático no es la causa sino el efecto, que estábamos en la obligación de defender los derechos de la Madre Tierra frente a un modelo de desarrollo capitalista, la cultura de la vida frente a la cultura de la muerte. Habló de la deuda climática que los países ricos deben pagar a los países pobres, y devolverles el espacio atmosférico arrebatado.Calificó de ridícula la cifra de 10 mil millones de dólares anuales ofrecidos hasta el año 2012, cuando en realidad se necesitan cientos de miles de millones cada año, y acusó a Estados Unidos de gastar trillones en exportar el terrorismo a Irak y Afganistán, y crear bases militares en América Latina.El Presidente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela habló el día 16 en la Cumbre a las 8 y 40 a.m., hora de Cuba. Pronunció un discurso brillante, que fue muy aplaudido. Sus párrafos eran lapidarios.
Impugnando un documento propuesto a la Cumbre por la Ministra danesa que presidía la Conferencia, expresó:
“…es un texto que viene de la nada, no aceptaremos ningún texto que no venga de los grupos de trabajo, que son los textos legítimos que se han estado negociando estos dos años”.“Hay un grupo de países que se creen superiores a nosotros los del Sur, los del Tercer Mundo…”“…no nos extrañemos, no hay democracia, estamos ante una dictadura”.“…venía leyendo algunas consignas que hay en las calles pintadas por los jóvenes… Una: ‘no cambien el clima, cambien el sistema’… Otra: ‘si el clima fuera un banco, ya lo habrían salvado.’”
“Obama […] recibió el Premio Nóbel de la Paz el mismo día que envió 30 mil soldados a matar inocentes a Afganistán”.
“Apoyo el criterio de los representantes de las delegaciones de Brasil, Bolivia, China, solo quería apoyar […] pero no me dieron la palabra…”“Los ricos están destruyendo el planeta, ¿será que se van a otro cuando destruyan este?”“…el cambio climático es sin dudas el problema ambiental más devastador de este siglo.”“…Estados Unidos llegará si acaso a 300 millones de habitantes; China tiene casi cinco veces más población que Estados Unidos. Estados Unidos consume más de 20 millones de barriles diarios de petróleo; China llega apenas a cinco o seis millones de barriles diarios. No se puede pedir lo mismo a Estados Unidos y a China.”“...reducir la emisión de gases contaminantes y lograr un convenio de cooperación a largo plazo […] parece haber fracasado, por ahora. ¿La razón cuál es? […] la actitud irresponsable y la falta de voluntad política de las naciones más poderosas del planeta.”“…la brecha que separa a los países ricos y pobres no ha dejado de crecer pese a todas esas cumbres y promesas incumplidas y el mundo sigue su marcha destructiva.”“…El ingreso total de los 500 individuos más ricos del mundo es superior al ingreso de los 416 millones de personas más pobres.”“La mortalidad infantil es de 47 muertes por cada 1000 nacidos vivos pero en los países ricos es de solo 5.”“¿…hasta cuándo vamos a permitir que sigan muriendo millones de niños por enfermedades curables?”“Dos mil 600 millones viven sin servicios de saneamiento.”“El brasileño Leonardo Boff escribió: ‘Los más fuertes sobreviven sobre las cenizas de los más débiles.’”“Juan Jacob Rousseau decía … ‘Entre el fuerte y el débil la libertad oprime.’ Por eso es que el imperio habla de libertad, es la libertad para oprimir, para invadir, para asesinar, para aniquilar, para explotar, esa es su libertad. Y Rousseau agrega la frase salvadora: ‘Solo la Ley libera.’”“¿Hasta cuándo vamos a permitir conflictos armados que masacran a millones de seres humanos inocentes con el fin de apropiarse los poderosos de los recursos de otros pueblos?”“Hace casi dos siglos un libertador universal, Simón Bolívar dijo: ‘Si la naturaleza se opone, lucharemos contra ella y haremos que nos obedezca.’”“Este planeta vivió miles de millones de años sin nosotros, sin la especie humana; no le hacemos falta nosotros para que él exista, pero nosotros sin la Tierra no vivimos…”
Evo habló en la mañana de hoy jueves. Su discurso será también inolvidable.“Deseo expresar nuestra molestia por la desorganización y por las dilaciones que existen en este evento internacional…”, dijo con franqueza al inicio de sus palabras.
