Write to the Cuban Five in US prisons
International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban Five
Fernando Gonzalez, Antonio Guerrero and Ramon Labañino are back from Miami.
They have been returned to the same prisons where they were before.
To write to the Cuban Five, here are their current addresses
To write to Fernando Gonzalez address the envelope as following:
Rubén Campa
# 58733-004
FCI Terre Haute
PO Box #33
Terre Haute, IN 47808
To write to Ramon Labañino address the envelope as following:
Luis Medina
# 58734-004
U.S.P. McCreary
P.O. BOX, 3000
Pine Knot, KY 42635
Antonio Guerrero
# 58741-004
USP Florence
PO BOX 7000
Florence, CO 81226
Gerardo Hernandez
# 58739-004
USP Victorville
PO BOX 5300
Adelanto, CA 92301
Rene Gonzalez
# 58738-004
FCI Marianna
P.O. Box 7007
Marianna, FL 32447
The Cuban government on Saturday accused the United States of "promoting subversion" in Cuba, and "mobilizing [dozens] of mercenaries" in Havana.
A statement made by the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs ( MINREX) on the [front page] of the official Communist Party daily "Granma " said that after the migratory talks, the officials of the Department of State met with dozens of "mercenaries."
The statement said meeting with the opposition to the Cuban government is contrary to the spirit of cooperation and understanding shown by the Cuban delegates during the talks on Friday.
"With that offensive behavior to the Cuban authorities and people (...) the U.S. government shows its lack of real willingness to improve the ties with our country and to leave behind their actions of crude interference ", the statement said.
The official text accused the U.S. delegation who participated in the migration meeting of "supporting the counterrevolution and the promotion of subversion to overthrow the Revolution."
The statement said that after arriving in Havana, Craig Kelly, head of the U.S. delegation and undersecretary of state for the west hemispheric affairs, was warned by the Foreign Affairs Ministry [not to] organize a provocative event.
It accused the U.S. government of spending 20 million dollars a year to finance destabilization and subversion activities against Cuba. [Actually, it pointed out that these same groups receive part of the 20 million dollars a year from USAID that doesn't remain in Miami. :)]
The statement said "the lack of a real willingness to improve the ties with our country and to leave behind the actions of crude interference" on the part of the United States has been the greatest obstacle for the normalization of Cuba-U.S. relations.
Nevertheless, the statement reiterated "the disposition expressed by the Cuban government to hold a respectful dialogue on any issue with the Government of the United States, but always between equals, without compromising Cuban independence, sovereignty and self determination".
With the arrival of Barack Obama to the U.S. presidency, Washington resumed the migration talks with Cuba, interrupted by George W. Bush in 2003. The restoration of direct mail services is also being discussed.
Relations between the two countries were strained last December after the arrest on the island of an American citizen who distributed illegal satellite communication equipment among the opposition to the Cuban government.
Cuba condamne la rencontre entre des diplomates américains et des dissidents
AFP 20.02.10 | Le Monde
Le gouvernement de Raul Castro a accusé samedi Washington de maintenir sa "politique subversive" pour "renverser la révolution" après une rencontre jugée "provocatrice" la veille entre des opposants cubains et des diplomates américains en visite à La Havane.
"La délégation américaine a convoqué des dizaines de ses mercenaires" à la résidence du chef de la Section des intérêts américains Jonathan Farrar "montrant encore que ses priorités sont le soutien à la contre-révolution et la promotion de la subversion pour renverser la révolution plutôt que de créer un climat favorable à la solution réelle de problèmes", est-il écrit dans un communiqué du ministère cubain des Relations extérieures publié dans la presse locale.
"Le chef de la délégation américaine avait été prévenu par le ministère des Relations extérieures qu'il ne devait pas profiter de son bref séjour pour organiser un événement provocateur, éloigné de l'esprit des conversations sur les migrations", poursuit le communiqué.
"Avec cette conduite offensante à l'égard des autorités et du peuple cubain, le gouvernement américain confirme qu'il maintient en vigueur les instruments de la politique subversive contre Cuba", estime le ministère.
La délégation américaine était emmenée par le sous-secrétaire d'Etat adjoint pour l'Amérique latine Craig Kelly.
Pendant sa visite à La Havane en juillet dernier pour des discussions sur la reprise du service postal entre les deux pays, Bisa Williams, haut-fonctionnaire du département d'Etat, avait également rencontré des dissidents cubains, considérés par La Havane comme des "agents" ou des "mercenaires".
Interrogé par la presse, un responsable du département d'Etat a souligné que c'était une "procédure normale" pour les diplomates américains que de rencontrer "non seulement des membres du gouvernement, mais aussi de la société civile".
Il a exclu que cet entretien avec des dissidents puisse compliquer l'affaire du sous-traitant américain Alan Gross, détenu depuis le 4 décembre et soupçonné par Cuba d'être un "agent" des services secrets américains. Ce que réfutent les autorités américaines.
La délégation américaine avait réclamé vendredi la "libération immédiate" de M. Gross, 60 ans, employé de la firme américaine Development Alternative, sous-traitant de l'Agence américaine d'aide au développement (USAID) qui distribuait à Cuba, selon les autorités locales, des téléphones satellitaires à l'opposition.
La délégation cubaine a, quant à elle, souligné dans son communiqué avoir "abordé en profondeur (...) la demande de libération des Cinq antiterroristes cubains" incarcérés aux Etats-Unis.
Considérées comme des héros à Cuba, ces cinq personnes ont été condamnées à de lourdes peines de prison en 2001 pour des activités d'espionnage visant les anticastristes cubains de Miami.
Aucune date n'a été fixée pour une nouvelle rencontre sur les migrations. Celle de vendredi était la deuxième depuis leur reprise en juillet à New York après une interruption de six ans. Une nouvelle rencontre sur le service postal est, elle, en préparation, selon un fonctionnaire américain.
Cuba et les Etats-Unis n'ont plus de relations diplomatiques officielles depuis 1961 et Washington impose depuis 48 ans un embargo à Cuba qu'il accuse de bafouer droits et libertés.
Après une période d'accalmie à l'arrivée de Barack Obama à la Maison blanche, il y un an, de nouvelles tensions entre La Havane et Washington ont surgi avec, notamment, le coup d'Etat de l'été dernier au Honduras ayant renversé un gouvernement allié de Cuba et du Venezuela, qui mettent en cause Washington.
domingo, 21 de febrero de 2010
Cuba Blasts US Leaders for Meeting With Dissidents -NYTimes
HAVANA (AP) -- Cuba scolded a top U.S. delegation Saturday for meeting with political opposition leaders following high-level immigration discussions, saying it proves Washington is out to topple the country's communist government.
A senior American official defended the meeting, saying U.S. policy is to reach out to all sectors of Cuban society -- not just the communist government.
American officials ''called together dozens of their mercenaries'' hours after concluding highly anticipated talks on migration issues with Cuban leaders in an undisclosed Havana location, Cuba's Foreign Ministry said.
Elizardo Sanchez, head of the independent Cuban Commission on Human Rights and National Reconciliation, confirmed that a group of Cuban dissident leaders met with the U.S. delegation late Friday at the residence of the head of the U.S. Interests Section, which Washington keeps in Havana because it has no diplomatic relations with the island.
Such a meeting is not unusual when U.S. diplomats visit. But enraged Cuban leaders say the dissidents are not pro-democracy activists, independent journalists and organizers of political opposition groups, but paid agents of Washington planted to destabilize the island's political system.
In a statement published in the newspaper Granma, the Foreign Ministry said U.S. leaders' meeting with dissidents was ''contrary to the spirit of cooperation and understanding showed on Cuba's part'' during the immigration talks and ''demonstrated anew that (U.S.) priorities are more related to supporting the counterrevolution and the promotion of subversion to destabilize the Cuban revolution than with the creation of a climate conducive to real solutions to bilateral problems.''
''From the very day he arrived in the country, the head of the North American delegation was warned'' that a visit with dissidents would not be tolerated. The Ministry claimed that Washington funnels more than $20 million to groups that openly oppose its government, many based in southern Florida.
When asked why the meeting with dissidents went ahead despite Cuba's explicit request that it not, a senior State Department official said the outreach is part of U.S. government policy around the world, not just Cuba.
''We believe in reaching out to broad sectors of society in all countries that we deal with ... and we don't make exceptions in particular countries,'' the official said.
The official, who was not authorized to talk publicly about the meeting, spoke on condition of anonymity.
The official said Washington thanked Cuba for allowing American relief planes destined for Haiti to overfly Cuban territory, and also expressed a willingness to work with Cuban doctors on the ground in the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince.
The U.S. delegation was headed by Craig Kelly, deputy assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere affairs and the highest-ranking American official to visit Cuba in years.
While meeting with their Cuban counterparts earlier Friday, delegation officials strayed from the topic of immigration and called for the immediate release of an American held in a maximum-security prison without charge for nearly three months.
Cuba alleges Alan P. Gross, who came to the island as an American government contractor, is a spy whose arrest is more evidence Washington is working to topple its political system. Relatives of the 60-year-old Maryland resident maintain he is a veteran development worker who was distributing communications equipment to Cuban Jewish groups.
The State Department official said the U.S. delegation called for Gross's ''immediate release'' and categorically denied he was spying.
''We made very clear our position,'' the official said, adding that the Cuban side ''took it on board.''
The official said the U.S. asked Cubans to share any evidence against Gross but did not say whether they complied.
Except for Gross' case and the subsequent American meeting with dissidents, both sides had offered restrained praise for the immigration discussions, which lasted about five hours. The Cubans said the talks were positive and respectful, while the U.S. called them part of a larger, constructive process.
The State Department official said that some members of the delegation were staying on in Cuba for several more days, but that the lower-level meetings would be limited to immigration. Kelly, the delegation head, left Cuba on Saturday.
The Cuban Foreign Ministry said in its Saturday statement that its delegation also talked about subjects not related to immigration, including the release of five Cuban agents imprisoned in Miami since the 1990s after being convicted of spying. Cuba considers them anti-terrorist fighters who were trying to shut down a bombing campaign by anti-Castro Cuban-Americans.
Sanchez, the Cuban dissident, told The Associated Press that about 40 opposition figures took part in the meeting with Kelly on Friday night.
He said the American diplomat expressed the ''good will'' of President Barack Obama's administration to improve Washington's icy relationship with Cuba.
''I told him I was skeptical that Cuba would respond to Obama's gestures,'' Sanchez said.
US Mission in Cuba Meets with Mercenaries
Escrito por Dayami Interián García
Havana, Feb 20 (Prensa Latina) A US delegation that took part in migratory talks with the Cuban government met with mercenaries in this capital, something contrary to the spirit of cooperation and understanding shown by Cuban authorities.
After the diplomatic exchange, the US representation called dozens of mercenaries to meet, and even took them to the residence of the head of the US Interest Section in Cuba, Granma daily reported Saturday referring to a note by the Cuban Foreign Ministry.
That action, the text sustains, once again demonstrates that their priorities are rather linked to support for the counterrevolution and promoting subversion to overthrow the Cuban revolution than providing a framework for a true solution of bilateral problems.
Those counterrevolutionary elements benefit from part of the over 20 million dollars the White House pays out each year for destabilization and subversion acts against Cuba, the document reads.
Since the very same day of the arrival in Cuba, the Cuban Foreign Ministry warned the head of the US delegation of taking advantage of the brief stay to organize a provocative event not in line with the spirit of migratory talks.
With that offensive behavior towards the Cuban people and authorities, the US government confirms that the instruments of the subversive policy towards the island are still in force, it added.
That stance corroborates the lack of true willingness to improve relations with our country, and leave behind interference actions, which have historically been the main obstacle to normalize bilateral bonds, the MINREX declaration stresses.
In the meeting held yesterday, the Cuban delegation reiterated the proposals made to the US side last July in New York, dealing with cooperation to fight drug trafficking, terror, and people's smuggling, protect the environment, and face natural disasters.
In addition, the Cuban mission once again referred to the key affairs to be discussed in a possible dialogue aimed at improving ties: lifting the economic, commercial, and financial blockade; Cuba's exclusion from the spurious list of State sponsors of terrorism; compensation for economic and human damages; the return of the territory occupied by the Guantanamo naval base; the release of the five Cuban anti-terrorists, among others.
Cuba blasts U.S. meeting with dissidents
Incident Clouds US-Cuba Progress
By Circles Robinson
HAVANA TIMES, Feb. 20 — The US and Cuban governments held a second round of talks on migration issues on Friday. Then in the evening, Washington’s emissaries met with a group of “dissidents” which Cuba sharply rejected as unwarranted interference in its internal affairs and highly undiplomatic.
The meeting that reviewed the existing migration accords was termed by Cuban authorities as “respectful”.
Craig Kelly, undersecretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs led the US delegation at the talks while Cuba was represented by Deputy Foreign Minister Dagoberto Rodriguez.
No new agreements were announced coming out of the talks.
In Cuba’s eyes, the “respectful” visit turned sour when the high level Obama administration delegation met in the evening with a group of dissidents that the Cuban government considers mercenaries subservient to US interests.
“With this offensive conduct toward the Cuban authorities and people, the American government confirms that instruments of subversive policy against Cuba continue, and shows the lack of real will to improve ties with our country,” the government said.
The US under Obama continues to maintain its half-century economic blockade on Cuba while prohibiting its ordinary citizens from visiting the Caribbean island.
Cuba condena la reunión del enviado de EE UU con disidentes
HAVANA (AP) -- Cuba scolded a top U.S. delegation Saturday for meeting with political opposition leaders following high-level immigration discussions, saying it proves Washington is out to topple the country's communist government.
A senior American official defended the meeting, saying U.S. policy is to reach out to all sectors of Cuban society -- not just the communist government.
American officials ''called together dozens of their mercenaries'' hours after concluding highly anticipated talks on migration issues with Cuban leaders in an undisclosed Havana location, Cuba's Foreign Ministry said.
Elizardo Sanchez, head of the independent Cuban Commission on Human Rights and National Reconciliation, confirmed that a group of Cuban dissident leaders met with the U.S. delegation late Friday at the residence of the head of the U.S. Interests Section, which Washington keeps in Havana because it has no diplomatic relations with the island.
Such a meeting is not unusual when U.S. diplomats visit. But enraged Cuban leaders say the dissidents are not pro-democracy activists, independent journalists and organizers of political opposition groups, but paid agents of Washington planted to destabilize the island's political system.
In a statement published in the newspaper Granma, the Foreign Ministry said U.S. leaders' meeting with dissidents was ''contrary to the spirit of cooperation and understanding showed on Cuba's part'' during the immigration talks and ''demonstrated anew that (U.S.) priorities are more related to supporting the counterrevolution and the promotion of subversion to destabilize the Cuban revolution than with the creation of a climate conducive to real solutions to bilateral problems.''
''From the very day he arrived in the country, the head of the North American delegation was warned'' that a visit with dissidents would not be tolerated. The Ministry claimed that Washington funnels more than $20 million to groups that openly oppose its government, many based in southern Florida.
When asked why the meeting with dissidents went ahead despite Cuba's explicit request that it not, a senior State Department official said the outreach is part of U.S. government policy around the world, not just Cuba.
''We believe in reaching out to broad sectors of society in all countries that we deal with ... and we don't make exceptions in particular countries,'' the official said.
The official, who was not authorized to talk publicly about the meeting, spoke on condition of anonymity.
The official said Washington thanked Cuba for allowing American relief planes destined for Haiti to overfly Cuban territory, and also expressed a willingness to work with Cuban doctors on the ground in the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince.
The U.S. delegation was headed by Craig Kelly, deputy assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere affairs and the highest-ranking American official to visit Cuba in years.
