jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2008

http://www.cubadebate.cu/index.php?tpl=design/especiales.tpl.html&newsid_obj_id=13131, http://www.granma.cubaweb.cu/2008/11/13/nacional/artic09.html, http://www.rebelion.org/noticia.php?id=75865, http://www.juventudrebelde.cu/cuba/2008-11-13/presentan-el-libro-la-paz-en-colombia-escrito-por-fidel/,

Fidel Castro publishes book about Colombia
http://colombiareports.com/colombian-news/news/2011-fidel-castro-publishes-book-about-colombia.html, http://www.granma.cu/ingles/2008/noviembre/mier12/46Pazencolombia-ing.html,

AnsaLatina.com -LA HABANA, 12 (ANSA)- Un libro del ex presidente de Cuba Fidel Castro, que era presentado por la televisión nacional cubana, demuestra "los sostenidos ...Revela Fidel Castro que discrepa con las FARC por su estrategia ... La Jornada (México)Fidel Castro analiza el conflicto colombiano y sus claves en un ... La VanguardiaLibro de Fidel Castro sobre Colombia subraya apego a principios Prensa LatinaEl Financiero (México) - Granma Internacional y 126 artículos relacionados

Spanish FM Urges Closer Economic Cooperation with Cuba

Los niños, prioridad de la salud en Cuba

¿Hacia una normalización de las relaciones entre Cuba y Estados Unidos?
Salim Lamrani

US Firms Fined for Violating Cuba Blockade
MIAMI.— Three US companies were fined more than US $43,000 recently by the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) for violating the US commercial blockade on Cuba, reported Notimex.Myers Industries, one of the biggest distributors of tools and supplies for repairing tires, agreed to pay $16,250, according to the first OFAC report for the fiscal year that began in October. The firm, with its headquarters in Akron, Ohio, voluntarily made the case public and admitted that in 2004 one of its foreign subsidiaries sold products to Cuba or persons related to the island without the required OFAC license.Another company, Priceline.com which sells airplane tickets and makes hotel reservations was fined $12,250. Likewise, the Center for Intercultural Studies in Amherst, Massachusetts was fined $15,000.Last year, Travelocity, another Internet travel agency, received one of the highest fines for violating the blockade, $182,750, while this year Spirit Airlines was forced to pay $100,000.Estimates show that during the 2008 fiscal year OFAC fines totaled over $2 million in the nearly 50 year US economic war against Cuba.

US Blockade Hinders Scientific Exchange
JOSE A. DE LA OSA - US scientist Eli Sercarz, PhD in immunology at Harvard University, said in Havana that researchers have been making promising advances in the autoimmune diseases such as Diabetes Type 1.Sercarz is considered one of the top experts in the field and said that in the next ten years a cure may be found to diabetes mellitus Type 1. The disease can appear in newborns, although it most commonly appears at the ages of 5 to 7 and during puberty. In a large percentage of the cases the disease stems from an autoimmune problem in the patient when a person’s defense system reacts against components of the organism as if they were foreign substances. Diabetes Type 2 is mainly related to metabolic and environmental factors.Sercarz also spoke of increasingly effective treatments against different types of malignant tumors, including breast and prostate tumors. A tireless researcher in autoimmunity and cancer, diabetes and multiple sclorosis, Sercarz is the director of the Torrey Pines Institute for Molecular Studies in California.This is his fourth time at the immunotherapy conference organized every two years by Havana’s Center of Molecular Immunology. The present conference is dedicated to research related to cancer, autoimmune diseases and the immune system.In recognizing the high scientific level of these events, Sercarz regretted the barriers imposed by the US blockade on Cuba, which he called "stupid" and "contradictory" and doesn’t allow for greater exchanges and a flow of US scientists to the island that would benefit both peoples.