Sus ideas básicas:“Cuando preguntamos qué pasa con los anfitriones, […] nos dicen que es Naciones Unidas; cuando preguntamos qué pasa con las Naciones Unidas, dicen que es Dinamarca, y no sabemos quién desorganiza este evento internacional…”“… estoy muy sorprendido porque solamente tratan de los efectos y no de las causas del cambio climático.”“Si nosotros no identificamos de dónde viene la destrucción del medio ambiente […] seguramente nunca vamos a resolver este problema…”“…están en debate dos culturas: la cultura de la vida y la cultura de la muerte; la cultura de la muerte, que es el capitalismo. Nosotros, los pueblos indígenas, decimos, es el vivir mejor, mejor a costa del otro.”“…explotando al otro, saqueando los recursos naturales, violando a la Madre Tierra, privatizando los servicios básicos…”“…vivir bien es vivir en solidaridad, en igualdad, en complementariedad, en reciprocidad…”“Estas dos formas de vivencia, estas dos culturas de la vida están en debate cuando hablamos del cambio climático, y si no decidimos cuál es la mejor forma de vivencia o de vida, seguramente este tema nunca vamos a resolverlo, porque tenemos problemas de vivencia: el lujo, el consumismo que hace daño a la humanidad, y no queremos decir la verdad en esta clase de eventos internacionales.”“…dentro de nuestra forma de vivencia, el no mentir es algo sagrado, y eso no lo practicamos acá.”“…en la Constitución está el ama sua, ama llulla, ama quella: no robar, no mentir, ni ser flojos.”“…la Madre Tierra o la Naturaleza existe y existirá sin el ser humano; pero el ser humano no puede vivir sin el planeta Tierra, y, por tanto, es nuestra obligación defender el derecho de la Madre Tierra.”“…saludo a las Naciones Unidas, que este año, por fin, ha declarado el Día Internacional de la Madre Tierra.”“…la madre es algo sagrado, la madre es nuestra vida; a la madre no se alquila, no se vende ni se viola, hay que respetarla.”“Tenemos profundas diferencias con el modelo occidental, y eso está en debate en este momento.”“Estamos en Europa, ustedes saben que muchas familias bolivianas, familias latinoamericanas vienen a Europa. ¿A qué vienen acá? A mejorar sus condiciones de vida. En Bolivia podía estar ganando 100, 200 dólares al mes; pero esa familia, esa persona viene acá a cuidar a un abuelo europeo, a una abuela europea y al mes gana 1 000 euros.”“Estas son las asimetrías que tenemos de continente a continente, y estamos obligados a debatir cómo buscar cierto equilibrio, […] reduciendo estas profundas asimetrías de familia a familia, de país a país, y especialmente de continente a continente.”“Cuando […] nuestras hermanas y hermanos vienen aquí a sobrevivir o a mejorar sus condiciones de vida, son expulsados, existen esos documentos llamados de retorno […] pero cuando los abuelos europeos hace tiempo llegaban a Latinoamérica nunca eran expulsados. Mis familias, mis hermanos no vienen acá a acaparar ni minas, ni tienen miles de hectáreas para ser terratenientes. Antes nunca había visas ni pasaportes para que llegaran a Abya Yala, ahora llamada América.”“…si no reconocemos el derecho de la Madre Tierra, en vano vamos a estar hablando de 10 000 millones, de 100 000 millones, que es una ofensa para la humanidad.”“… los países ricos deben acoger a todos los migrantes que sean afectados por el cambio climático y no estarlos retornando a sus países como les están haciendo en este momento…”“…nuestra obligación es salvar a toda la humanidad y no a la mitad de la humanidad.”“…el ALCA, Área de Libre Comercio en las Américas. […] no es Área de Libre Comercio en las Américas, es un área de libre colonización en las Américas…
Entre las preguntas que sugería Evo para un referéndum mundial sobre el cambio climático estaban:“… ¿Está usted de acuerdo con restablecer la armonía con la naturaleza, reconociendo los derechos de la Madre Tierra?...”“… ¿Está usted de acuerdo con cambiar este modelo de sobreconsumo y derroche, que es el sistema capitalista?...”“… ¿Está usted de acuerdo con que los países desarrollados reduzcan y reabsorban sus emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero…?“… ¿Está usted de acuerdo en transferir todo lo que se gasta en las guerras y en destinar un presupuesto superior al presupuesto de defensa para el cambio climático?...”
