martes, 2 de junio de 2009

Fidel Castro Ruz

Ayer, 31 de mayo, un despacho de la AFP informó que: “Cuba aceptó reabrir las negociaciones con Estados Unidos sobre migración y el envío directo de correo, una nueva señal del deshielo que tiene lugar en vísperas de una Cumbre de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA) en la que el caso cubano dominará las conversaciones.“El jefe de la Sección de Intereses de Cuba en Washington, Jorge Bolaños, transmitió el sábado que Cuba ‘espera reiniciar conversaciones sobre migración y el servicio de correo directo’, dijo el domingo un alto funcionario del Departamento de Estado que se mantuvo en el anonimato.“Desde El Salvador, donde asiste a un cónclave ministerial sobre comercio regional, la Secretaria de Estado, Hillary Clinton, dijo que Washington estaba complacido de reanudar las conversaciones con La Habana sobre esos temas.”
De inmediato un exabrupto nada diplomático:“‘Habrá un diálogo abierto tan pronto como haya cambios sobre derechos humanos y movimientos hacia la democracia’ en Cuba”, expresa la agencia EFE. ¿Cuál es la “democracia” y los “derechos humanos” que Estados Unidos defiende? ¿Era realmente necesario lanzar esa humillante y prepotente advertencia? Cuando hoy veía por televisión la toma de posesión de Mauricio Funes y éste habló de restablecer relaciones con Cuba, un ensordecedor aplauso y gritos de júbilo estallaron en aquella sala, como no se escucharon en ningún otro momento de su discurso. Allí entre los invitados estaba Hillary. Previamente el orador, que muchas veces se apartaba de los papeles, había cometido el error de saludar a la Clinton, que ocupa el cargo de Secretaria de Estado, antes incluso que a Lula da Silva, Presidente del gigante suramericano, allí presente entre un grupo de Presidentes de nuestra área. El orador, sin concluir todavía el prolongado aplauso a Cuba ―que tal vez lastimaría a la señora Clinton―, tomó la palabra y mencionó de nuevo a Estados Unidos, con la mejor intención del mundo. Sin embargo, muy pocos en aquella gran sala aplaudieron a ese país.Un momento culminante y muy aplaudido del discurso de Mauricio se produjo antes, cuando mencionó al ilustre arzobispo Oscar Arnulfo Romero, cuya tumba había visitado esa mañana. Aquel defensor de los pobres había sido asesinado impunemente, cuando oficiaba una misa, por la sangrienta tiranía del partido ARENA impuesta por el imperialismo en El Salvador. En aquella sala estaban también los legisladores y altos funcionarios que representaban al partido que lo asesinó; entre ellos, varios de los pocos que aplaudieron a Estados Unidos.
En determinadas circunstancias, no solo las palabras hablan por sí mismas, sino también los aplausos y los silencios.
-Fidel Castro Ruz - Junio 1º de 2009

Cuba tops agenda at Americas meeting
By MATTHEW LEE, Associated Press
SAN PEDRO SULA, Honduras – Top officials from members of the Organization of American States will take on one of the Western Hemisphere's most divisive topics, Cuba, when they meet here on Tuesday, possibly leaving the United States in the lurch.,,

A Message of Love and Hope from Cuba
By Yaciel Peña de la Peña and Justo Gonzalez Ortega/Monday, 01 June 2009/

Cuban children and adolescents send their peers around the world a message of love and hope on the occasion of celebrations for International Children’s Day. The Havana-based Ernesto Che Guevara Pioneer Children’s Palace hosts the celebrations with the opening of an exhibit of its children’s club. The palace leads vocational work in different modalities aimed at achieving integral formation of the new generations of Cubans in different social sectors, an initiative launched by Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro. The entity will mark its 30th anniversary next June 15.The UN General Assembly agreed in December 1954 to annually mark International Children’s Day, an occasion to celebrate brotherhood and understanding among all children of the world, on a day picked by each country; Cuba, like many other nations, chose June 1.The exhibit at the Pioneer Children’s Palace is considered a gift of the talent, knowledge and abilities of some 420 children picked among over 38, 000 ninth and fourth graders who have taken three vocational courses at the center this school year.The exhibit, that will run until next Thursday, will offer the public a chance to participate in the initiative and learn about over 150 specialties and varied cultural, sports and recreational activities.The renowned ‘La Colmenita’ Children’s Theater Company will join celebrations that reveal the happiness and joy conquered by Cuban children, who count on full protection and enjoyment of their rights in Cuba.From the Ernesto Che Guevara Children’s Palace, Cuba’s Jose Marti Pioneer Children Organization will call its more than 1, 200, 000 members to a large program of actions until next November in the context of the 20th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

UNICEF: Cuba is a Children Paradise

HAVANA, Cuba, June 1 (acn) Cuba is a children paradise and the world has much to learn about the Caribbean nation, said the representative of the UN Children Fund (UNICEF) in Cuba Jose Juan Ortiz during celebrations here to mark International Children´s Day.During the celebration, which took place at the Ernesto Guevara Central Pioneer Children Palace, in this capital city, the UNICEF official described Cuba as an example to follow and a mirror where other nations, including the richest developed countries should look at themselves.In this troubled and incredibly unfair world, this small and poor nation reveals the false arguments stated forth by those who turn to an alleged lack of resources to guarantee the rights of the children, while the truth is that when there is a will everything turns possible to reach and much can be done with very little if there is political will to do so, said Jose Juan Ortiz.Neither global crises, nor natural catastrophes, nor economic difficulties have forced the Cuban state to abandon or neglect its wise policy in favor of children, he added and went on to stress that this country can proudly express that none of its girls or boys sees her or his rights violated and that although millions and millions of children around the world are forced to work, beg, prostitute themselves, with no access to education, drinking water, while undergoing starvation and curable diseases, not a single Cuban children is in any of those situations, the official said.He also referred to the unconditional support and the facilitating role played by UNICEF in regards to initiatives undertaken by the Cuban government towards the safeguard of children and full enjoyment of the rights achieved for all girls and boys under equal grounds, and particularly in terms of education, health care, social participation and healthy, safe and cultured recreation.Jose Juan Ortiz sent a congratulations message by means of ACN to all Cuban children in the context of International Children´s Day, June 1; he asked them all not to forget ever how much lucky they are to live in a country where the first thought is always for them, for their present and their future.At this point in time, many of them have their parents in far-away countries, meeting internationalist missions, working under difficult conditions to help other nations and I believe—he said--that the best way to repay to such high sacrifice is to push forward this work full of love, because the world is full of girls and boys who have not been that lucky as the Cuban children are, concluded the UNICEF representative in Cuba.

¿Niños, y niñas, cubanos sin sonrisas?
Los niños cubanos tienen limitaciones materiales, pero no obstáculos para realizar sus sueños
Roberto del Valle Menéndez ,ñas,

Google, AOL Join Microsoft in Banning Users in US Embargoed Countries
More companies are starting to block users in the affected countries from downloading their software,

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