La reconstrucción de Cuba tardará de dos a tres años
Se presenta un libro de Fidel Castro sobre la paz en Colombia coincidiendo con la publicación de la primera foto del líder cubano en varios meses
MAURICIO VICENT http://www.elpais.com/articulo/internacional/reconstruccion/Cuba/tardara/anos/elpepuintlat/20081112elpepuint_27/Tes,

CUBA: No Choice but to Adapt to Storms

AMBIENTE-CUBA: Adaptarse, única opción

Así actuamos los cubanos
A diferencia de Latinoamérica, Cuba alcanza los mayores niveles de evacuación cuando se acerca un ciclón lo cual contribuye a preservar las vidas humanas
Nuria Barbosa León, periodista de Radio Progreso y Radio Habana Cuba http://www.kaosenlared.net/noticia/asi-actuamos-los-cubanos,

El pensamiento educacional de Fidel y Raúl: guía para las nuevas generaciones

Cuba replaces foreign investment minister Lomas
HAVANA (AP) — Cuba replaced its foreign investment minister Wednesday in a high-profile Cabinet change, but did not explain the move.A statement read during the communist island's nightly newscast said the Communist Party's Politburo "decided to liberate" Marta Lomas from the position. It did not give a reason, and it was not clear if she will take on a new governmental role.She will be replaced by former U.N. Ambassador Rodrigo Malmierca, whom the statement praised as an experienced diplomat and leader.

Nota Oficial
El Consejo de Estado, a propuesta del Buró Político del Comité Central del Partido, acordó liberar del cargo de Ministra para la Inversión Extranjera y la Colaboración Económica a la compañera Marta Lomas Morales y en su lugar promover al compañero Rodrigo Malmierca Díaz, quien culminó exitosamente su misión como Embajador Permanente de Cuba ante la ONU.El compañero Rodrigo Malmierca Díaz es licenciado en Economía y ha ocupado importantes responsabilidades de dirección, todas con resultados positivos. Dentro del Ministerio para la Inversión Extranjera y la Colaboración Económica ha sido Especialista, Consejero Económico, Director y Viceministro.

Mil millones de hambrientos calcula la FAO para 2009
Marcos Alfonso Servicio Especial de la AIN
La noticia llegó desde Bruselas, Bélgica, cuando Jacques Diouf, director general de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO), pronosticó que para el año entrante ascenderían a mil millones las personas hambrientas en el mundo. http://www.ain.cu/2008/noviembre/13edhambrientos.htm,

¿Eliminan el igualitarismo salarial los llamados sistemas de pago por resultados?
¿Son efectivos?En el capitalismo, la fuerza de trabajo es una mercancía y el salario su precio.
Dr. Lázaro González Rodríguez

Cuba must give so it can reap

La tragedia haitiana

II Congreso Internacional ALBA inicia en Venezuela

Global impact
By Ignacio Ramonet From Le Monde Diplomatique

Venezuela repartirá gratuitamente el último libro de Ignacio Ramonet, La crisis del siglo

Los regímenes de centro-izquierda en América Latina y el colapso económico
James Petras

Latin American’s ‘New Left’ In Crises as the ‘Free Market’ Collapses

El Proyecto Censurado y América Latina: 32 años de dominación militarde Estados Unidos y de decepción económica (Parte III - Final)
Por: Nelson Calderon

Fake New York Times: 'Iraq War ends' http://www.swamppolitics.com/news/politics/blog/2008/11/fake_new_york_times_iraq_war_e.html,

Informática y nuevas tecnologías
¿Adicción a Internet?
El abuso de las nuevas tecnologías puede crear dependencia con peligrosas consecuencias para la salud mental de los usuarios, señalan investigaciones internacionales

88 Keys in Cuba
Filmmaker: Elizabeth Jones
Since Fidel Castro's Communist revolution six decades ago, Cuba has been on the frontline of an international power struggle.Crippled by a punitive trade embargo imposed by the United States in 1962 the Caribbean island was supported by the USSR. But when the Soviet Union collapsed economic aid dried up.Since then life has been hard for this outpost of communism to keep its people fed and watered.One thing that has helped sustain Cubans over the years is their love of music and the Russians helped establish a music education system which continues today.But not without some difficulty. The US trade embargo, coupled with a hot and humid climate, spells disaster for musical instruments, especially the piano, many of which are slowly dying.It is a serious problem that one visitor took to heart.Elizabeth Jones' film 88 Keys in Cuba examines how Irishman Ciaran Ryan was inspired to come to the rescue of the island’s pianos with money raised by the music community back home.

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