Como se conoce, en la ciudad japonesa de Kyoto, en el año 1997 se firmó el Convenio de las Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático, que obligaba a 38 países industrializados a reducir sus emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en un determinado porcentaje con relación a las emitidas en 1990. Los países de la Unión Europea se comprometieron al 8%, y entró en vigor en el año 2005, cuando la mayoría de los países firmantes ya lo habían ratificado. George W. Bush, entonces presidente de Estados Unidos ?el mayor emisor de gases de efecto invernadero, responsable de la cuarta parte del total de estos?, había rechazado el convenio desde mediados de 2001.Los demás miembros de Naciones Unidas siguieron adelante. Los centros de investigación continuaron su tarea. Es evidente ya que una gran catástrofe amenaza nuestra especie. Quizás lo peor sea que el egoísmo ciego de una minoría privilegiada y rica pretenda lanzar el peso de los sacrificios necesarios sobre la inmensa mayoría de los habitantes del planeta.Esa contradicción se refleja en Copenhague. Allí miles de personas están defendiendo con gran firmeza sus puntos de vista.La fuerza pública danesa utiliza métodos brutales para aplastar la resistencia; muchos de los que protestan son arrestados preventivamente. Me comuniqué con nuestro canciller Bruno Rodríguez, que estaba en un acto de solidaridad en la capital de Copenhague, junto a Chávez, Evo, Lazo y otros representantes del ALBA. Le pregunté a quiénes estaba reprimiendo con tanto odio la policía danesa, retorciéndoles los brazos y golpeándolos repetidamente por la espalda. Me respondió que eran ciudadanos daneses y de otras naciones europeas y miembros de los movimientos sociales que demandaban a la Cumbre una solución real ahora para enfrentar el cambio climático. Me dijo, además, que a las 12 de la noche continuarían los debates de la Cumbre. Cuando hablé con él era ya de noche en Dinamarca. La diferencia horaria es de seis horas.Desde la capital danesa, nuestros compañeros informaron que lo de mañana viernes 18 es peor. A las 10 de la mañana se suspenderá durante dos horas la Cumbre de Naciones Unidas y el Jefe del Gobierno de Dinamarca sostendrá un encuentro con 20 Jefes de Estado invitados por él a discutir con Obama “problemas globales”. Así denominan la reunión cuyo objetivo es imponer un acuerdo sobre el cambio climático.Aunque en la reunión participarán todas las delegaciones oficiales, sólo podrán opinar “los invitados”.
Ni Chávez, ni Evo, por supuesto, se encuentran entre los que pueden emitir su opinión. La idea es que el ilustre Premio Nobel pueda pronunciar su discurso preelaborado, precedido por la decisión que se adoptará en esa reunión de transferir el acuerdo para fines del año próximo en la Ciudad de México. A los movimientos sociales no se les permitirá estar presentes. Después de ese show, en el salón principal del evento proseguirá la “Cumbre” hasta su ingloriosa clausura.Como la televisión transmitió las imágenes, el mundo pudo contemplar los métodos fascistas empleados en Copenhague contra las personas. Jóvenes en su inmensa mayoría, los manifestantes reprimidos se ganaron la solidaridad de los pueblos.
Para los jefes del imperio, a pesar de sus maniobras y sus cínicas mentiras, está llegando la hora de la verdad. Sus propios aliados creen cada vez menos en ellos. En México, como en Copenhague y en cualquier otro país del mundo, encontrarán la resistencia creciente de los pueblos que no han perdido la esperanza de sobrevivir.
Fidel Castro Ruz, Diciembre 17 de 2009
miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2009
Dear Hugo:
Fifteen years ago to this day, on December 14, 1994 we met at the Main Hall of the University of Havana. The previous night I had waited for you at the steps of the plane that brought you to Cuba.
I was aware of your armed uprising against the pro-Yankee government of Venezuela. We had learned of your ideas when you were still in prison devoting your time --the same as we had done—to delve deeper into the revolutionary ideas which had led you to the uprising of February 4, 1992.
At the University’s Main Hall, you spontaneously let your Bolivarian ideas flow candidly. Under the specific conditions of your country and times, those ideas had led you to the struggle for the independence of Venezuela from the imperial tyranny. After all of the efforts made by Bolivar and other great men, who in pursuit of their dreams had fought against the Spanish colonial bondage, the independence of Venezuela was no more than a ridiculous pretense.
Not one minute in history is the same as any other; no idea or human event can be judged heedless of their own time. We both share concepts that evolved throughout millenniums but which have a lot in common with old and recent history in the sense that society’s division in masters and slaves, exploiters and the exploited, oppressors and the oppressed was always unpleasant and hateful. In our times, it is the source of the deepest shame and the main cause of human suffering and unhappiness.
Today, when the support of science and technology has increased productivity ten times, one-hundred times and even one-thousand times, such unfair differences should disappear.
These ideas you and I sustain are shared by millions of Cubans and Venezuelans.
You started from the Christian principles you were brought up with and from a rebellious personality; I started from Marx’s ideas and from a rebellious personality, too.
