miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2009

For the naive, everything's better with Obama !
Washington Bans Orthopedics Doctors from Attending Event in Cuba

BAYAMO, Cuba, Sept 22 (acn) Cuban orthopedics expert Rodrigo Alvarez
Cambras confirmed that the U.S. government did not allow doctors from
that country to travel to the island to participate in an international
congress on orthopedics that started yesterday in this eastern city of
Alvarez Cambras, president of the event, told the press that some 30
American specialists had expressed their interest in attending the event
but Washington denied them the permission to travel to Cuba.
The Cuban renowned expert, who is also the director of the Frank
Pais Orthopedics Complex of Havana, said Washington’s stance is another
demonstration that the economic, commercial and financial blockade of
the U.S. against Cuba is still in place.
“I received a letter from them (the U.S. specialists) saying that
they were very sad in their hearts because when they had everything set
up, the American State Department and the Treasury Department banned
them from traveling to Cuba,” the Cuban scientist told the press in the
Meanwhile, some 400 delegates are attending the event, 150 of them
from other countries.
More than 250 works are going to be presented in the congress that
will run until upcoming Saturday. This high number of presentations is a
record for this type of event.
The program includes courses, lectures, workshops and a trade fair
by national and foreign companies dedicated to the production of
orthopedics devices and materials.

State Dept. refuses visa to Ricardo Alarcon

Subject: Alarcon's office
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 18:44:05 -0400

Dear Friends:

President of the Black Caucus of the US Congress, Barbara
Lee, invited President of the Cuban National Assembly, Ricardo Alarcon de
Quesada, to participate at their 39 Legislative Conference in Washington DC on
September 23 - 26.

Yesterday, September 21, Alarcon received an answer from the
State Department stating that they will not authorize his visa

El momento unipolar y la era Obama

Noam Chomsky disertó este lunes sobre esta pregunta en una conferencia magistral en la Sala Nezahualcóyotl, de la Universidad Autónoma de México, que fue transmitida en vivo por TV Unam y 12 televisoras públicas y universitarias que se enlazaron para enviar la señal a Aguascalientes, Hidalgo, Michoacán, Morelos, Puebla, Quintana Roo, San Luis Potosí, Tlaxcala, Yucatán, Durango y Nuevo León, además de por La Jornada on line y Cubadebate. Chomsky fue a la capital mexicana a sumarse a las actividades por el 25 aniversario del diario La Jornada.


Clinton's Moment of Truth: Speak Clearly or Risk Massacre in Honduras


Reflections by Comrade Fidel


Today I would have liked to speak about the extraordinary “Paz sin Fronteras” (Peace without Borders) Concert held at the José Martí Revolution Square 24 hours ago, but the stubborn reality forces me to write about a danger that threatens not just peace but the survival of our species.

The United Nations Organization, whose task is to safeguard the peace, security and rights of almost 200 states that represent more than 6 thousand 500 million inhabitants on our planet, is about to begin the General Assembly debates next Wednesday, with the participation of heads of states. This time, on Tuesday September 22nd, given the exceptional importance of the subject, it will dedicate a senior-level session on climate change as preparation for the Copenhagen Conference to be held in Denmark between December 7th and 18th of this year......


El Obama serio

22 Septiembre 2009

El presidente bolivariano Hugo Chávez fue realmente original cuando habló del “enigma de los dos Obamas”.

Hoy habló el Obama serio. Hace poco reconocí dos aspectos positivos de su conducta: el intento de llevar la salud a 47 millones de norteamericanos que carecen de ella, y su preocupación por el cambio climático......


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