martes, 14 de octubre de 2008

Declaración de la Asamblea Nacional contra el bloqueo
La Habana, 13 oct (AIN) A continuación transmitimos una Declaración de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular contra el genocida bloqueo de Estados Unidos:,

USAID conjuga bloqueo contra Cuba y subversión,

Declaration by the National Assembly of People’s Power (Cuban Parliament)
HAVANA, Cuba, Oct 13 (acn) The National Assembly of the Peoples’ Power (Cuban Parliament) issued a declaration calling on parliamentarians throughout the world to urge the US Congress and the government of the United States to unconditionally lift the economic, commercial and financial blockade of Cuba and to respect the legitimate and sovereign right of the Cuban people to build their own destiny.,

USAID Combines Blockade of Cuba and Subversion
By Roberto Perez Betancourt
The US International Development Agency, USAID, has the important role of supporting the economic blockade imposed against Cuba for over half a century with the subversive element of financially aiding the destruction of the legitimate government on the island.,

US Blockade Targets Cuba Basic Industry,

Europeans Demand Freedom of Cuban Five
Terni, Italy, Oct 13 (Prensa Latina) Delegates of the 28 nations attending the European meeting of friendship and solidarity with Cuba demanded the US government to free the five Cuban anti-terrorists imprisoned in the United States.They called the European parliament, political and administrative institutions of the European Union, national parliaments and governments to demand the United States to free those five men.The request was part of a declaration approved by attendants to the meeting of solidarity with Cuba.The document demanded the end of the unjust sentences given 10 years ago to Gerardo Hernandez, Rene Gonzalez, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando Gonzalez and Ramon Labanino.The meeting was attended by Adriana Perez and Olga Salanueva, wives of Gerardo and Rene, respectively, and by a delegation from the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples led by its president Jorge Marti.The declaration explained the irregularities in the judicial case against the Cubans and stressed that the US government is hindering their release as part of the aggressive policy against Cuban Revolution.It also demanded the US government to sentence self-confessed terrorists Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch "who freely walk the streets of the United States in complicity with and under the protection of President George W. Bush's administration".

Cuban Ramon Labanino Named Citizen of Honor in France
HAVANA, Cuba, Oct 13 (acn) The mayor's office of the city of Fonsorbes, France, bestowed the title of Citizen of Honor on Ramon Labanino, who is one of the five Cuban anti-terrorists imprisoned in the US since 1998, known as the Cuban Five.,

Reflections by comrade Fidel: THE WHITE HOUSE GHOST,

Reflexiones de Fidel Castro: EL FANTASMA DE LA CASA BLANCA,

Reflections by comrade Fidel

Designado Cabrisas vicepresidente del Consejo de Ministros
La Habana, 13 oct (AIN) Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz, Ministro de Gobierno, fue promovido al cargo de vicepresidente del Consejo de Ministros. La decisión fue adoptada por el Consejo de Estado, a propuesta del Buró Político del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba, en reunión efectuada hoy.Al nuevo vicepresidente del Consejo de Ministros se le asigna la atención, control y coordinación de la labor que desarrollan los Ministerios de Comercio Exterior y para la Inversión Extranjera y la Colaboración Económica, de acuerdo con una nota del Noticiero Nacional de Televisión.Igualmente Cabrisas atenderá las actividades que en esta esfera del comercio exterior realizan otros organismos de la Administración Central del Estado.

Moratinos ofrece a Cuba un plan de reconstrucción,

Una revista con vocación por la historia y el pensamiento social,,

“La prostitución periodística de Telecinco contra Cuba”,

Dios los cría… y la mafia los junta,

Hablaron dos abogados que negociaron un rescate millonario
El Nuevo Herald confirma que la liberación de Ingrid Betancourt ya estaba negociada mediante la traición de dos guerrilleros y que Uribe sólo los engañó
Pascual Serrano,

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