While meeting with their Cuban counterparts earlier Friday, delegation officials strayed from the topic of immigration and called for the immediate release of an American held in a maximum-security prison without charge for nearly three months.
Cuba alleges Alan P. Gross, who came to the island as an American government contractor, is a spy whose arrest is more evidence Washington is working to topple its political system. Relatives of the 60-year-old Maryland resident maintain he is a veteran development worker who was distributing communications equipment to Cuban Jewish groups.
The State Department official said the U.S. delegation called for Gross's ''immediate release'' and categorically denied he was spying.
''We made very clear our position,'' the official said, adding that the Cuban side ''took it on board.''
The official said the U.S. asked Cubans to share any evidence against Gross but did not say whether they complied.
Except for Gross' case and the subsequent American meeting with dissidents, both sides had offered restrained praise for the immigration discussions, which lasted about five hours. The Cubans said the talks were positive and respectful, while the U.S. called them part of a larger, constructive process.
The State Department official said that some members of the delegation were staying on in Cuba for several more days, but that the lower-level meetings would be limited to immigration. Kelly, the delegation head, left Cuba on Saturday.
The Cuban Foreign Ministry said in its Saturday statement that its delegation also talked about subjects not related to immigration, including the release of five Cuban agents imprisoned in Miami since the 1990s after being convicted of spying. Cuba considers them anti-terrorist fighters who were trying to shut down a bombing campaign by anti-Castro Cuban-Americans.
Sanchez, the Cuban dissident, told The Associated Press that about 40 opposition figures took part in the meeting with Kelly on Friday night.
He said the American diplomat expressed the ''good will'' of President Barack Obama's administration to improve Washington's icy relationship with Cuba.
''I told him I was skeptical that Cuba would respond to Obama's gestures,'' Sanchez said.
US Mission in Cuba Meets with Mercenaries
Escrito por Dayami Interián García
Havana, Feb 20 (Prensa Latina) A US delegation that took part in migratory talks with the Cuban government met with mercenaries in this capital, something contrary to the spirit of cooperation and understanding shown by Cuban authorities.
After the diplomatic exchange, the US representation called dozens of mercenaries to meet, and even took them to the residence of the head of the US Interest Section in Cuba, Granma daily reported Saturday referring to a note by the Cuban Foreign Ministry.
That action, the text sustains, once again demonstrates that their priorities are rather linked to support for the counterrevolution and promoting subversion to overthrow the Cuban revolution than providing a framework for a true solution of bilateral problems.
Those counterrevolutionary elements benefit from part of the over 20 million dollars the White House pays out each year for destabilization and subversion acts against Cuba, the document reads.
Since the very same day of the arrival in Cuba, the Cuban Foreign Ministry warned the head of the US delegation of taking advantage of the brief stay to organize a provocative event not in line with the spirit of migratory talks.
With that offensive behavior towards the Cuban people and authorities, the US government confirms that the instruments of the subversive policy towards the island are still in force, it added.
That stance corroborates the lack of true willingness to improve relations with our country, and leave behind interference actions, which have historically been the main obstacle to normalize bilateral bonds, the MINREX declaration stresses.
In the meeting held yesterday, the Cuban delegation reiterated the proposals made to the US side last July in New York, dealing with cooperation to fight drug trafficking, terror, and people's smuggling, protect the environment, and face natural disasters.
In addition, the Cuban mission once again referred to the key affairs to be discussed in a possible dialogue aimed at improving ties: lifting the economic, commercial, and financial blockade; Cuba's exclusion from the spurious list of State sponsors of terrorism; compensation for economic and human damages; the return of the territory occupied by the Guantanamo naval base; the release of the five Cuban anti-terrorists, among others.
Cuba blasts U.S. meeting with dissidents
Incident Clouds US-Cuba Progress
By Circles Robinson
HAVANA TIMES, Feb. 20 — The US and Cuban governments held a second round of talks on migration issues on Friday. Then in the evening, Washington’s emissaries met with a group of “dissidents” which Cuba sharply rejected as unwarranted interference in its internal affairs and highly undiplomatic.
The meeting that reviewed the existing migration accords was termed by Cuban authorities as “respectful”.
Craig Kelly, undersecretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs led the US delegation at the talks while Cuba was represented by Deputy Foreign Minister Dagoberto Rodriguez.
No new agreements were announced coming out of the talks.
In Cuba’s eyes, the “respectful” visit turned sour when the high level Obama administration delegation met in the evening with a group of dissidents that the Cuban government considers mercenaries subservient to US interests.
“With this offensive conduct toward the Cuban authorities and people, the American government confirms that instruments of subversive policy against Cuba continue, and shows the lack of real will to improve ties with our country,” the government said.
The US under Obama continues to maintain its half-century economic blockade on Cuba while prohibiting its ordinary citizens from visiting the Caribbean island.
Cuba condena la reunión del enviado de EE UU con disidentes
sábado, 20 de febrero de 2010
Declaración del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores
Contrario al espíritu de cooperación y entendimiento mostrado por la parte cubana durante las conversaciones migratorias con el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos, una vez efectuadas, la delegación norteamericana se reunió con sus mercenarios en La Habana
Como se informó oportunamente, el 19 de febrero de 2010 se celebró en La Habana una nueva ronda de conversaciones migratorias con el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos.
Al igual que durante la ronda celebrada en Nueva York, durante este intercambio se habló de otros temas. En esta ocasión la delegación de Cuba reiteró las propuestas hechas en julio a la parte norteamericana, referentes a la cooperación en el enfrentamiento al narcotráfico, al terrorismo y al tráfico de personas, para proteger el medio ambiente y enfrentar los desastres naturales. En particular, expresamos nuestra disposición a firmar con el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos un acuerdo para el enfrentamiento al narcotráfico, sobre la base del proyecto presentado recientemente por Cuba, en enero del 2010, por los canales diplomáticos.
Adicionalmente, la delegación de Cuba reiteró los temas esenciales a abordar en un eventual proceso de diálogo dirigido a mejorar las relaciones: el levantamiento del bloqueo económico, comercial y financiero; la exclusión de Cuba de la espuria lista de países terroristas; la abrogación de la Ley de Ajuste Cubano y la «política de pies secos-pies mojados»; la compensación por daños económicos y humanos, la devolución del territorio ocupado por la Base Naval de Guantánamo; el fin de las agresiones radiales y televisivas desde los Estados Unidos contra Cuba, y el cese del financiamiento a la subversión interna.
La delegación cubana abordó a fondo, como tema esencial en esa agenda la solicitud de liberación de los Cinco antiterroristas cubanos que sufren, desde hace once años, injusta prisión en los Estados Unidos por luchar contra el terrorismo.
Contrario al espíritu de cooperación y entendimiento mostrado por la parte cubana, una vez efectuadas las conversaciones migratorias, la delegación norteamericana convocó a decenas de sus mercenarios a quienes incluso transportó a la residencia del Jefe de la SINA, demostrando nuevamente que sus prioridades se relacionan más con el apoyo a la contrarrevolución y la promoción de la subversión para derrocar a la Revolución Cubana que con la creación de un clima conducente a la solución real de los problemas bilaterales. Estos elementos contrarrevolucionarios se benefician de una parte de los más de 20 millones de dólares que no se quedan en Miami y que el Gobierno de EE.UU. dedica anualmente a la labor de desestabilización y subversión contra Cuba.
Desde el propio día de su llegada al país, el jefe de la delegación norteamericana fue advertido por el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores sobre nuestro rechazo al aprovechamiento de su breve estancia para organizar un evento provocador, ajeno al espíritu de las conversaciones migratorias.
Con esta conducta ofensiva hacia las autoridades y el pueblo cubano, el gobierno norteamericano confirma que siguen en vigor los instrumentos de la política subversiva contra Cuba, pone de manifiesto su falta de voluntad real para mejorar los vínculos con nuestro país y para dejar atrás las acciones de burda injerencia, que históricamente han sido el mayor obstáculo a la normalización de las relaciones entre ambos países.
El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores reitera la disposición ya expresada por el gobierno cubano de sostener un diálogo respetuoso sobre cualquier tema con el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos siempre que este sea entre iguales, sin menoscabo a la independencia, soberanía y autodeterminación.
-20 de febrero de 2010
Press Release Issued by the Cuban Delegation to the Migration Talks with the United States
On February 19, 2010, a new round of migration talks was held between the Governments of the United States and Cuba. The US delegation was headed by Craig Kelly, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs; and the Cuban delegation was presided over by Dagoberto Rodríguez, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs.
The meeting took place in an atmosphere of respect. Both delegations evaluated the evolution of the migration accords in force between the two countries. They also discussed some of the aspects contained in the new draft migration accord submitted by Cuba during the round of talks held on July, 2009, in New York, aimed at ensuring a legal, safe and orderly migration between the two countries and a more effective cooperation to combat illegal alien smuggling.
In this new round of talks, the Cuban delegation reiterated the request so that the opening of new vacancies at the Interest Section of Cuba in Washington is authorized in order to optimize the consular services offered to Cuban citizens residing in the United States.
Deputy Foreign Minister Dagoberto Rodríguez ratified Cuba’s unequivocal commitment with the implementation of the migration accords in force between the two countries and further stated: “The meeting reaffirmed the importance and usefulness of this mechanism.”
The Cuban Deputy Foreign Minister reaffirmed that Cuba is strictly complying with the letter and the spirit of the migration accords. However, he reiterated Cuba’s permanent concern that a legal, safe and orderly migration –as established in the migration accords- would not be achieved as long as the United States continues to implement the Cuban Adjustment Act and the wet foot/dry foot policy which encourage illegal departures and human smuggling, since they ensure a differential treatment to Cubans arriving illegally in U.S. territory, regardless of the ways and means used to accomplish this purpose.
The Cuban delegation expressed Cuba’s willingness to continue having these exchanges in the future.
U.S. pushes for release of American jailed in Cuba
Nadine Gordimer, Nobel laureate, fighting for the five
Such cruelty is unacceptable
-Amelia Duarte de la Rosa
SOUTH African Nadine Gordimer, 1991 Nobel Prize for Literature, read out letter to President Obama calling for the release of the five Cuban heroes. Gordimer is in our country as an invited guest to the 19th Havana Book Fair.
In the statement, Gordimer, who had a prior interview with family members of the Five, condemned the torture and psychological mistreatment to which the mothers and wives have been subjected for more than 11 years since September 12, 1998, when Gerardo, René, Ramón, Antonio and Fernando were unjustly imprisoned. "Such cruelty is unacceptable," the writer stated, affirming that she had witnessed first-hand the drama that these families, full of dignity and fortitude, are going through.
"I ask the Obama administration for their immediate release and also call on all citizens of the world. Its now time to end the torment that these five Cubans are experiencing," she emphasized after detailing in the missive the arbitrariness of the sentences, and the infamies committed during their trials and appeal processes.
Rask Morakabe, a political prisoner in apartheid South Africa, also added his voice to the declaration. He confided to having a special sensitivity for the case of the Five and stated that "in South Africa, we place a great importance on it because we suffered on account of Mandela’s imprisonment for so many decades and, in the same way that we engaged in a campaign for his release, we believe that we are going to achieve the release of the Five."
Serbian filmmaker and musician Emir Kusturica has also joined the call for justice for the five Cuban heroes, declaring his support for a solution of the case in Neuquén, Argentina and demanding that the U.S. president annul their sentences.
Cuba reanuda con EE UU el diálogo sobre inmigración
Obama eleva el nivel de la misión que viaja a La Habana
La Habana fue escenario ayer de la segunda ronda de conversaciones migratorias Cuba-Estados Unidos de la era Obama. Los encuentros entre ambos países para hablar sobre temas migratorios, un asunto que Washington considera de seguridad nacional, se reanudaron en Nueva York el verano pasado después de cinco años de interrupción durante el Gobierno de George W.
La Habana fue escenario ayer de la segunda ronda de conversaciones migratorias Cuba-Estados Unidos de la era Obama. Los encuentros entre ambos países para hablar sobre temas migratorios, un asunto que Washington considera de seguridad nacional, se reanudaron en Nueva York el verano pasado después de cinco años de interrupción durante el Gobierno de George W. Bush.
EE UU envió ahora a La Habana al subsecretario de Estado adjunto para Asuntos del Hemisferio Occidental, Craig Kelly, el funcionario de más alto rango que ha pisado la isla desde que Barack Obama llegó al Gobierno. Un nuevo paso hacia la normalidad.
La delegación cubana estuvo encabezada por Dagoberto Rodríguez, viceministro de Relaciones Exteriores, quien al terminar la reunión reafirmó en un comunicado "la importancia y utilidad del mecanismo" bilateral. El objetivo del encuentro fue pasar revista a los acuerdos migratorios de 1994 y 1995, firmados por ambos países a raíz de la crisis de las balsas. Como parte de la agenda, se trató la propuesta cubana de negociar un nuevo acuerdo migratorio y establecer formas de cooperación para luchar contra el tráfico de personas.
El convenio vigente establece la obligación de EE UU de conceder un mínimo de 20.000 visados anuales a inmigrantes cubanos, así como de repatriar a los balseros interceptados en alta mar. Cuba, por su parte, se compromete a tomar medidas para impedir las salidas ilegales. Ambas naciones expresaron entonces su voluntad de promover una emigración "segura, legal y ordenada", y establecieron un mecanismo de reuniones periódicas para asegurar el cumplimiento de los acuerdos.
Este mecanismo funcionó hasta diciembre de 2003, cuando el Gobierno Bush, en medio de una política de endurecimiento del embargo, decidió suspender los contactos. Con la llegada de Obama a la Casa Blanca las cosas empezaron a volver a la normalidad. En abril de 2009, el presidente de EE UU levantó las restricciones impuestas por su antecesor a los viajes de los cubano-norteamericanos y liberó el envío de remesas a Cuba. Y en mayo propuso a La Habana reanudar las conversaciones migratorias, cosa que sucedió un mes después en Nueva York.
Entre los temas delicados de la agenda bilateral está el caso del ciudadano norteamericano Alan Gross, detenido en la isla en diciembre cuando distribuía "equipos de comunicación" entre grupos de la sociedad civil por encargo del Gobierno norteamericano, algo que Cuba puede considerar como un intento de "subversión".
Las actuales calumnias y shows mediáticos contra Cuba en Madrid y Miami
Cuba-USA: ¿Qué los separa?
-Max Lesnik
Entrevista a Silvio Rodríguez
"Un país sin jóvenes está destinado a ser una sombra, un fantasma"
Pascual Serrano: Un vigilante en la sociedad del aburrimiento
Ofensivas digitales para incriminar, calumniar y desmoralizar...
Violencia semiótica contra Hugo Chávez
Students as Spies: The Deep Politics of U.S.-Colombian Relations
Estudiantes como espías
La parte oculta de las relaciones entre EE.UU. y Colombia
-Forrest Hylton
Contrario al espíritu de cooperación y entendimiento mostrado por la parte cubana durante las conversaciones migratorias con el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos, una vez efectuadas, la delegación norteamericana se reunió con sus mercenarios en La Habana
Como se informó oportunamente, el 19 de febrero de 2010 se celebró en La Habana una nueva ronda de conversaciones migratorias con el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos.
Al igual que durante la ronda celebrada en Nueva York, durante este intercambio se habló de otros temas. En esta ocasión la delegación de Cuba reiteró las propuestas hechas en julio a la parte norteamericana, referentes a la cooperación en el enfrentamiento al narcotráfico, al terrorismo y al tráfico de personas, para proteger el medio ambiente y enfrentar los desastres naturales. En particular, expresamos nuestra disposición a firmar con el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos un acuerdo para el enfrentamiento al narcotráfico, sobre la base del proyecto presentado recientemente por Cuba, en enero del 2010, por los canales diplomáticos.