There are universally recognized ethical principles which are valid both for a Christian and a Marxist. Drawing from that, the revolutionary ideas can be continuously enriched with study and experience.
It would be worthwhile indicating that our sincere and revolutionary friendship goes back to the days when you were not the President of Venezuela. I never asked you for anything. When the Bolivarian movement won its victory in the 1999 elections the price of oil was less than 10 USD a barrel. I remember this very well because you invited me to your inauguration as president.
Your support to Cuba was spontaneous, the same as our cooperation with the fraternal people of Venezuela had always been.
During the Special Period, after the demise of the USSR, the empire tightened its brutal blockade against our people. At a certain point, the fuel prices climbed and it was difficult to obtain the necessary inputs. You then ensured our country a safe and steady commercial supply.
We do not forget that after the political coup of April 2002 against the Bolivarian Revolution, and your shinning victory over the oil coup at the end of that same year, the prices exceeded 60 USD a barrel; then, you offered us to supply the fuel with credit facilities. [George W.] Bush, the President of the United States at the time, was the mastermind of those illegal and treacherous actions against the Venezuelan people.
I remember that you were extremely annoyed by his demand that I left Mexico as a precondition for his landing in that long-suffering country, where we were both attending a United Nations international conference that he was also supposed to attend.
The Bolivarian Revolution will never be forgiven for its support to Cuba at a time when the empire believed that our people would again fall in their hands, after nearly half-a-century of heroic resistance. In Miami, the counterrevolution was asking for a three days permit to kill revolutionaries as soon as the transition government demanded by Bush was established in Cuba.
Ten years of exemplary and fruitful cooperation between Venezuela and Cuba have passed. The ALBA was born in that period. The US-promoted FTAA had failed, but the empire was again on the offensive.
The coup d’etat in Honduras and the deployment of seven military bases in Colombia are recent events which have occurred after the inauguration of the new President of the United States. His predecessor had re-established the Fourth Fleet half-a-century after the latest world war had concluded, when the Cold War was over and the Soviet Union was no more. The real intentions of the empire are obvious this time behind Barack Obama’s nice smile and Afro-American face.
Yesterday, Daniel Ortega explained how the coup in Honduras had weakened the members of the Central American Integration System and determined their behavior.
The empire is mobilizing the Latin American right-wing forces to strike Venezuela and the other member states of ALBA along with it. If again the empire could seize the considerable oil and gas resources of Bolivar’s homeland, the English-speaking Caribbean countries and others from Central America would lose the generous conditions of the supplies provided by revolutionary Venezuela.
A few days ago, after President Barack Obama’s remarks at the West Point military academy, where he announced a surge of 30,000 troops to the war in Afghanistan, I wrote a Reflection qualifying his acceptance of the Nobel Peace Price, after he had already made such decision, as a cynical action.
Last December 10, during his acceptance speech in Oslo, he made statements that put forward an example of the imperialist logic and thought. He said that he is responsible for sending thousands of young Americans to fight in a distant country where some will kill and others will be killed. It was an effort to present as a “just war” the brutal carnage against that distant country where most of those killed are helpless villagers struck by the bombs dropped from unpiloted planes.
After these phrases, which were among the first he spoke, more than 4,600 words were used to present his massacre of civilians as a just war. Then he said that in today’s wars many more civilians die than soldiers.
In fact, more than a million non-combatant civilians have died by now in Iraq, Afghanistan and along the Pakistani border.
In the same speech, he praises Nixon and Reagan as distinguished characters. He doesn’t stop to remember that one of them dropped one million tons of bombs over Vietnam while the other had the Siberian gas-pipeline blown up by electronic means under the appearance of an accident. The explosion was so strong and devastating that the nuclear test monitoring equipment recorded it.
The speech made in Oslo is different from that of West Point because the latter was better phrased and recited. In the case of the one made at the Norwegian capital the speaker’s face showed that he was aware of the falsehood in his words.
Neither the timing nor the circumstances were the same. Oslo is close to Copenhagen, the place where the extremely important Conference on Climate Change is being held, the same that I know you and Evo are planning to attend. The most important political battle of human history is being fought there at this very moment. There one can see the scope of the damage that developed capitalism has brought on humanity, which currently needs to fight desperately not only for justice but also for human survival.
I followed attentively the proceedings of the ALBA meeting. I offer my congratulations to you all. I really enjoyed seeing so many beloved friends working out ideas and struggling together; my congratulations to all.
Ever Onward To Victory!
My best regards,
Fidel Castro Ruz, December 14, 2009