sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2009

Concert Plans in Havana Start Furor in Miami
Juanes concert latest front in Havana-Miami row
Alcaldía de Bogotá hará concierto solidario con Cuba simultáneo al de Juanes
Nuevo Presidente de Asamblea General de la ONU reitera rechazo a bloqueo contra Cuba

Versión integra de la conferencia de prensa ofrecida por el Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, acerca del Informe sobre el bloqueo
The great Cuba debate: A case for and against the embargo
Is U.S.-Cuba policy antiquated or can compromise be found?
Tampa Bay Business Journal - by Alexis Muellner Editor
When a local business group decided to organize a debate on the relationship between the United States and Cuba, it knew emotions would be stirred. With connections between Cuba and Tampa Bay deep and historical, the issues surrounding the 50-year-old trade embargo of Cuba resonate sharply here.
Alerta antiterrorista en Estados Unidos: ¿Contra la Mafia de Miami?

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