Adicionalmente, la delegación de Cuba reiteró los temas esenciales a abordar en un eventual proceso de diálogo dirigido a mejorar las relaciones: el levantamiento del bloqueo económico, comercial y financiero; la exclusión de Cuba de la espuria lista de países terroristas; la abrogación de la Ley de Ajuste Cubano y la «política de pies secos-pies mojados»; la compensación por daños económicos y humanos, la devolución del territorio ocupado por la Base Naval de Guantánamo; el fin de las agresiones radiales y televisivas desde los Estados Unidos contra Cuba, y el cese del financiamiento a la subversión interna.
La delegación cubana abordó a fondo, como tema esencial en esa agenda la solicitud de liberación de los Cinco antiterroristas cubanos que sufren, desde hace once años, injusta prisión en los Estados Unidos por luchar contra el terrorismo.
Contrario al espíritu de cooperación y entendimiento mostrado por la parte cubana, una vez efectuadas las conversaciones migratorias, la delegación norteamericana convocó a decenas de sus mercenarios a quienes incluso transportó a la residencia del Jefe de la SINA, demostrando nuevamente que sus prioridades se relacionan más con el apoyo a la contrarrevolución y la promoción de la subversión para derrocar a la Revolución Cubana que con la creación de un clima conducente a la solución real de los problemas bilaterales. Estos elementos contrarrevolucionarios se benefician de una parte de los más de 20 millones de dólares que no se quedan en Miami y que el Gobierno de EE.UU. dedica anualmente a la labor de desestabilización y subversión contra Cuba.
Desde el propio día de su llegada al país, el jefe de la delegación norteamericana fue advertido por el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores sobre nuestro rechazo al aprovechamiento de su breve estancia para organizar un evento provocador, ajeno al espíritu de las conversaciones migratorias.
Con esta conducta ofensiva hacia las autoridades y el pueblo cubano, el gobierno norteamericano confirma que siguen en vigor los instrumentos de la política subversiva contra Cuba, pone de manifiesto su falta de voluntad real para mejorar los vínculos con nuestro país y para dejar atrás las acciones de burda injerencia, que históricamente han sido el mayor obstáculo a la normalización de las relaciones entre ambos países.
El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores reitera la disposición ya expresada por el gobierno cubano de sostener un diálogo respetuoso sobre cualquier tema con el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos siempre que este sea entre iguales, sin menoscabo a la independencia, soberanía y autodeterminación.
-20 de febrero de 2010
Press Release Issued by the Cuban Delegation to the Migration Talks with the United States
On February 19, 2010, a new round of migration talks was held between the Governments of the United States and Cuba. The US delegation was headed by Craig Kelly, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs; and the Cuban delegation was presided over by Dagoberto Rodríguez, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs.
The meeting took place in an atmosphere of respect. Both delegations evaluated the evolution of the migration accords in force between the two countries. They also discussed some of the aspects contained in the new draft migration accord submitted by Cuba during the round of talks held on July, 2009, in New York, aimed at ensuring a legal, safe and orderly migration between the two countries and a more effective cooperation to combat illegal alien smuggling.
In this new round of talks, the Cuban delegation reiterated the request so that the opening of new vacancies at the Interest Section of Cuba in Washington is authorized in order to optimize the consular services offered to Cuban citizens residing in the United States.
Deputy Foreign Minister Dagoberto Rodríguez ratified Cuba’s unequivocal commitment with the implementation of the migration accords in force between the two countries and further stated: “The meeting reaffirmed the importance and usefulness of this mechanism.”
The Cuban Deputy Foreign Minister reaffirmed that Cuba is strictly complying with the letter and the spirit of the migration accords. However, he reiterated Cuba’s permanent concern that a legal, safe and orderly migration –as established in the migration accords- would not be achieved as long as the United States continues to implement the Cuban Adjustment Act and the wet foot/dry foot policy which encourage illegal departures and human smuggling, since they ensure a differential treatment to Cubans arriving illegally in U.S. territory, regardless of the ways and means used to accomplish this purpose.
The Cuban delegation expressed Cuba’s willingness to continue having these exchanges in the future.
U.S. pushes for release of American jailed in Cuba
Nadine Gordimer, Nobel laureate, fighting for the five
Such cruelty is unacceptable
-Amelia Duarte de la Rosa
SOUTH African Nadine Gordimer, 1991 Nobel Prize for Literature, read out letter to President Obama calling for the release of the five Cuban heroes. Gordimer is in our country as an invited guest to the 19th Havana Book Fair.
In the statement, Gordimer, who had a prior interview with family members of the Five, condemned the torture and psychological mistreatment to which the mothers and wives have been subjected for more than 11 years since September 12, 1998, when Gerardo, René, Ramón, Antonio and Fernando were unjustly imprisoned. "Such cruelty is unacceptable," the writer stated, affirming that she had witnessed first-hand the drama that these families, full of dignity and fortitude, are going through.
"I ask the Obama administration for their immediate release and also call on all citizens of the world. Its now time to end the torment that these five Cubans are experiencing," she emphasized after detailing in the missive the arbitrariness of the sentences, and the infamies committed during their trials and appeal processes.
Rask Morakabe, a political prisoner in apartheid South Africa, also added his voice to the declaration. He confided to having a special sensitivity for the case of the Five and stated that "in South Africa, we place a great importance on it because we suffered on account of Mandela’s imprisonment for so many decades and, in the same way that we engaged in a campaign for his release, we believe that we are going to achieve the release of the Five."
Serbian filmmaker and musician Emir Kusturica has also joined the call for justice for the five Cuban heroes, declaring his support for a solution of the case in Neuquén, Argentina and demanding that the U.S. president annul their sentences.
Cuba reanuda con EE UU el diálogo sobre inmigración
Obama eleva el nivel de la misión que viaja a La Habana
La Habana fue escenario ayer de la segunda ronda de conversaciones migratorias Cuba-Estados Unidos de la era Obama. Los encuentros entre ambos países para hablar sobre temas migratorios, un asunto que Washington considera de seguridad nacional, se reanudaron en Nueva York el verano pasado después de cinco años de interrupción durante el Gobierno de George W.
La Habana fue escenario ayer de la segunda ronda de conversaciones migratorias Cuba-Estados Unidos de la era Obama. Los encuentros entre ambos países para hablar sobre temas migratorios, un asunto que Washington considera de seguridad nacional, se reanudaron en Nueva York el verano pasado después de cinco años de interrupción durante el Gobierno de George W. Bush.
EE UU envió ahora a La Habana al subsecretario de Estado adjunto para Asuntos del Hemisferio Occidental, Craig Kelly, el funcionario de más alto rango que ha pisado la isla desde que Barack Obama llegó al Gobierno. Un nuevo paso hacia la normalidad.
La delegación cubana estuvo encabezada por Dagoberto Rodríguez, viceministro de Relaciones Exteriores, quien al terminar la reunión reafirmó en un comunicado "la importancia y utilidad del mecanismo" bilateral. El objetivo del encuentro fue pasar revista a los acuerdos migratorios de 1994 y 1995, firmados por ambos países a raíz de la crisis de las balsas. Como parte de la agenda, se trató la propuesta cubana de negociar un nuevo acuerdo migratorio y establecer formas de cooperación para luchar contra el tráfico de personas.
El convenio vigente establece la obligación de EE UU de conceder un mínimo de 20.000 visados anuales a inmigrantes cubanos, así como de repatriar a los balseros interceptados en alta mar. Cuba, por su parte, se compromete a tomar medidas para impedir las salidas ilegales. Ambas naciones expresaron entonces su voluntad de promover una emigración "segura, legal y ordenada", y establecieron un mecanismo de reuniones periódicas para asegurar el cumplimiento de los acuerdos.
Este mecanismo funcionó hasta diciembre de 2003, cuando el Gobierno Bush, en medio de una política de endurecimiento del embargo, decidió suspender los contactos. Con la llegada de Obama a la Casa Blanca las cosas empezaron a volver a la normalidad. En abril de 2009, el presidente de EE UU levantó las restricciones impuestas por su antecesor a los viajes de los cubano-norteamericanos y liberó el envío de remesas a Cuba. Y en mayo propuso a La Habana reanudar las conversaciones migratorias, cosa que sucedió un mes después en Nueva York.
Entre los temas delicados de la agenda bilateral está el caso del ciudadano norteamericano Alan Gross, detenido en la isla en diciembre cuando distribuía "equipos de comunicación" entre grupos de la sociedad civil por encargo del Gobierno norteamericano, algo que Cuba puede considerar como un intento de "subversión".
Las actuales calumnias y shows mediáticos contra Cuba en Madrid y Miami
Cuba-USA: ¿Qué los separa?
-Max Lesnik
Entrevista a Silvio Rodríguez
"Un país sin jóvenes está destinado a ser una sombra, un fantasma"
Pascual Serrano: Un vigilante en la sociedad del aburrimiento
Ofensivas digitales para incriminar, calumniar y desmoralizar...
Violencia semiótica contra Hugo Chávez
Students as Spies: The Deep Politics of U.S.-Colombian Relations
Estudiantes como espías
La parte oculta de las relaciones entre EE.UU. y Colombia
-Forrest Hylton
jueves, 18 de febrero de 2010
Declaration on the Cuban Five of the South African Nobel Laureate Nadine Gordimer
Declaration on the Cuban Five of the South African Nobel Laureate Nadine Gordimer
Yesterday, Tuesday February 16, I met with relatives of the five Cuban political prisoners held in US jails for over 11 years. I have had firsthand experience of the drama these families are suffering. I was given the following information as confirmation of what I already had obtained.
On June 16th and 17th, 1998, the Cuban government invited two important FBI officials to hand them documents with evidences on dangerous activities done by several persons residing in Florida and seriously implicated in terrorist actions against Cuba. Up until now, none of them have been questioned by US authorities despite the evidence placed in the hands of the FBI.
Three months later, on September 12th, 1998, the FBI arrested five Cubans: Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González, Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino and René González. Crime committed? That of infiltrating, at the risk of their own lives, the Cuban exile groups responsible for numerous violent actions which have put an end to the lives of many innocent people. Since 1959, terrorist actions against the Cuban people have resulted in 3,478 dead and have left 2,099 people permanently disabled.
After a legal process, presenting several legal violations, the five Cubans were sentenced, collectively, to four life sentences plus 77 years, for fighting terrorism. For over 11 years now, they have been imprisoned in 5 different maximum security prisons.
These five Cubans have been the victims of cruel and inhumane treatment. From day one of their arrests until February 3rd, 2000, i.e. for over 17 months, they have been in solitary confinement, with no contact with other prisoners or even guards.
On May 27th, 2005, the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention denounced the “arbitrary” detention of the Cuban five, stating that it was a violation of international norms and demanded a new trial.
On August 9th 2005, three judges from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, with 80 years of accumulated experience, unanimously decided to declare the original verdict null and requested a new trial.
On September 28th, 2005, the US government asked the full Court of Appeals, made up by twelve judges, to reconsider the decision of August 8th, 2005, a very uncommon action, according to US legal experts.
On August 9th, 2006, after strong political pressures, the Atlanta Court of Appeals reversed the decision by the three judges and sent the case once again to a panel.
On August 20th, 2007, the defense launched a new appeal process. In 2008, a panel formed by three judges from the Atlanta Court of Appeals ratified the guilty verdict for the five Cubans, confirming the sentences imposed against Gerardo and Rene and annulled the sentences for Ramon, Antonio and Fernando because they were considered incorrect, thus sending the cases of these three Cubans to the Miami District Court for re-sentencing.
On that occasion the Appeals Court in full acknowledged there was no evidence whatsoever on the obtainment or transmission of secret information or of a national defense nature.
In 2009, the US Supreme Court, based on a request by the Obama Administration, rejected the possibility of revising the case.
The statements made by the relatives of the five Cubans give proof of the psychological and moral torture they have been suffering in the hands of US legal authorities. Olga Salanueva, wife of René González, as well as Adriana Pérez, wife of Gerardo Hernández, have not been yet authorized to visit their love ones. On June 25th, 2002, Adriana Pérez was finally granted a US visa to visit her husband in Los Angeles. But upon her arrival in the United States, she was detained by the FBI, interrogated for 11 hours and then expelled to Cuba without seeing Gerardo. Adriana has not been able to see Gerardo for over 11 years and Olga has not seen Rene for over 10 years. Such a cruel act is unacceptable.
Now, after meeting the relatives of the five Cubans I have been able to assess the dignity and staunchness of the mothers and wives who have suffered, with striking strength of character this inhumane abuse for over a decade now.
I would like to add my voice to the petition for justice for these five innocent Cubans. I request President Obama for their immediate release. I appeal to citizens from all over the world: it is time to put an end to the torment these five Cubans and their relatives are suffering.
Nadine Gordiner
Havana, February 17th, 2010.
International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban 5
Argentinean personalities have sent a letter to Hillary Clinton and Janet Napolitano demanding visas for two Cuban women so they can visit their husbands imprisoned in the United States for more than 11 years.
The letter, delivered early in the morning of February 16th to the US Embassy in Buenos Aires has the signatures of Nobel Peace recepient Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Estela de Carlotto President of Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo, Nora Cortiñas Mother of Plaza de Mayo - Founder Line, writer and journalist Stella Calloni, Graciela Rosemblum President of the Human Rights Argentinean League, jurists Beinusz Szmukler and Carlos Zamorano, Fray Antonio Puigjané, Capuchino Priest, Sociologist Atilio Borón and Philosopher León Rozichtner. All signers are Argentinean members of the International Commission for the Right of Family Visits.
A copy of this document has been sent to several international human rights organizations.
Please respond to: Liga Argentina por los Derechos del Hombre
Av. Corrientes 1785, 2º “C”- Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, c/p 1042 República Argentina E.mail: ladh@velocom.com.ar
- http://www.antiterroristas.cu/index.php?tpl=./interface.en/design/reading/special-article.tpl.html&aNews_lang=en&aNews_obj_id=1002299,
Nobel Prize Winner Nadine Gordimer Demands End of US Blockade of Cuba
(acn) South African writer Nadine Gordimer, winner of the 1991 Nobel Prize in Literature, has asked the United States Government to end its financial, commercial and trade blockade against Cuba.
Speaking to the Cuban culture digital magazine La Jiribilla, the intellectual also asked for the lifting of all types of sanctions against the Island, such as its inclusion on a list of state sponsors of terrorism.
This South African writer, considered one of the most important representatives of contemporary South African literature, has also demanded on several occasions the release of five Cuban antiterrorists who remain unjustly imprisoned in the United States.
Born in 1923, in Springs, a mining town near Johannesburg, South Africa, she was a strong opponent of her country’s former Apartheid regime, a stance that she upheld in many of her writings.
Nobel sudafricana pide a Obama liberación de cinco cubanos presos en EEUU
(AFP) — La escritora sudafricana Nadine Gordimer pidió el miércoles al presidente Barack Obama la "inmediata liberación" de cinco cubanos presos en Estados Unidos acusados de espionaje.
"Pido al Gobierno del presidente Obama su inmediata liberación", dijo Gordimer, Premio Nobel de Literatura 1991, en una declaración escrita leída ante la prensa en La Habana, donde asiste como invitada especial de la Feria Internacional del Libro.
Gordimer, próxima a cumplir 87 años, señaló que cuando llegue a Sudáfrica escribirá "esa carta dirigida a Obama", iniciativa para la cual buscará apoyo entre amigos intelectuales y políticos.
