martes, 28 de octubre de 2008

For the 17th time the United Nations General Assembly will vote on Wednesday, October 29, on a resolution presented by Cuba that calls for an end to the nearly half century US blockade against the Caribbean nation.
The resolution, which is entitled ‘Necessity to End the Economic, Trade and Financial Blockade Imposed by the United States against Cuba’ and circulating at the General Assembly since last week, is scheduled to be voted on during a plenary session of the international body.Last year, 184 nations supported the resolution, four opposed and one abstained.On Thursday, the General Assembly will sponsor an interactive panel on the international financial crisis to find solutions to the complicated and dangerous situation.The UN Security Council will review reports from the UN mission in Côte d’Ivoire and from the International Court of Justice. It will also hold an open debate on women, peace and security.(AIN)

Presentará mañana Canciller de Cuba en ONU nueva condena al bloqueo EEUU
La Habana (Granma-RHC) Felipe Pérez Roque, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, se encuentra en Nueva York para presentar ante la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas, este miércoles el proyecto de resolución cubano titulado "Necesidad de poner fin al bloqueo económico, comercial y financiero impuesto por los Estados Unidos de América contra Cuba". Por decimoséptima ocasión, la comunidad internacional tendrá la oportunidad de expresar nuevamente su condena a la política genocida de bloqueo que el gobierno de los Estados Unidos mantiene contra nuestro país por casi 50 años.

En lastre por el bloqueo
Los buques que transportan alimentos entre los Estados Unidos y Cuba ahora están sometidos a inspecciones adicionales,

Equatorial Guinea to donate two million euros
– The government of Equatorial Guinea approved two million euros in aid to contribute to the recovery in Cuba of the areas affected by Hurricanes Gustav and Ike, reported official sources from the African country. Both nations established diplomatic relations in 1972. A brigade of more than 150 healthcare professionals from the island is working in Guinean hospitals.

La Revolución cubana y el secreto de su eterna juventud,

WFP to assist hurricane-affected communities in Cuba,

¡Pobrecitos los cubanos!
La lluvia constante de mentira y propaganda basura que los medios irrigan todo el tiempo contra Cuba ha logrado crear una atmósfera herrumbrosa de la tierra del son.,

Como consecuencia del bloqueo de Estados Unidos
Cuba: Sistema de transporte registró pérdidas millonarias,


Reanudación de cooperación con CE marcó semana noticiosa cubana.............y 238 artículos relacionados

Disidentes cubanos rechazan los acuerdos de la UE con Raúl Castro........y 693 artículos relacionados