"Lanzo también un llamado a los ciudadanos del mundo entero, ya es hora de poner fin a los tormentos de los cinco cubanos y sus familiares", añadió la escritora, que el martes se reunió en La Habana con los familiares de Fernando González, Gerardo Hernández, Antonio Guerrero, René González y Ramón Labañino.
Los cinco fueron detenidos en Estados Unidos hace 11 años y condenados a largas penas de prisión --incluida la cadena perpetua-- bajo cargo de espionaje. Cuba reconoce que eran sus agentes, pero señala que buscaban evitar acciones terroristas de organizaciones anticastristas de Miami, por lo que los considera "héroes".
A una consulta de la prensa, Gordimer dijo que no ha recibido una carta en la que una treintena de esposas, hermanas y madres de presos políticos, le piden interceder ante el gobierno de Raúl Castro por la liberación de sus parientes, y que dijeron haber entregado en la embajada de Sudáfrica en La Habana.
"No la he recibido, no sé si esa carta me va a llegar antes de que yo me vaya", manifestó Gordimer, quien presentó en La Habana su libro "Un capricho de la naturaleza".
Según la oposición, en Cuba hay actualmente 200 presos políticos, pero las autoridades niegan esa categoría y los acusa de "mercenarios" de Estados Unidos que intentaron atentar contra la seguridad del Estado.
Cuba Sends New Medical Team to Haiti
Fifty Bolivian doctors who graduated from the Havana-based Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM) arrived in Haiti on Monday to join the Cuban healthcare professionals who are assisting victims of the January 12 earthquake that wreaked havoc in this nation.
The Bolivian doctors are also part of the Henry Reeve Cuban emergency medical brigade, a contingent of Cuban and Cuban-trained doctors specializing in disaster situations and epidemics.
Along with several ELAM students, the Henry Reeve medical brigade has been working day and night following the catastrophe to save as many lives as possible.
Cuba and the ALBA member nations continue to work on restructuring the Haitian healthcare system, while Cuban health professionals have implemented an aggressive prevention campaign against epidemics and a series of follow-up care such as physiotherapy and rehabilitation.
The new team of Bolivian doctors have been sent to work primarily in community care centers, field hospitals and other medical facilities in Croix des Bouquet, Leoganne, Arcahaie and Grand Goave.
So far, Cuban collaborators from the Henry Reeve medical brigade —residents, medical graduates, Haitian medical students and a group of American doctors graduated from ELAM— are serving in at least 20 community healthcare centers operating in Port au
Prince and the surrounding areas.
Bolivian doctor Wilson Vega Varado, who graduated from ELAM in 2009 and is a member of the new relief team, is firm in his belief of the historical and humanitarian importance of helping the Haitian people overcome this catastrophe.
Spanish Foreign Minister Urges European Union to Improve Relations with Cuba
(acn) Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos said on Monday in Madrid that the European Union’s policy toward Cuba is “hardly satisfactory” and urged this regional organization to open a debate that aims at improving relations with the Caribbean island.
Moratinos said he was confident that all the EU member countries would back an initiative to replace the so-called common position on Cuba - put into effect in 1996 at the insistence of then-Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar – with a bilateral agreement.
The Spanish diplomat explained that his country will introduce this proposal next June when the EU will analyze its policy toward Havana. He made it clear that Spain would not present the initiative as the temporary chair of the organization but as a member country.
He also noted that this position of the Spanish Government is shared by the European Commission and other nations of the bloc.
Cuba Migration Talks
Office of the Spokesman
US Department of State
Washington, DC
February 17, 2010
On Friday, U.S. and Cuban representatives will meet in Havana to discuss implementation of the U.S.-Cuba Migration Accords. The discussions will focus on how best to promote safe, legal, and orderly migration between Cuba and the United States. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Craig Kelly will lead the U.S. delegation, which includes representatives of the agencies involved in managing migration issues.
Yesterday, Tuesday February 16, I met with relatives of the five Cuban political prisoners held in US jails for over 11 years. I have had firsthand experience of the drama these families are suffering. I was given the following information as confirmation of what I already had obtained.
On June 16th and 17th, 1998, the Cuban government invited two important FBI officials to hand them documents with evidences on dangerous activities done by several persons residing in Florida and seriously implicated in terrorist actions against Cuba. Up until now, none of them have been questioned by US authorities despite the evidence placed in the hands of the FBI.
Three months later, on September 12th, 1998, the FBI arrested five Cubans: Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González, Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino and René González. Crime committed? That of infiltrating, at the risk of their own lives, the Cuban exile groups responsible for numerous violent actions which have put an end to the lives of many innocent people. Since 1959, terrorist actions against the Cuban people have resulted in 3,478 dead and have left 2,099 people permanently disabled.
After a legal process, presenting several legal violations, the five Cubans were sentenced, collectively, to four life sentences plus 77 years, for fighting terrorism. For over 11 years now, they have been imprisoned in 5 different maximum security prisons.
These five Cubans have been the victims of cruel and inhumane treatment. From day one of their arrests until February 3rd, 2000, i.e. for over 17 months, they have been in solitary confinement, with no contact with other prisoners or even guards.
On May 27th, 2005, the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention denounced the “arbitrary” detention of the Cuban five, stating that it was a violation of international norms and demanded a new trial.
On August 9th 2005, three judges from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, with 80 years of accumulated experience, unanimously decided to declare the original verdict null and requested a new trial.
On September 28th, 2005, the US government asked the full Court of Appeals, made up by twelve judges, to reconsider the decision of August 8th, 2005, a very uncommon action, according to US legal experts.
On August 9th, 2006, after strong political pressures, the Atlanta Court of Appeals reversed the decision by the three judges and sent the case once again to a panel.
On August 20th, 2007, the defense launched a new appeal process. In 2008, a panel formed by three judges from the Atlanta Court of Appeals ratified the guilty verdict for the five Cubans, confirming the sentences imposed against Gerardo and Rene and annulled the sentences for Ramon, Antonio and Fernando because they were considered incorrect, thus sending the cases of these three Cubans to the Miami District Court for re-sentencing.
On that occasion the Appeals Court in full acknowledged there was no evidence whatsoever on the obtainment or transmission of secret information or of a national defense nature.
In 2009, the US Supreme Court, based on a request by the Obama Administration, rejected the possibility of revising the case.
The statements made by the relatives of the five Cubans give proof of the psychological and moral torture they have been suffering in the hands of US legal authorities. Olga Salanueva, wife of René González, as well as Adriana Pérez, wife of Gerardo Hernández, have not been yet authorized to visit their love ones. On June 25th, 2002, Adriana Pérez was finally granted a US visa to visit her husband in Los Angeles. But upon her arrival in the United States, she was detained by the FBI, interrogated for 11 hours and then expelled to Cuba without seeing Gerardo. Adriana has not been able to see Gerardo for over 11 years and Olga has not seen Rene for over 10 years. Such a cruel act is unacceptable.
Now, after meeting the relatives of the five Cubans I have been able to assess the dignity and staunchness of the mothers and wives who have suffered, with striking strength of character this inhumane abuse for over a decade now.
I would like to add my voice to the petition for justice for these five innocent Cubans. I request President Obama for their immediate release. I appeal to citizens from all over the world: it is time to put an end to the torment these five Cubans and their relatives are suffering.
Nadine Gordiner
Havana, February 17th, 2010.
International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban 5
Argentinean personalities have sent a letter to Hillary Clinton and Janet Napolitano demanding visas for two Cuban women so they can visit their husbands imprisoned in the United States for more than 11 years.
The letter, delivered early in the morning of February 16th to the US Embassy in Buenos Aires has the signatures of Nobel Peace recepient Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Estela de Carlotto President of Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo, Nora Cortiñas Mother of Plaza de Mayo - Founder Line, writer and journalist Stella Calloni, Graciela Rosemblum President of the Human Rights Argentinean League, jurists Beinusz Szmukler and Carlos Zamorano, Fray Antonio Puigjané, Capuchino Priest, Sociologist Atilio Borón and Philosopher León Rozichtner. All signers are Argentinean members of the International Commission for the Right of Family Visits.
A copy of this document has been sent to several international human rights organizations.
Please respond to: Liga Argentina por los Derechos del Hombre
Av. Corrientes 1785, 2º “C”- Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, c/p 1042 República Argentina E.mail: ladh@velocom.com.ar
- http://www.antiterroristas.cu/index.php?tpl=./interface.en/design/reading/special-article.tpl.html&aNews_lang=en&aNews_obj_id=1002299,
Nobel Prize Winner Nadine Gordimer Demands End of US Blockade of Cuba
(acn) South African writer Nadine Gordimer, winner of the 1991 Nobel Prize in Literature, has asked the United States Government to end its financial, commercial and trade blockade against Cuba.
Speaking to the Cuban culture digital magazine La Jiribilla, the intellectual also asked for the lifting of all types of sanctions against the Island, such as its inclusion on a list of state sponsors of terrorism.
This South African writer, considered one of the most important representatives of contemporary South African literature, has also demanded on several occasions the release of five Cuban antiterrorists who remain unjustly imprisoned in the United States.
Born in 1923, in Springs, a mining town near Johannesburg, South Africa, she was a strong opponent of her country’s former Apartheid regime, a stance that she upheld in many of her writings.
Nobel sudafricana pide a Obama liberación de cinco cubanos presos en EEUU
(AFP) — La escritora sudafricana Nadine Gordimer pidió el miércoles al presidente Barack Obama la "inmediata liberación" de cinco cubanos presos en Estados Unidos acusados de espionaje.
"Pido al Gobierno del presidente Obama su inmediata liberación", dijo Gordimer, Premio Nobel de Literatura 1991, en una declaración escrita leída ante la prensa en La Habana, donde asiste como invitada especial de la Feria Internacional del Libro.
Gordimer, próxima a cumplir 87 años, señaló que cuando llegue a Sudáfrica escribirá "esa carta dirigida a Obama", iniciativa para la cual buscará apoyo entre amigos intelectuales y políticos.
"Lanzo también un llamado a los ciudadanos del mundo entero, ya es hora de poner fin a los tormentos de los cinco cubanos y sus familiares", añadió la escritora, que el martes se reunió en La Habana con los familiares de Fernando González, Gerardo Hernández, Antonio Guerrero, René González y Ramón Labañino.
Los cinco fueron detenidos en Estados Unidos hace 11 años y condenados a largas penas de prisión --incluida la cadena perpetua-- bajo cargo de espionaje. Cuba reconoce que eran sus agentes, pero señala que buscaban evitar acciones terroristas de organizaciones anticastristas de Miami, por lo que los considera "héroes".
A una consulta de la prensa, Gordimer dijo que no ha recibido una carta en la que una treintena de esposas, hermanas y madres de presos políticos, le piden interceder ante el gobierno de Raúl Castro por la liberación de sus parientes, y que dijeron haber entregado en la embajada de Sudáfrica en La Habana.
"No la he recibido, no sé si esa carta me va a llegar antes de que yo me vaya", manifestó Gordimer, quien presentó en La Habana su libro "Un capricho de la naturaleza".
Según la oposición, en Cuba hay actualmente 200 presos políticos, pero las autoridades niegan esa categoría y los acusa de "mercenarios" de Estados Unidos que intentaron atentar contra la seguridad del Estado.
Cuba Sends New Medical Team to Haiti
Fifty Bolivian doctors who graduated from the Havana-based Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM) arrived in Haiti on Monday to join the Cuban healthcare professionals who are assisting victims of the January 12 earthquake that wreaked havoc in this nation.
The Bolivian doctors are also part of the Henry Reeve Cuban emergency medical brigade, a contingent of Cuban and Cuban-trained doctors specializing in disaster situations and epidemics.
Along with several ELAM students, the Henry Reeve medical brigade has been working day and night following the catastrophe to save as many lives as possible.
Cuba and the ALBA member nations continue to work on restructuring the Haitian healthcare system, while Cuban health professionals have implemented an aggressive prevention campaign against epidemics and a series of follow-up care such as physiotherapy and rehabilitation.
The new team of Bolivian doctors have been sent to work primarily in community care centers, field hospitals and other medical facilities in Croix des Bouquet, Leoganne, Arcahaie and Grand Goave.
So far, Cuban collaborators from the Henry Reeve medical brigade —residents, medical graduates, Haitian medical students and a group of American doctors graduated from ELAM— are serving in at least 20 community healthcare centers operating in Port au
Prince and the surrounding areas.
Bolivian doctor Wilson Vega Varado, who graduated from ELAM in 2009 and is a member of the new relief team, is firm in his belief of the historical and humanitarian importance of helping the Haitian people overcome this catastrophe.
Spanish Foreign Minister Urges European Union to Improve Relations with Cuba
(acn) Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos said on Monday in Madrid that the European Union’s policy toward Cuba is “hardly satisfactory” and urged this regional organization to open a debate that aims at improving relations with the Caribbean island.
Moratinos said he was confident that all the EU member countries would back an initiative to replace the so-called common position on Cuba - put into effect in 1996 at the insistence of then-Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar – with a bilateral agreement.
The Spanish diplomat explained that his country will introduce this proposal next June when the EU will analyze its policy toward Havana. He made it clear that Spain would not present the initiative as the temporary chair of the organization but as a member country.
He also noted that this position of the Spanish Government is shared by the European Commission and other nations of the bloc.
Cuba Migration Talks
Office of the Spokesman
US Department of State
Washington, DC
February 17, 2010
On Friday, U.S. and Cuban representatives will meet in Havana to discuss implementation of the U.S.-Cuba Migration Accords. The discussions will focus on how best to promote safe, legal, and orderly migration between Cuba and the United States. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Craig Kelly will lead the U.S. delegation, which includes representatives of the agencies involved in managing migration issues.
martes, 9 de febrero de 2010
Envía mensaje Antonio Guerrero, a nombre de los Cinco Héroes, a los participantes en el VII Congreso Universidad 2010
-Mayte María Jiménez - juventudrebelde.cu
Nos convoca la idea de que un mundo mejor es posible, y más que eso necesario, y en ello desempeña un papel importante la universidad, como elemento de la conciencia crítica de la sociedad, pues no solo forma la intelectualidad, sino que educa y forja los valores y actitudes necesarios para enfrentar y transformar el mundo en que vivimos, destacó Miguel Díaz-Canel, ministro de Educación Superior, en la inauguración del VII Congreso Universidad 2010.
Con la presencia de representantes de más de 60 países y unos 2 400 delegados e invitados, la cita sesionará hasta el próximo 12 de febrero en el Palacio de Convenciones, en la capital.
En el acto de apertura, que tuvo por sede el teatro Karl Marx, el titular señaló que hay que estar convencidos de que el ideal del desarrollo social sustentable pasa inevitablemente por la educación y el conocimiento, la ciencia y la tecnología.
Díaz-Canel destacó que Cuba defiende y desarrolla una Educación Superior universalizada, con una mirada de apropiación social del conocimiento, en la que ningún cubano queda privado de la enseñanza por falta de recursos materiales o distinción de razas o religión.
Resaltó el Proyecto del ALBA como un ejemplo de que es posible la integración, y destacó la Misión «Yo sí puedo», que ha permitido llevar la superación y el conocimiento a los pueblos pobres de Latinoamérica.
Representantes de diferentes países agradecieron a Cuba por su contribución universal a la educación.
La abogada norteamericana Cindy O´Hara dio a conocer un mensaje de Antonio Guerrero a nombre de los Cinco Héroes cubanos, donde exhorta a los participantes del evento a consolidar ideas y paradigmas de la universidad en la construcción de una sociedad más justa.
Causa de antiterroristas cubanos encuentra eco EE.UU.
WASHINGTON, 8 de febrero.— El apoyo a la causa de los Cinco antiterroristas cubanos prisioneros en Estados Unidos hace más de 11 años, encuentra eco en este país, aseguró hoy a PL Alicia Jrapko, coordinadora del Comité Internacional por la libertad de los Cinco en territorio estadounidense, al explicar los resultados del recién finalizado IV Congreso Nacional Latino, celebrado en El Paso, Texas.
Quienes vivimos aquí, señaló, sabemos cuán difícil es llegar a la opinión pública, más si se trata de un tema como este, que ha sido silenciado desde el principio por el gobierno.
Dijo que es una tarea difícil, porque el tema es casi desconocido aún para la mayoría de los estadounidenses, debido, en especial, a la mordaza mediática que se le ha impuesto.
Comentó Jrapko que un ejemplo de esos espacios ganados lo constituye el encuentro latino, al cual nuestro Comité ha asistido en sus últimas tres reuniones anuales.
En esta ocasión, argumentó, los delegados aprobaron un grupo de resoluciones, así como enmiendas a otras ya sancionadas en años anteriores, incluidas una sobre Los Cinco y una referida a Luis Posada Carriles, ambas respaldadas por unanimidad.
La primera establece enviar una carta al presidente Barack Obama, en la que demandan la excarcelación de Gerardo, Ramón, Antonio, Fernando y René.
Explicó que la misiva puntualiza además que, mientras eso no ocurra, la actual administración estadounidense deberá otorgar visas a Adriana Pérez y a Olga Salanueva para visitar a sus esposos.
Envía Fidel mensaje de felicitación a la Brigada Médica Internacional Henry Reeve
El líder cubano agradeció en nombre de todos los cubanos a los estudiantes de la ELAM y a los colaboradores que, bajo la bandera de nuestro país, salvan vidas en la devastada nación caribeña
-Queridos compatriotas de la Brigada Médica Internacional "Henry Reeve", graduados y estudiantes de 5° y 6° año de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina:
Ustedes están escribiendo hoy una de las páginas más hermosas de la historia de la medicina humana.
Hacer algo por salvar vidas, curar heridos y rehabilitar personas en Haití, que puedan trabajar y contribuir al bienestar de los seres humanos, será siempre un inapreciable honor para cualquier hombre o mujer.
Para sus familiares y seres queridos es un motivo de felicidad.
A los cubanos nos enorgullece que, surgidos de la ELAM, ustedes se han incorporado voluntariamente y con entusiasmo a esta colosal obra.
El mundo seguirá de cerca la proeza que ustedes están realizando, y ese orgullo llegará a los corazones de todos los pueblos de este hemisferio, representados allí, por sus compatriotas médicos.
Gracias en nombre de todos los cubanos, sus hermanos sinceros y agradecidos del Caribe.
Gracias en nombre de todos los que hemos luchado por esos sueños de equidad y justicia.
Les transmito el más cálido y fraternal saludo.
Fidel Castro Sends Message to Cuba's Medical Brigade in Haiti
HAVANA, Cuba, Feb 8 (acn) The leader of the Cuban Revolution, Commander in Chief Fidel Castro, sent a message to the members of the island’s Henry Reeve International Medical Brigade for emergency situations, and also to the graduates and fifth and sixth year students from the Cuba-based Latin American School of Medicine (LASM), who are currently providing health services in Haiti.
-“Today, you are writing one of the most beautiful pages in the history of human medicine,” the letter reads.
Esteban Lazo, Vice President of Cuba’s Council of State and bearer of the message, read it on Monday at a Cuban-run field hospital in Croix des Bounquets, where he arrived accompanied by other Cuban officials.
“Helping to save lives, to heal the wounded and to rehabilitate people, and to work for the well-being of human beings, will always be an invaluable honor for any man or woman,” the text stresses.
Referring to the LASM graduates and students working alongside the Cuban doctors, Fidel wrote that it is an honor for the Cuban people “that you have voluntarily and enthusiastically joined this colossal effort.”
“The world will closely follow this feat that you are accomplishing and pride will fill the hearts of all the people of this hemisphere represented there by their fellow countrymen providing health services,” Fidel wrote.
“On behalf of all Cubans, your sincere and grateful Caribbean brothers, thank you. Thank you, on behalf of all of us who have fought for these dreams of equity and justice,” the leader of the Cuban Revolution concluded.
Haití, La militarización de la llamada ayuda humanitaria está destruyendo más el país
-Natasha Pitts - Adital
Con la justificación de ayudar a Haití en esta fase posterremoto del 12 de enero, crece cada día la militarización de la ayuda humanitaria para el país. Aunque las mayores necesidades de la población afectada son agua, comida, ropas y medicamentos, tropas estadounidenses y brasileras están ocupando el territorio sin fecha de salida.
Según análisis de Nildo Ouriques, profesor de Economía de la Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) y presidente del Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos (Iela), no hay previsión de salida para las tropas estadounidenses, y los militares brasileros dicen no poder retirarse del país antes de cincos años.
"La permanencia de las tropas en Haití es otro desastre y muestra que esta militarización de la llamada ayuda humanitaria está destruyendo todavía más el país. Brasil y Estados Unidos están queriendo quedarse más tiempo en Haití. Nadie está interesado en marcar una fecha de salida. No podemos aceptar la presencia permanente de estas tropas, porque con ello el pueblo haitiano nunca va a adquirir musculatura para re-erguir a su país. Sin embargo, toda la ayuda realmente humanitaria es decisiva en ese momento para Haití", afirma.
Hace pocos días, la especulación sobre la presencia de petróleo en Haití se puso como motivo para que las tropas militares estadounidenses continuaran ocupando el país. Los militares estarían ocupando completamente las reservas petrolíferas descubiertas hace años que estarían siendo guardadas para que, cuando el petróleo de Oriente Medio se esté volviendo escaso, se utilice el haitiano. Otra especulación que justificaría la ocupación está vinculada con el uso de puertos de aguas profundas de Haití para refinerías de petróleo.
A pesar de todas las informaciones y evidencias, Ouriques cree que Estados Unidos no necesita estas excusas para continuar en Haití. "Por ahora, la presencia de petróleo en Haití es sólo una especulación, pero tenemos que estar atentos. Estados Unidos no necesita esas excusas para continuar interviniendo en el país. No puede existir este intervencionismo incluso cuando exista intervención humanitaria. Ayuda humanitaria e intervencionismo son dos cosas diferentes", dice.
Otras denuncias sobre la actuación de Estados Unidos en Haití están relacionadas con una supuesta "máquina estadounidense de fabricar terremotos", conocida como Proyecto Haarp, que habría causado la tragedia del 12 de enero, el tsunami en Indonesia y terremotos en China, entre otras tragedias de grandes proporciones.
"No podemos descartar la ciencia como una fuerza que organiza nuestras vidas y también la vida de los Estados. La capacidad de los científicos estadounidenses es muy grande. Estas informaciones son preciosas, pero no son definitivas. Pueden ser verdad, pero es necesario tener cautela. Lo que no podemos hacer es descartar, tenemos que analizar y seguir acompañando todo lo que sucede en Haití", opina Ouriques.
El profesor lamenta además que a pesar de la gravedad de la situación haitiana, la tragedia se olvidará en poco tiempo. "La comunidad internacional, las grandes potencias imperialistas, van a abandonar a Haití en el olvido al que siempre estuvo sometida. Dudo de que los debates sobre Haití hayan servido de alerta sobre la situación a la que el país ya estaba sometido hace años. Y continuará no habiendo condescendencia con esta nación", lamenta.
Televisión transmitirá animado sobre diversidad sexual
- La televisión estatal cubana transmitirá hoy El Trencito, primer animado en 3D de la trilogía Dados a la diversidad, una serie que aspira a "hacer reflexionar a la sociedad sobre temas como la diversidad sexual, los roles de género y la discriminación", informó hoy la prensa local. El proyecto contó con la asesoría de Mariela Castro, directora del Centro Nacional de Educación Sexual (CENESEX) y el apoyo en la producción de la Agencia Suiza para el Desarrollo y la Cooperación (COSUDE).
Debate sobre racismo en la televisión estatal
Disponible en Internet nuevo portal educativo cubano
La red que hoy conecta a 785 escuelas del país pretende expandirse hasta lograr cobertura completa, con el apoyo de ETECSA y el Ministerio de Informática y Comunicaciones
(editor, pablo de belgica)
-Mayte María Jiménez - juventudrebelde.cu
Nos convoca la idea de que un mundo mejor es posible, y más que eso necesario, y en ello desempeña un papel importante la universidad, como elemento de la conciencia crítica de la sociedad, pues no solo forma la intelectualidad, sino que educa y forja los valores y actitudes necesarios para enfrentar y transformar el mundo en que vivimos, destacó Miguel Díaz-Canel, ministro de Educación Superior, en la inauguración del VII Congreso Universidad 2010.
Con la presencia de representantes de más de 60 países y unos 2 400 delegados e invitados, la cita sesionará hasta el próximo 12 de febrero en el Palacio de Convenciones, en la capital.
En el acto de apertura, que tuvo por sede el teatro Karl Marx, el titular señaló que hay que estar convencidos de que el ideal del desarrollo social sustentable pasa inevitablemente por la educación y el conocimiento, la ciencia y la tecnología.
Díaz-Canel destacó que Cuba defiende y desarrolla una Educación Superior universalizada, con una mirada de apropiación social del conocimiento, en la que ningún cubano queda privado de la enseñanza por falta de recursos materiales o distinción de razas o religión.
Resaltó el Proyecto del ALBA como un ejemplo de que es posible la integración, y destacó la Misión «Yo sí puedo», que ha permitido llevar la superación y el conocimiento a los pueblos pobres de Latinoamérica.
Representantes de diferentes países agradecieron a Cuba por su contribución universal a la educación.
La abogada norteamericana Cindy O´Hara dio a conocer un mensaje de Antonio Guerrero a nombre de los Cinco Héroes cubanos, donde exhorta a los participantes del evento a consolidar ideas y paradigmas de la universidad en la construcción de una sociedad más justa.
Causa de antiterroristas cubanos encuentra eco EE.UU.
WASHINGTON, 8 de febrero.— El apoyo a la causa de los Cinco antiterroristas cubanos prisioneros en Estados Unidos hace más de 11 años, encuentra eco en este país, aseguró hoy a PL Alicia Jrapko, coordinadora del Comité Internacional por la libertad de los Cinco en territorio estadounidense, al explicar los resultados del recién finalizado IV Congreso Nacional Latino, celebrado en El Paso, Texas.
Quienes vivimos aquí, señaló, sabemos cuán difícil es llegar a la opinión pública, más si se trata de un tema como este, que ha sido silenciado desde el principio por el gobierno.
Dijo que es una tarea difícil, porque el tema es casi desconocido aún para la mayoría de los estadounidenses, debido, en especial, a la mordaza mediática que se le ha impuesto.
Comentó Jrapko que un ejemplo de esos espacios ganados lo constituye el encuentro latino, al cual nuestro Comité ha asistido en sus últimas tres reuniones anuales.
En esta ocasión, argumentó, los delegados aprobaron un grupo de resoluciones, así como enmiendas a otras ya sancionadas en años anteriores, incluidas una sobre Los Cinco y una referida a Luis Posada Carriles, ambas respaldadas por unanimidad.
La primera establece enviar una carta al presidente Barack Obama, en la que demandan la excarcelación de Gerardo, Ramón, Antonio, Fernando y René.
Explicó que la misiva puntualiza además que, mientras eso no ocurra, la actual administración estadounidense deberá otorgar visas a Adriana Pérez y a Olga Salanueva para visitar a sus esposos.
Envía Fidel mensaje de felicitación a la Brigada Médica Internacional Henry Reeve
El líder cubano agradeció en nombre de todos los cubanos a los estudiantes de la ELAM y a los colaboradores que, bajo la bandera de nuestro país, salvan vidas en la devastada nación caribeña
-Queridos compatriotas de la Brigada Médica Internacional "Henry Reeve", graduados y estudiantes de 5° y 6° año de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina:
Ustedes están escribiendo hoy una de las páginas más hermosas de la historia de la medicina humana.
Hacer algo por salvar vidas, curar heridos y rehabilitar personas en Haití, que puedan trabajar y contribuir al bienestar de los seres humanos, será siempre un inapreciable honor para cualquier hombre o mujer.
Para sus familiares y seres queridos es un motivo de felicidad.
A los cubanos nos enorgullece que, surgidos de la ELAM, ustedes se han incorporado voluntariamente y con entusiasmo a esta colosal obra.
El mundo seguirá de cerca la proeza que ustedes están realizando, y ese orgullo llegará a los corazones de todos los pueblos de este hemisferio, representados allí, por sus compatriotas médicos.
Gracias en nombre de todos los cubanos, sus hermanos sinceros y agradecidos del Caribe.
Gracias en nombre de todos los que hemos luchado por esos sueños de equidad y justicia.
Les transmito el más cálido y fraternal saludo.
Fidel Castro Sends Message to Cuba's Medical Brigade in Haiti
HAVANA, Cuba, Feb 8 (acn) The leader of the Cuban Revolution, Commander in Chief Fidel Castro, sent a message to the members of the island’s Henry Reeve International Medical Brigade for emergency situations, and also to the graduates and fifth and sixth year students from the Cuba-based Latin American School of Medicine (LASM), who are currently providing health services in Haiti.
-“Today, you are writing one of the most beautiful pages in the history of human medicine,” the letter reads.
Esteban Lazo, Vice President of Cuba’s Council of State and bearer of the message, read it on Monday at a Cuban-run field hospital in Croix des Bounquets, where he arrived accompanied by other Cuban officials.
“Helping to save lives, to heal the wounded and to rehabilitate people, and to work for the well-being of human beings, will always be an invaluable honor for any man or woman,” the text stresses.
Referring to the LASM graduates and students working alongside the Cuban doctors, Fidel wrote that it is an honor for the Cuban people “that you have voluntarily and enthusiastically joined this colossal effort.”
“The world will closely follow this feat that you are accomplishing and pride will fill the hearts of all the people of this hemisphere represented there by their fellow countrymen providing health services,” Fidel wrote.
“On behalf of all Cubans, your sincere and grateful Caribbean brothers, thank you. Thank you, on behalf of all of us who have fought for these dreams of equity and justice,” the leader of the Cuban Revolution concluded.
Haití, La militarización de la llamada ayuda humanitaria está destruyendo más el país
-Natasha Pitts - Adital
Con la justificación de ayudar a Haití en esta fase posterremoto del 12 de enero, crece cada día la militarización de la ayuda humanitaria para el país. Aunque las mayores necesidades de la población afectada son agua, comida, ropas y medicamentos, tropas estadounidenses y brasileras están ocupando el territorio sin fecha de salida.
Según análisis de Nildo Ouriques, profesor de Economía de la Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) y presidente del Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos (Iela), no hay previsión de salida para las tropas estadounidenses, y los militares brasileros dicen no poder retirarse del país antes de cincos años.
"La permanencia de las tropas en Haití es otro desastre y muestra que esta militarización de la llamada ayuda humanitaria está destruyendo todavía más el país. Brasil y Estados Unidos están queriendo quedarse más tiempo en Haití. Nadie está interesado en marcar una fecha de salida. No podemos aceptar la presencia permanente de estas tropas, porque con ello el pueblo haitiano nunca va a adquirir musculatura para re-erguir a su país. Sin embargo, toda la ayuda realmente humanitaria es decisiva en ese momento para Haití", afirma.
Hace pocos días, la especulación sobre la presencia de petróleo en Haití se puso como motivo para que las tropas militares estadounidenses continuaran ocupando el país. Los militares estarían ocupando completamente las reservas petrolíferas descubiertas hace años que estarían siendo guardadas para que, cuando el petróleo de Oriente Medio se esté volviendo escaso, se utilice el haitiano. Otra especulación que justificaría la ocupación está vinculada con el uso de puertos de aguas profundas de Haití para refinerías de petróleo.