Daños invisibles y huracanes; psicodrama en Cuba,

Ejército ruso ofrece a Cuba ayuda en defensa aérea: Interfax,

Cuban Education Minister Assesses Recovery Works,

Realities and Perspectives of Employment for Youths in Cuba
(acn) In a world, which is currently facing a financial, food, environment and climate crisis that worsens each passing day, a secure and stable employment for young people in particular has turned into a problem for those who attempt to address that need. Aside from the serious financial problems in the United States and other economic powers in the world, with their inauspicious impact on the rest of nations, the issue of the working force in the capitalist system constitutes by itself a typical characteristic of its production system.The conception stating that a broad segment of unemployment is necessary to maintain afloat efficiency and productivity, two elements that generate major earnings for capitalism and the exploitation of the workers, only hides social problems and gives way to increasing poverty. The most affected sector is the youth with risks that implies mortgaging the future of a society. Cuba escapes such cases.
Since its own genesis, the Cuban Revolution established as a goal the reduction of 1 million 350 thousand jobless people. The case is that Cuba achieved the so much desired employment in 2004, reporting an unemployment rate of 2.3 percent, according to international standards for this indicator.In addition to the efforts aimed at developing the country and boosting the creation of jobs and the decision of undertaking the socialist path, it was necessary to counter apparently insuperable obstacles. In the early 1990´s, after Cuba lost its main trading partners, which translated into the fall of almost 35 percent of its Gross Domestic Product—add due to the tightening of Washington’s economic blockade by the approval of extraterritorial laws-- the economy registered a deterioration with an unemployment rate reaching 8,3 percent in 1995.However, this did not mean the loss of services and basic social rights for the population, among them, health and dental assistance in addition to free and universal education, based on the principle that human beings are a priority.During the second half of the 1990´s, a progressive economic recovery along with the local employment policy was oriented to reducing unemployment. The indicator was lowered to 1,8 percent in 2007, the lowest in Latin America and the Caribbean.At the end of 2007, the active population in Cuba, according to the National Statistics Office, rose to 4 million 956 thousand, of which a little over 1 million were young people between 15 and 29 years of age, representing 20.5 percent of the universe of workers. More than 200 new social programs emerged, many of them consecrated to the new concept of study as employment, among them, those targeting young people that had had dropped out from schools.This option benefited some 400 thousand people, of which 80 thousand today are studying in the university. Other programs that means a new revolution in education, health and culture, allowed the formation and employment of thousands of young people in social and human services.Meanwhile, the development of urban agriculture in 1996 generated some 326 thousand jobs. Since the second half of the 1990´s over 1 million 300 thousand new jobs were created, most of them for the youth.
The Cuban nation guarantees work to each graduate of higher education and technical professional education, in addition to those that finish their general military service; the physically challenged are able to work as well as citizens who meet prison sentences. Cuban reality is quite different from the experience of other countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, where some 10 million young people are unemployed, equivalent to 16 percent of the labor force between 15 and 24 years of age, according to the International Labor Organization (ILO). In addition, the ILO adds that some 30 million young people are employed in the informal economy, where bad working conditions prevail and another 22 millions do not study or work. CUBA HAS OTHER PROBLEMS
However, in relation with employment the problems in Cuba lie in that the available jobs are not occupied. Recently, the Minister of Labor and Social Security, Alfredo Morales pointed out that in the country, there are still 210 thousand people who, for different reasons, are not working although there are vacancies. Morales said that there is a deficit of some 130 thousand people in strategic sectors like food production, social and education programs and services. Implementar el sistema de pago por resultados,

El deporte cubano denuncia el bloqueo
Dayron Robles reconoce “momentos críticos” en su vida debido a esa política de EE.UU.,

Por fin un libro optimista
Pascual Serrano - Le Monde Diplomatique.- La aureola romántica de la piratería ha provocado que algunos autores encuentren en esa figura la de quienes se enfrentan con dignidad y coherencia al orden establecido. Por otro lado, la acuñación del concepto “eje del mal” le ha servido a Tariq Ali para recurrir al de “eje de la esperanza”.,

Silvio Rodríguez insists on elimination of exit permit
– Cuban singer-songwriter Silvio Rodríguez reiterated in statements to Spain’s La Vanguardia daily his demand that the exit and entry to Cuba permit be eliminated for persons born in the island. Rodríguez, one of the founders of the New Song Movement, described that measure as a “restriction of citizens’ rights”. The artist also expressed his wish that Cuban socialism evolve “toward more participative and democratic forms”.

Czechs to hold international conference on Cuba next year,

Esta es Cuba: la que no se rinde,

Máximo responsable de la seguridad se niega a arrestar a cómplice de Posada
El ministro de la Seguridad Pública de El Salvador, René Figueroa, responsable de garantizar la integridad física de los jefes de estado en la XVIII Cumbre Iberoamericana, se ha negado desde hace más de un año a ordenar el arresto de Francisco Chávez Abarca, principal cómplice de Luis Posada Carriles en la campaña terrorista desarrollada en 1997 contra Cuba.,

Camilo, el Héroe de Yaguajay,

El Ballet Nacional de Cuba cumple 60 años "como un tren", dice Alicia Alonso,

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