A pesar de todas las informaciones y evidencias, Ouriques cree que Estados Unidos no necesita estas excusas para continuar en Haití. "Por ahora, la presencia de petróleo en Haití es sólo una especulación, pero tenemos que estar atentos. Estados Unidos no necesita esas excusas para continuar interviniendo en el país. No puede existir este intervencionismo incluso cuando exista intervención humanitaria. Ayuda humanitaria e intervencionismo son dos cosas diferentes", dice.
Otras denuncias sobre la actuación de Estados Unidos en Haití están relacionadas con una supuesta "máquina estadounidense de fabricar terremotos", conocida como Proyecto Haarp, que habría causado la tragedia del 12 de enero, el tsunami en Indonesia y terremotos en China, entre otras tragedias de grandes proporciones.
"No podemos descartar la ciencia como una fuerza que organiza nuestras vidas y también la vida de los Estados. La capacidad de los científicos estadounidenses es muy grande. Estas informaciones son preciosas, pero no son definitivas. Pueden ser verdad, pero es necesario tener cautela. Lo que no podemos hacer es descartar, tenemos que analizar y seguir acompañando todo lo que sucede en Haití", opina Ouriques.
El profesor lamenta además que a pesar de la gravedad de la situación haitiana, la tragedia se olvidará en poco tiempo. "La comunidad internacional, las grandes potencias imperialistas, van a abandonar a Haití en el olvido al que siempre estuvo sometida. Dudo de que los debates sobre Haití hayan servido de alerta sobre la situación a la que el país ya estaba sometido hace años. Y continuará no habiendo condescendencia con esta nación", lamenta.
Televisión transmitirá animado sobre diversidad sexual
- La televisión estatal cubana transmitirá hoy El Trencito, primer animado en 3D de la trilogía Dados a la diversidad, una serie que aspira a "hacer reflexionar a la sociedad sobre temas como la diversidad sexual, los roles de género y la discriminación", informó hoy la prensa local. El proyecto contó con la asesoría de Mariela Castro, directora del Centro Nacional de Educación Sexual (CENESEX) y el apoyo en la producción de la Agencia Suiza para el Desarrollo y la Cooperación (COSUDE).
Debate sobre racismo en la televisión estatal
Disponible en Internet nuevo portal educativo cubano
La red que hoy conecta a 785 escuelas del país pretende expandirse hasta lograr cobertura completa, con el apoyo de ETECSA y el Ministerio de Informática y Comunicaciones
(editor, pablo de belgica)
lunes, 8 de febrero de 2010

The Bolivarian Revolution and the Antilles
I was fond of History, as much as almost any other kid. And I also liked
wars, a sort of culture that society used to sow among boys. All the toys
we were given were toy guns.
Being a child I was sent to a city where no one ever took me to the
movies. Television did not exist then, and in the house where I lived
there was no radio. Imagination was my only resort.
At my first school as a boarding student I read in wonderment about
the Flood and Noah’s Ark. Afterwards I realized that this was perhaps a
vestige of the last climate change in the history of our species that
humanity preserved. Very likely this was the end of the last glacial
period, which supposedly took place thousands of years ago.
As was to be expected, further on I eagerly read the history of
Alexander, Cesar, Hannibal, Bonaparte and, of course, every other book
that fell into my hands about Maceo, Gomez, Agramonte and other great
soldiers who fought for our independence. I was not cultured enough to
understand what was that which underlay history.
Later on I focused on Marti. As a matter of fact, it is to him that I
owe my patriotic feelings and the profound belief that “Homeland is
humanity.” The audacity, beauty, courage and ethics of his ideas helped me
to become what I think I am: a revolutionary.
If you don’t share Marti’s ideas, you can not share Bolivar’s. If you
don’t share Marti’s and Bolivar’s ideas, you can not be a Marxist. And if
you don’t share Marti’s and Bolivar’s ideas and you are not a Marxist, you
can not be an anti-imperialist. In our times it was impossible to conceive
a Revolution in Cuba without sharing Marti’s and Bolivar’s ideas, being a
Marxist and an anti-imperialist.
Hardly two centuries ago, in the 1820s, Bolivar had intended to send
an expedition commanded by Sucre to liberate Cuba, which so badly needed
it, for it was a Spanish colony devoted only to the production of sugar
and coffee, where 300 000 slaves worked for their white masters.
After Cuba’s independence attempts failed, the country was turned into
a neo-colony. Te full dignity of man could never be achieved without a
Revolution that could put an end to the exploitation of man by man.
“I want the first law of our Republic to be Cubans’ cult to the full
dignity of man.”
Marti’s ideas inspired the courage and beliefs that made our Movement
to attack the Moncada military garrison, an action that would have never
even crossed our minds hadn’t we shared the ideas of other great thinkers
such as Marx and Lenin, which made us realize and understand the very
different realities of the new times we were living in.
For centuries, progress and development served to justify the hateful
latifundia system and slave labor that were preceded by the extermination
of the aboriginal inhabitants of these islands.
Marti said something wonderful about Bolivar, which was worthy of his
glorious life:
“…what he did not do, still remains undone today: because Bolivar
still has things to do in the Americas.”
“…tell me, Venezuela, how I could best serve you, for in me you have a
In Venezuela, the colonial power -as other colonial powers did in the
Antilles- planted sugar cane, coffee, cocoa and also brought in African
men and women to work as slaves. The heroic resistance put up by its
indigenous people, helped by Nature and the extension of the Venezuelan
territory, forbid the annihilation of the aboriginal communities.
Except for one part to the North of the hemisphere, the huge territory
of Our America was in the hands of two kings of the Iberian Peninsula.
We can categorically assert that, for centuries, our countries and the
fruits of their peoples’ labor have been plundered - and continue to be
so- by the big transnationals and the oligarchies to their service.
Through the 19th and the 20th centuries, that is, during almost 200
years after the formal independence of Ibero-America, nothing has
essentially changed. After the thirteen British colonies rebelled, the
United States expanded across the West and the South. It bought Louisiana
and Florida, robbed Mexico of more than half its territory, intervened in
Central America and took control of the zone where the future Panama Canal
was to be built, which would connect the big oceans that lay to the East
and the West of the continent through the area where Bolivar intended to
found the capital of the biggest republic of all, the one resulting from
the independence of the American nations.
Back in those times, oil and ethanol were not marketed in the world;
the WTO did not exist either. Sugar cane, cotton and corn were grown with
slave work. The machines were still to be invented. Industrialization
pushed forward with the use of coal.
Wars propelled civilization, and civilization propelled wars. The
latter changed in nature and became all the more terrible. Finally they
turned into world conflicts.
We were at last a civilized world. As a matter of principle, we even
believe we are.
But we do not know what to do with the civilization that we achieved.
Human beings have equipped themselves with nuclear weapons of
unconceivable accuracy and annihilating power, while taking a shameful
step back from a moral and political point of view. Socially and
politically we are more underdeveloped than ever. Robots are replacing
soldiers; media are replacing educators and governments start to be
overtaken by events without knowing what to do. The desperation that
prevails among many international political leaders is an evidence of
their powerlessness to solve the many problems that pile up in their
working offices and at the ever more frequent international meetings.
Under such circumstances, an unprecedented catastrophe has taken place
in Haiti, while at the opposite side of the planet three wars and an arms
race continue to evolve in the midst of the economic crisis and
ever-growing conflicts, which absorb more tan 2.5 per cent of the world’s
GDP, a share that will allow all Third World countries to develop in a
short period of time and perhaps avoid the climate change, by devoting the
economic and scientific resources indispensable to meet that goal.
The credibility of the world’s community has just been dealt a hard
blow at Copenhagen, and our species is not showing its ability to survive.
Haiti’s tragedy makes me address this point of view, based on what
Venezuela has done for all Caribbean nations. While in Montreal the big
financial institutions are hesitant about what should be done in Haiti,
Venezuela has not hesitated for a second to condone Haiti’s economic debt
amounting to 167 million dollars.
For almost a century, the biggest transnationals extracted and
exported the Venezuelan oil at ludicrous prices. For decades Venezuela was
the world’s biggest oil exporting country.
It is well known that when the United States spent hundreds of
billions of dollars in its genocidal war against Vietnam, which killed and
maimed millions in that heroic nation, it also unilaterally cancelled the
Bretton-Woods agreement and suspended the gold standard, as was stated
under such agreement, thus burdening the world’s economy with the cost of
that dirty war. The US currency devalued and the Caribbean countries’
hard currency revenues were not enough to pay for the oil. Their
economies were based on tourism and the export of sugar, coffee, cocoa and
other agricultural products. A dumbfounding blow was lingering upon the
Caribbean States economies, except for two of them which were energy
Other developed countries eliminated tariff preferences for Caribbean
agricultural export products, such as banana. Venezuela had an
unprecedented gesture: it guaranteed a reliable oil supply and special
payment facilities for most of these countries.
However, no one ever bothered about the fate of those peoples. Hadn’t
it been for the Bolivarian Republic, a terrible crisis would have hit the
independent Caribbean States, with the exception of Trinidad and Tobago
and Barbados. In the case of Cuba, after the collapse of the USSR, the
Bolivarian government promoted an extraordinary growth in trade between
the two countries, including the trade in goods and services, which
enabled us to struggle on through one of the toughest periods of our
glorious revolutionary history.
The US best ally –and also the most abject and vile people’s enemy-
was the fake and pretender Romulo Betancourt, who was Venezuela’s
president-elect at the time when the Revolution triumphed in Cuba in 1959.
He was the main accomplice to the pirate attacks, terrorist actions,
aggressions and economic blockade against our homeland.
The Bolivarian Revolution finally broke out when our America needed it
the most.
After being invited to travel to Caracas by Hugo Chavez, the ALBA
members committed to offer maximum support to the Haitian people at the
saddest moment in the history of that legendary nation which carried out
the first victorious social Revolution in the history of the world. That
was the time when hundreds of thousands of Africans rebelled and created a
Republic in Haiti, thousands of miles away from their home countries, and
carried out one of the most glorious revolutionary actions in this
hemisphere. In Haiti there is a mix of Black, Indian and White blood.
The Republic was born from the ideas of equity, justice and freedom for
all human beings.
Ten years ago, when tens of thousands of lives were lost in the
Caribbean and Central America as a result of the tragedy caused by
hurricane Mitch, in Cuba the ELAM was founded to train the Latin American
and Caribbean physicians who would some day be able to save millions of
lives. But first and foremost they were to become an example in the noble
exercise of the medical profession. Tens of Venezuelan and other Latin
American youths graduated from ELAM will be working hand in hand with
Cubans in Haiti. From everywhere in the continent we have received news
about many comrades who studied at ELAM, who have expressed their
willingness to cooperate with them in the noble task of saving the lives
of children, women, men, youths and senior citizens.
There will be hundreds of field hospitals, rehabilitation centers and
hospitals, where more than one thousand doctors and students of the last
years of the specialty of Medicine from Haiti, Venezuela, Dominican
Republic, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Brazil, Chile and other sister
nations will be offering their services. We already have the honor of
being able to count on a group of American doctors who also studied at
ELAM. We are ready to cooperate with those countries and institutions
that may be willing to take part in these efforts to offer medical
services in Haiti.
Venezuela has already donated tents, medical equipment, medicines and
foodstuffs. The Haitian government has offered its full cooperation and
support to this efforts aimed at offering health care at no cost to as
many Haitians as possible. This will be a comfort to everybody in the
midst of the biggest tragedy that has ever occurred in our hemisphere.
Fidel Castro Ruz, February 7, 2010

Presidente Obama, estamos esperando su firma
Nueva Campaña Internacional dirigida al Pte. Obama con las firmas de 10 Premios Nobel que exigen la libertad inmediata de los Cinco. Incluye AUDIO de “Rompiendo Muros”, grabado en exteriores.
Comité Internacional por la Libertad de los Cinco
Una nueva Campaña Internacional demandando la libertad de los Cinco llegará con su reclamo a la Casa Blanca. La misma se basa en la petición de 10 Premios Nobel que exigen la libertad inmediata de los Cinco Cubanos presos en EE.UU. desde hace más de 11 años por luchar contra el terrorismo.
Con gran esfuerzo hemos logrado editar 20.000 Tarjetas, de las cuales 13.000 están disponibles en idioma inglés y 7.000 en español. Los amigos solidarios de Alemania, Francia, Líbano e Italia realizaron las traducciones para que puedan enviarse en los distingos idiomas de esos países.
Las nuevas tarjetas en apoyo a los Cinco ya están impresas y comienzan a llegar muchos pedidos. Hemos recibido solicitudes de diversos lugares de los Estados Unidos, entre ellos Florida, Kentucky, Massachussets, Minnesota, New York, Oregon, Texas, Washington DC, Wisconsin, y ciudades del norte y sur de California.
Hasta ahora, se han sumado a la Campaña amigos y comités de Alemania, Argentina, Belice, Bolivia, Canadá, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, El Líbano, El Salvador, España, Francia, Guatemala, Irlanda, México, Perú, Puerto Rico, Suecia, Suiza, Uruguay y Venezuela.
Las Tarjetas circularán de mano en mano hasta llegar a la Casa Blanca, deben enviarse sin sobre para llamar la atención de todas las personas que aún desconocen el caso.
Para encargar las Tarjetas o solicitar el PDF para editarlas en sus países y ayudar en esta nueva campaña escriba a info@thecuban5.org
También tenemos a disposición de quienes lo soliciten, una presentación en Power Point en apoyo al lanzamiento de esta nueva campaña de Tarjetas.
En la medida de sus posibilidades les pedimos nos ayuden a cubrir el costo de envío y de impresión.
Si no les fuera posible abonar las Tarjetas o el envío, escríbanos igualmente, lo importante es comenzar el 2010 con fuerza y unidad y llegar con este reclamo desde todo el mundo.
¡Inundemos el correo de la Casa Blanca con un solo clamor, en todos los idiomas, desde cientos de ciudades estadounidenses y desde todo el mundo!
Nueva Campaña Internacional dirigida al Pte. Obama con las firmas de 10 Premios Nobel que exigen la libertad inmediata de los Cinco. Incluye AUDIO de “Rompiendo Muros”, grabado en exteriores.
Comité Internacional por la Libertad de los Cinco
Una nueva Campaña Internacional demandando la libertad de los Cinco llegará con su reclamo a la Casa Blanca. La misma se basa en la petición de 10 Premios Nobel que exigen la libertad inmediata de los Cinco Cubanos presos en EE.UU. desde hace más de 11 años por luchar contra el terrorismo.
Con gran esfuerzo hemos logrado editar 20.000 Tarjetas, de las cuales 13.000 están disponibles en idioma inglés y 7.000 en español. Los amigos solidarios de Alemania, Francia, Líbano e Italia realizaron las traducciones para que puedan enviarse en los distingos idiomas de esos países.
Las nuevas tarjetas en apoyo a los Cinco ya están impresas y comienzan a llegar muchos pedidos. Hemos recibido solicitudes de diversos lugares de los Estados Unidos, entre ellos Florida, Kentucky, Massachussets, Minnesota, New York, Oregon, Texas, Washington DC, Wisconsin, y ciudades del norte y sur de California.
Hasta ahora, se han sumado a la Campaña amigos y comités de Alemania, Argentina, Belice, Bolivia, Canadá, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, El Líbano, El Salvador, España, Francia, Guatemala, Irlanda, México, Perú, Puerto Rico, Suecia, Suiza, Uruguay y Venezuela.
Las Tarjetas circularán de mano en mano hasta llegar a la Casa Blanca, deben enviarse sin sobre para llamar la atención de todas las personas que aún desconocen el caso.
Para encargar las Tarjetas o solicitar el PDF para editarlas en sus países y ayudar en esta nueva campaña escriba a info@thecuban5.org
También tenemos a disposición de quienes lo soliciten, una presentación en Power Point en apoyo al lanzamiento de esta nueva campaña de Tarjetas.
En la medida de sus posibilidades les pedimos nos ayuden a cubrir el costo de envío y de impresión.
Si no les fuera posible abonar las Tarjetas o el envío, escríbanos igualmente, lo importante es comenzar el 2010 con fuerza y unidad y llegar con este reclamo desde todo el mundo.
¡Inundemos el correo de la Casa Blanca con un solo clamor, en todos los idiomas, desde cientos de ciudades estadounidenses y desde todo el mundo!
Nobel laureate Gordimer calls for end to Cuba sanctions
Agence France-Presse
HAVANA, Cuba—African Nobel literature laureate Nadine Gordimer called on United States President Barack Obama's administration to end the decades-old trade embargo and other sanctions on Cuba, in an interview published Sunday.
"I have something to condemn: The United States has to lift all types of sanctions and boycotts against Cuba, whether they are economic or of another nature," Gordimer said in comments published in Spanish in the La Jiribilla online magazine.
The South African writer and political activist, who has in the past defended the communist island, is invited to Havana's International Book Fair, which opens on Thursday.
The US economic, trade, and financial sanctions were imposed 48 years ago following the failed Bay of Pigs invasion of the Caribbean island-nation by US-backed Cuban exiles.
Since taking office in January, Obama has moved to ease tensions with small steps such as relaxing rules on visits and money transfers to the island.
But so far, the US administration has not taken major strides in its approach to the Americas' only communist regime.
Nuestra democracia
Americans Are Learning Medicine the Cuban Way
-Julia Landau
Lo que EEUU debería aprender de la Medicina en Cuba
La Revolución Bolivariana y Las Antillas
- Fidel Castro, 7 feb 2010
ALBA Bloc Coordinates Int’l Assistance to Haiti
(acn) The solidarity work of the member countries of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of the Americas (ALBA) regional integration and cooperation bloc, is facilitating the delivery of aid supplies and resources from other countries to the people of Haiti after the devastating earthquake that hit Port-au-Prince last January 12th.
In this respect, the Red Half Moon Company of the Islamic Republic of Iran organized the transportation of health personnel and humanitarian supplies in coordination with the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry, the embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Iran and CONVIASA, an airline of the South American nation.
An airbridge set up by the ALBA member states was used for the transportation of the personnel and materials, which included 30 tons of relief aid.
According to a press release from Tehran’s embassy in Havana, as part of the Iranian assistance to Haiti, first-aiders and health specialists as well as medical and surgical equipment, and a mobile clinic, are already in Port-au-Prince.
Currently, the Red Half Moon Company of Iran is preparing the transportation of a second group of doctors and humanitarian supplies.
This agency, which is part of the International Red Cross system, also coordinates the grass-root level collection of aid that will be sent to Haiti.
Aznar: Además de criminal de guerra, delincuente internacional
Por Patricio Montesinos
Para una historia del anexionismo
-Graziella Pogolotti
Since 50 years of isolating Cuba and Castro haven’t worked, open the door
domingo, 7 de febrero de 2010
International Solidarity with Cuban Five Needed Now more than Ever
Relatives of the Five Cubans incarcerated in the United States for preventing terrorists actions being carried out against Cuba said Thursday in Havana that international solidarity for their release is needed now more than ever.
Antonio Guerrero’s mother Mirta Rodriguez and the mother of Fernando Gonzalez Magali Llort told the nearly 270 people who came as part of the Voluntary Work South American Brigade, which arrived on January 24th and leaving next Sunday, that this year is of great significance in the struggle for the release of these men internationally known as the Cuban Five.
In view of the imminent exhaustion of appeals in this case, defence lawyers say they would have to resort to a writ of habeas corpus, which they plan to present in June, and they say that only international solidarity will be able to achieve the release of these five men.
For more than 11 years now, Antonio and Fernando, as well as Gerardo Hernandez, Ramón Labañino and Rene Gonzalez, are serving harsh and unjust sentences, as a consequence of a biased trial that ended in 2001, held in Miami, Florida, where the terrorist groups they infiltrated operate.
Louisville, Kentucky and Eugene, Oregon
to host Antonio Guerrero's Art Exhibition in February and March
"From My Altitude" (Desde mi Altura), the inspiring and insightful art exposition of 28 paintings created by Cuban Five hero, Antonio Guerrero, will tour the month of February at the University of Louisville, in Kentucky, and during the month of March at the Fenorio Gallery in Eugene, Oregon.
In Louisville, Kentucky, Antonio's art will be on exhibit from February 5-19 on the main floor of the Ekstrom Library of the University of Louisville. An opening reception and poetry reading, featuring poetry by the Cuban Five and other Cuban poets, will be held on Feb. 9 from 4-6 pm in the Bingham Poetry Room of the library. Walter Tillow of the Louisville Committee to Free The Five notes, "Activists in Louisville are happy to welcome the exhibit of Antonio Guererro's prison art work. Many will now become familar with the basic humanity of these five Cuban anti-terrorist fighters and the extreme injustice they have suffered at the hands of the U.S. justice system."
In Eugene, Oregon, Antonio's exhibit will open with a reception at 7:00 pm, Friday, March 5, at the prestigious Fenorio Gallery, 881 Willamette St., and will be on exhibit throughout the month of March. In many cities, art galleries have a tradition called "First Friday" in which the public is invited to view the exhibit openings. In Eugene, Antonio's exhibit will be part of the "Art Walk." Dennis Gilbert, coordinator of the Eugene Free the Cuban Five Committee, says, "We have been able to talk with many people who wouldn't otherwise have known of the Cuban Five. We expect a very good turnout for Antonio's art, and our display will include information on the freedom campaign of the Cuban Five, and their anti-terrorist mission." Leonard Weinglass, appeals attorney for Antonio Guerrero, will speak at the gallery in early March (date to be confirmed soon.)
Later in the year, the exhibit will move to Taos, NM, New York City, and other cities. If you are interested in arranging for a stop in your city, please contact the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five.
From today: U.S. doctors working in Cuban hospitals in Haiti
● Seven graduates from the Latin American School of Medicine in Havana
-Leticia Martínez Hernández
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti.—Seven young doctors have just arrived at the Croix des Bouquets field hospital. They have come from the United States and wish "to help their Cuban brothers and sisters in attending to the suffering Haitian people. We are in the process of having our Medical degrees validated, but felt the need to be here, we’re leaving aside our studies so as to say ‘Present’," they affirm. For that reason they will begin attending to Haitian patients today.
American medical graduates from ELAM have arrived at the field hospital to work with the Cubans to attend to Haitian patients.
Elsie Walter talks on behalf of all of them, explaining that they are graduates from the Latin American School of Medicine in Cuba (ELAM). Five of them are from New York and two from California. They responded to a call from the Reverend Lucius Walker, and didn’t hesitate. "There were lots of us who wanted to come, but given our responsibilities there, only seven of us could come for now; others are thinking of joining later on, because we know that the Cuban medical brigade is going to be here for a good long time."
For one month, this first group will be working in the Cuban hospital that, up until yesterday, had attended to 3,590 patients. They will be sharing with its doctors all aspects of field hospital life. Orthopedist William Alvarez, director of the center, explains that the idea is to incorporate them into hospital activities, both on the ground and in consultations, although of course, this will be done in a staggered way. The main concern of these doctors, all women, is their lack of knowledge of Creole, but in that context, Haitian students training as doctors in Cuba and currently in Haiti, will support them.
In the hospital where the American doctors start work today, 3,590 patients have received medical attention.
The doctor highlighted that the young ELAM graduates came with their packs of water and food but, as soon as they arrived, they handed them over to the hospital’s reserves. They also brought backpacks loaded with medicines, which they likewise immediately donated. They have incorporated themselves very well in the group of Cubans, he says. "Without any doubt, they are a great help, and also a challenge, because we are responsible for their preparation and they are in a scenario that they haven’t experienced before. For example, they have never had to confront illnesses like Chagas or Leishmaniasis."
Elsie comments that they came to share everything, as they learned in ELAM. For that reason, they do not see any problem in sleeping in tents and working at any hour of the day or night. "The experience has been fantastic, you have treated us very well, with that great hospitality, we feel privileged to be here; thank you Cuba for opening your doors to us as always."
Elsie says that she and her colleagues are in the process of sitting examinations to validate their degrees and comments that although the assessment in her country is different, they are sufficiently prepared to pass them. This is the attitude of these young women trained in Cuba who have joined our doctors to continue saving lives in Haiti. When consultations begin in the Croix des Bouquets field hospital, the patients will find new faces; however, the attention will remain the same.
Cuba Starts Election Process
By Javier Rodriguez Roque / redaccion ahora.cu
Cuba put in motion the partial elections process with massive participation of citizens as expression of its democratic nature.
Cuba's Council of State convened for April 25 municipal elections of the People's Power, an expresison of democratic will covering all from the ballot and organization to the candidates proposal in popular assemblies starting from February 24.
After setting up over 15,000 commissions in charge of the process and training the commisison members, neighbors will be be able to check out the registration data to make their nominations.
The winners, depending on their work, will be in office for two years. They are also the grass-root candidates to the National Assembly.
The Constitution approved in 1976 established the ballot guiding lines and, unlike other countries, it will be free from the lobbying by political or economic pressure groups. / Prensa Latina
Cuba Starts Checking Electoral Roll
By ACN / 29 January 2010
Cuban authorities will start checking Thursday electoral roll for the upcoming partial elections, to elect delegates to the Municipal Assemblies of the People''s Power on April 25.
A runoff has been scheduled for May 2 if there were a tie or if neither of the candidates in one constituency scores 50 percent plus one of the votes.
National Electoral Commission president Ana Maria Mari recently stated that this step, supported by neighbourhood leaders and the visit to each household, will be run until February 24.
"Electoral authorities, of them 57 percent are women, will do their work with professionalism, ethics, law-allegiance, and impartiality, as part of a process that is an example worldwide," Mari said.
"Our Electoral Roll is different from others at an international level because it is public and permanent," Ruben Perez, vice president of the mentioned commission, stated.
"Each Cuban over 16 years old is automatically registered to vote, that is, a constitutional right, and has the right to consult the list, whose updating is done periodically," he noted.
There has been no change in U.S. policy on Cuba
IN opening the conference of Cubans Resident Abroad against the Blockade and in Defense of National Sovereignty this Wednesday, Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parilla, noted that "we all share the pride of being the sons and daughters of rebel Cuba, marked since the birth of the nation by the dilemma of annexation and independence."
Siete prestigiosos académicos cubanos debaten sobre la enseñanza de la Historia de Cuba
Los jóvenes harán su propia Historia
Las empresas toman la democracia de EEUU
-Noam Chomsky
La revolución y el empoderamiento de las mayorías
-Homar Garcés
Why Washington "Cares" About Honduras and Haiti
We Send Doctors, Not Soldiers
In my Reflection of January 14, two days after the catastrophe in Haiti, which destroyed that neighboring sister nation, I wrote: “In the area of healthcare and others the Haitian people has received the cooperation of Cuba, even though this is a small and blockaded country. Approximately 400 doctors and healthcare workers are helping the Haitian people free of charge. Our doctors are working every day at 227 of the 237 communes of that country. On the other hand, no less than 400 young Haitians have been graduated as medical doctors in our country. They will now work alongside the reinforcement that traveled there yesterday to save lives in that critical situation. Thus, up to one thousand doctors and healthcare personnel can be mobilized without any special effort; and most are already there willing to cooperate with any other State that wishes to save Haitian lives and rehabilitate the injured.”
“The head of our medical brigade has informed that ‘the situation is difficult but we are already saving lives.’”
Hour after hour, day and night, the Cuban health professionals have started to work nonstop in the few facilities that were able to stand, in tents, and out in the parks or open-air spaces, since the population feared new aftershocks.
The situation was far more serious than was originally thought. Tens of thousands of injured were clamoring for help in the streets of Port-au-Prince; innumerable persons laid, dead or alive, under the rubbled clay or adobe used in the construction of the houses where the overwhelming majority of the population lived. Buildings, even the most solid, collapsed. Besides, it was necessary to look for the Haitian doctors who had graduated at the Latin American Medicine School throughout all the destroyed neighborhoods. Many of them were affected, either directly or indirectly, by the tragedy.
Some UN officials were trapped in their dormitories and tens of lives were lost, including the lives of several chiefs of MINUSTAH, a UN contingent. The fate of hundreds of other members of its staff was unknown.
Haiti’s Presidential Palace crumbled. Many public facilities, including several hospitals, were left in ruins.
The catastrophe shocked the whole world, which was able to see what was going on through the images aired by the main international TV networks. Governments from everywhere in the planet announced they would be sending rescue experts, food, medicines, equipment and other resources.
In conformity with the position publicly announced by Cuba, medical staff from different countries –namely Spain, Mexico, and Colombia, among others- worked very hard alongside our doctors at the facilities they had improvised. Organizations such as PAHO and other friendly countries like Venezuela and other nations supplied medicines and other resources. The impeccable behavior of Cuban professionals and their leaders was absolutely void of chauvinism and remained out of the limelight.
Cuba, just as it had done under similar circumstances, when Hurricane Katrina caused huge devastation in the city of New Orleans and the lives of thousands of American citizens were in danger, offered to send a full medical brigade to cooperate with the people of the United States, a country that, as is well known, has vast resources. But at that moment what was needed were trained and well- equipped doctors to save lives. Given New Orleans geographical location, more than one thousand doctors of the “Henry Reeve” contingent mobilized and readied to leave for that city at any time of the day or the night, carrying with them the necessary medicines and equipment. It never crossed our mind that the President of that nation would reject the offer and let a number of Americans that could have been saved to die. The mistake made by that government was perhaps the inability to understand that the people of Cuba do not see in the American people an enemy; it does not blame it for the aggressions our homeland has suffered.
Nor was that government capable of understanding that our country does not need to beg for favors or forgiveness of those who, for half a century now, have been trying, to no avail, to bring us to our knees.
Our country, also in the case of Haiti, immediately responded to the US authorities requests to fly over the eastern part of Cuba as well as other facilities they needed to deliver assistance, as quickly as possible, to the American and Haitian citizens who had been affected by the earthquake.
Such have been the principles characterizing the ethical behavior of our people. Together with its equanimity and firmness, these have been the ever-present features of our foreign policy. And this is known only too well by whoever have been our adversaries in the international arena.
Cuba will firmly stand by the opinion that the tragedy that has taken place in Haiti, the poorest nation in the western hemisphere, is a challenge to the richest and more powerful countries of the world.
Haiti is a net product of the colonial, capitalist and imperialist system imposed on the world. Haiti’s slavery and subsequent poverty were imposed from abroad. That terrible earthquake occurred after the Copenhagen Summit, where the most elemental rights of 192 UN member States were trampled upon.
In the aftermath of the tragedy, a competition has unleashed in Haiti to hastily and illegally adopt boys and girls. UNICEF has been forced to adopt preventive measures against the uprooting of many children, which will deprive their close relatives from their rights.
There are more than one hundred thousand deadly victims. A high number of citizens have lost their arms or legs, or have suffered fractures requiring rehabilitation that would enable them to work or manage their own.
Eighty per cent of the country needs to be rebuilt. Haiti requires an economy that is developed enough to meet its needs according to its productive capacity. The reconstruction of Europe or Japan, which was based on the productive capacity and the technical level of the population, was a relatively simple task as compared to the effort that needs to be made in Haiti. There, as well as in most of Africa and elsewhere in the Third World, it is indispensable to create the conditions for a sustainable development. In only forty years time, humanity will be made of more than nine billion inhabitants, and right now is faced with the challenge of a climate change that scientists accept as an inescapable reality.
In the midst of the Haitian tragedy, without anybody knowing how and why, thousands of US marines, 82nd Airborne Division troops and other military forces have occupied Haiti. Worse still is the fact that neither the United Nations Organization nor the US government have offered an explanation to the world’s public opinion about this relocation of troops.
Several governments have complained that their aircraft have not been allowed to land in order to deliver the human and technical resources that have been sent to Haiti.
Some countries, for their part, have announced they would be sending an additional number of troops and military equipment. In my view, such events will complicate and create chaos in international cooperation, which is already in itself complex. It is necessary to seriously discuss this issue. The UN should be entrusted with the leading role it deserves in these so delicate matters.
Our country is accomplishing a strictly humanitarian mission. To the extent of its possibilities, it will contribute the human and material resources at its disposal. The will of our people, who takes pride in its medical doctors and cooperation workers who provide vital services, is huge, and will rise to the occasion.
Any significant cooperation that is offered to our country will not be rejected, but its acceptance will fully depend on the importance and transcendence of the assistance that is requested from the human resources of our homeland.
It is only fair to state that, up until this moment, our modest aircrafts and the important human resources that Cuba has made available to the Haitian people have arrived at their destination without any difficulty whatsoever.
Fidel Castro Ruz, January 23, 2010
(editor, pablo de belgica )
Relatives of the Five Cubans incarcerated in the United States for preventing terrorists actions being carried out against Cuba said Thursday in Havana that international solidarity for their release is needed now more than ever.
Antonio Guerrero’s mother Mirta Rodriguez and the mother of Fernando Gonzalez Magali Llort told the nearly 270 people who came as part of the Voluntary Work South American Brigade, which arrived on January 24th and leaving next Sunday, that this year is of great significance in the struggle for the release of these men internationally known as the Cuban Five.
In view of the imminent exhaustion of appeals in this case, defence lawyers say they would have to resort to a writ of habeas corpus, which they plan to present in June, and they say that only international solidarity will be able to achieve the release of these five men.
For more than 11 years now, Antonio and Fernando, as well as Gerardo Hernandez, Ramón Labañino and Rene Gonzalez, are serving harsh and unjust sentences, as a consequence of a biased trial that ended in 2001, held in Miami, Florida, where the terrorist groups they infiltrated operate.
Louisville, Kentucky and Eugene, Oregon
to host Antonio Guerrero's Art Exhibition in February and March
"From My Altitude" (Desde mi Altura), the inspiring and insightful art exposition of 28 paintings created by Cuban Five hero, Antonio Guerrero, will tour the month of February at the University of Louisville, in Kentucky, and during the month of March at the Fenorio Gallery in Eugene, Oregon.
In Louisville, Kentucky, Antonio's art will be on exhibit from February 5-19 on the main floor of the Ekstrom Library of the University of Louisville. An opening reception and poetry reading, featuring poetry by the Cuban Five and other Cuban poets, will be held on Feb. 9 from 4-6 pm in the Bingham Poetry Room of the library. Walter Tillow of the Louisville Committee to Free The Five notes, "Activists in Louisville are happy to welcome the exhibit of Antonio Guererro's prison art work. Many will now become familar with the basic humanity of these five Cuban anti-terrorist fighters and the extreme injustice they have suffered at the hands of the U.S. justice system."
In Eugene, Oregon, Antonio's exhibit will open with a reception at 7:00 pm, Friday, March 5, at the prestigious Fenorio Gallery, 881 Willamette St., and will be on exhibit throughout the month of March. In many cities, art galleries have a tradition called "First Friday" in which the public is invited to view the exhibit openings. In Eugene, Antonio's exhibit will be part of the "Art Walk." Dennis Gilbert, coordinator of the Eugene Free the Cuban Five Committee, says, "We have been able to talk with many people who wouldn't otherwise have known of the Cuban Five. We expect a very good turnout for Antonio's art, and our display will include information on the freedom campaign of the Cuban Five, and their anti-terrorist mission." Leonard Weinglass, appeals attorney for Antonio Guerrero, will speak at the gallery in early March (date to be confirmed soon.)
Later in the year, the exhibit will move to Taos, NM, New York City, and other cities. If you are interested in arranging for a stop in your city, please contact the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five.
From today: U.S. doctors working in Cuban hospitals in Haiti
● Seven graduates from the Latin American School of Medicine in Havana
-Leticia Martínez Hernández
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti.—Seven young doctors have just arrived at the Croix des Bouquets field hospital. They have come from the United States and wish "to help their Cuban brothers and sisters in attending to the suffering Haitian people. We are in the process of having our Medical degrees validated, but felt the need to be here, we’re leaving aside our studies so as to say ‘Present’," they affirm. For that reason they will begin attending to Haitian patients today.
American medical graduates from ELAM have arrived at the field hospital to work with the Cubans to attend to Haitian patients.
Elsie Walter talks on behalf of all of them, explaining that they are graduates from the Latin American School of Medicine in Cuba (ELAM). Five of them are from New York and two from California. They responded to a call from the Reverend Lucius Walker, and didn’t hesitate. "There were lots of us who wanted to come, but given our responsibilities there, only seven of us could come for now; others are thinking of joining later on, because we know that the Cuban medical brigade is going to be here for a good long time."
For one month, this first group will be working in the Cuban hospital that, up until yesterday, had attended to 3,590 patients. They will be sharing with its doctors all aspects of field hospital life. Orthopedist William Alvarez, director of the center, explains that the idea is to incorporate them into hospital activities, both on the ground and in consultations, although of course, this will be done in a staggered way. The main concern of these doctors, all women, is their lack of knowledge of Creole, but in that context, Haitian students training as doctors in Cuba and currently in Haiti, will support them.
In the hospital where the American doctors start work today, 3,590 patients have received medical attention.
The doctor highlighted that the young ELAM graduates came with their packs of water and food but, as soon as they arrived, they handed them over to the hospital’s reserves. They also brought backpacks loaded with medicines, which they likewise immediately donated. They have incorporated themselves very well in the group of Cubans, he says. "Without any doubt, they are a great help, and also a challenge, because we are responsible for their preparation and they are in a scenario that they haven’t experienced before. For example, they have never had to confront illnesses like Chagas or Leishmaniasis."
Elsie comments that they came to share everything, as they learned in ELAM. For that reason, they do not see any problem in sleeping in tents and working at any hour of the day or night. "The experience has been fantastic, you have treated us very well, with that great hospitality, we feel privileged to be here; thank you Cuba for opening your doors to us as always."
Elsie says that she and her colleagues are in the process of sitting examinations to validate their degrees and comments that although the assessment in her country is different, they are sufficiently prepared to pass them. This is the attitude of these young women trained in Cuba who have joined our doctors to continue saving lives in Haiti. When consultations begin in the Croix des Bouquets field hospital, the patients will find new faces; however, the attention will remain the same.
Cuba Starts Election Process
By Javier Rodriguez Roque / redaccion ahora.cu
Cuba put in motion the partial elections process with massive participation of citizens as expression of its democratic nature.
Cuba's Council of State convened for April 25 municipal elections of the People's Power, an expresison of democratic will covering all from the ballot and organization to the candidates proposal in popular assemblies starting from February 24.
After setting up over 15,000 commissions in charge of the process and training the commisison members, neighbors will be be able to check out the registration data to make their nominations.
The winners, depending on their work, will be in office for two years. They are also the grass-root candidates to the National Assembly.
The Constitution approved in 1976 established the ballot guiding lines and, unlike other countries, it will be free from the lobbying by political or economic pressure groups. / Prensa Latina
Cuba Starts Checking Electoral Roll
By ACN / 29 January 2010
Cuban authorities will start checking Thursday electoral roll for the upcoming partial elections, to elect delegates to the Municipal Assemblies of the People''s Power on April 25.
A runoff has been scheduled for May 2 if there were a tie or if neither of the candidates in one constituency scores 50 percent plus one of the votes.
National Electoral Commission president Ana Maria Mari recently stated that this step, supported by neighbourhood leaders and the visit to each household, will be run until February 24.
"Electoral authorities, of them 57 percent are women, will do their work with professionalism, ethics, law-allegiance, and impartiality, as part of a process that is an example worldwide," Mari said.
"Our Electoral Roll is different from others at an international level because it is public and permanent," Ruben Perez, vice president of the mentioned commission, stated.
"Each Cuban over 16 years old is automatically registered to vote, that is, a constitutional right, and has the right to consult the list, whose updating is done periodically," he noted.
There has been no change in U.S. policy on Cuba
IN opening the conference of Cubans Resident Abroad against the Blockade and in Defense of National Sovereignty this Wednesday, Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parilla, noted that "we all share the pride of being the sons and daughters of rebel Cuba, marked since the birth of the nation by the dilemma of annexation and independence."
Siete prestigiosos académicos cubanos debaten sobre la enseñanza de la Historia de Cuba
Los jóvenes harán su propia Historia
Las empresas toman la democracia de EEUU
-Noam Chomsky
La revolución y el empoderamiento de las mayorías
-Homar Garcés
Why Washington "Cares" About Honduras and Haiti
We Send Doctors, Not Soldiers
In my Reflection of January 14, two days after the catastrophe in Haiti, which destroyed that neighboring sister nation, I wrote: “In the area of healthcare and others the Haitian people has received the cooperation of Cuba, even though this is a small and blockaded country. Approximately 400 doctors and healthcare workers are helping the Haitian people free of charge. Our doctors are working every day at 227 of the 237 communes of that country. On the other hand, no less than 400 young Haitians have been graduated as medical doctors in our country. They will now work alongside the reinforcement that traveled there yesterday to save lives in that critical situation. Thus, up to one thousand doctors and healthcare personnel can be mobilized without any special effort; and most are already there willing to cooperate with any other State that wishes to save Haitian lives and rehabilitate the injured.”
“The head of our medical brigade has informed that ‘the situation is difficult but we are already saving lives.’”
Hour after hour, day and night, the Cuban health professionals have started to work nonstop in the few facilities that were able to stand, in tents, and out in the parks or open-air spaces, since the population feared new aftershocks.
The situation was far more serious than was originally thought. Tens of thousands of injured were clamoring for help in the streets of Port-au-Prince; innumerable persons laid, dead or alive, under the rubbled clay or adobe used in the construction of the houses where the overwhelming majority of the population lived. Buildings, even the most solid, collapsed. Besides, it was necessary to look for the Haitian doctors who had graduated at the Latin American Medicine School throughout all the destroyed neighborhoods. Many of them were affected, either directly or indirectly, by the tragedy.
Some UN officials were trapped in their dormitories and tens of lives were lost, including the lives of several chiefs of MINUSTAH, a UN contingent. The fate of hundreds of other members of its staff was unknown.
Haiti’s Presidential Palace crumbled. Many public facilities, including several hospitals, were left in ruins.
The catastrophe shocked the whole world, which was able to see what was going on through the images aired by the main international TV networks. Governments from everywhere in the planet announced they would be sending rescue experts, food, medicines, equipment and other resources.
In conformity with the position publicly announced by Cuba, medical staff from different countries –namely Spain, Mexico, and Colombia, among others- worked very hard alongside our doctors at the facilities they had improvised. Organizations such as PAHO and other friendly countries like Venezuela and other nations supplied medicines and other resources. The impeccable behavior of Cuban professionals and their leaders was absolutely void of chauvinism and remained out of the limelight.
Cuba, just as it had done under similar circumstances, when Hurricane Katrina caused huge devastation in the city of New Orleans and the lives of thousands of American citizens were in danger, offered to send a full medical brigade to cooperate with the people of the United States, a country that, as is well known, has vast resources. But at that moment what was needed were trained and well- equipped doctors to save lives. Given New Orleans geographical location, more than one thousand doctors of the “Henry Reeve” contingent mobilized and readied to leave for that city at any time of the day or the night, carrying with them the necessary medicines and equipment. It never crossed our mind that the President of that nation would reject the offer and let a number of Americans that could have been saved to die. The mistake made by that government was perhaps the inability to understand that the people of Cuba do not see in the American people an enemy; it does not blame it for the aggressions our homeland has suffered.
Nor was that government capable of understanding that our country does not need to beg for favors or forgiveness of those who, for half a century now, have been trying, to no avail, to bring us to our knees.
Our country, also in the case of Haiti, immediately responded to the US authorities requests to fly over the eastern part of Cuba as well as other facilities they needed to deliver assistance, as quickly as possible, to the American and Haitian citizens who had been affected by the earthquake.
Such have been the principles characterizing the ethical behavior of our people. Together with its equanimity and firmness, these have been the ever-present features of our foreign policy. And this is known only too well by whoever have been our adversaries in the international arena.
Cuba will firmly stand by the opinion that the tragedy that has taken place in Haiti, the poorest nation in the western hemisphere, is a challenge to the richest and more powerful countries of the world.
Haiti is a net product of the colonial, capitalist and imperialist system imposed on the world. Haiti’s slavery and subsequent poverty were imposed from abroad. That terrible earthquake occurred after the Copenhagen Summit, where the most elemental rights of 192 UN member States were trampled upon.
In the aftermath of the tragedy, a competition has unleashed in Haiti to hastily and illegally adopt boys and girls. UNICEF has been forced to adopt preventive measures against the uprooting of many children, which will deprive their close relatives from their rights.
There are more than one hundred thousand deadly victims. A high number of citizens have lost their arms or legs, or have suffered fractures requiring rehabilitation that would enable them to work or manage their own.
Eighty per cent of the country needs to be rebuilt. Haiti requires an economy that is developed enough to meet its needs according to its productive capacity. The reconstruction of Europe or Japan, which was based on the productive capacity and the technical level of the population, was a relatively simple task as compared to the effort that needs to be made in Haiti. There, as well as in most of Africa and elsewhere in the Third World, it is indispensable to create the conditions for a sustainable development. In only forty years time, humanity will be made of more than nine billion inhabitants, and right now is faced with the challenge of a climate change that scientists accept as an inescapable reality.
In the midst of the Haitian tragedy, without anybody knowing how and why, thousands of US marines, 82nd Airborne Division troops and other military forces have occupied Haiti. Worse still is the fact that neither the United Nations Organization nor the US government have offered an explanation to the world’s public opinion about this relocation of troops.
Several governments have complained that their aircraft have not been allowed to land in order to deliver the human and technical resources that have been sent to Haiti.
Some countries, for their part, have announced they would be sending an additional number of troops and military equipment. In my view, such events will complicate and create chaos in international cooperation, which is already in itself complex. It is necessary to seriously discuss this issue. The UN should be entrusted with the leading role it deserves in these so delicate matters.
Our country is accomplishing a strictly humanitarian mission. To the extent of its possibilities, it will contribute the human and material resources at its disposal. The will of our people, who takes pride in its medical doctors and cooperation workers who provide vital services, is huge, and will rise to the occasion.
Any significant cooperation that is offered to our country will not be rejected, but its acceptance will fully depend on the importance and transcendence of the assistance that is requested from the human resources of our homeland.
It is only fair to state that, up until this moment, our modest aircrafts and the important human resources that Cuba has made available to the Haitian people have arrived at their destination without any difficulty whatsoever.
Fidel Castro Ruz, January 23, 2010
(editor, pablo de belgica )
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